"My roommates and I live" to the national network ratings first, live attention to the first good results, a successful closing.

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Relying on this program, director Liu raised his eyebrows and puffed up at the fruit station. He had more confidence to speak with the leaders.

In recent years, he has been known as "variety Waterloo" and "poison of TV ratings in Taiwan". After this war, he completely got rid of his former humiliation.

Liu Dao, who is stingy, gives Ruan Tian a bigger red envelope in private.

Liu Daoshun gave Ruan Tian a big voice: "Tian, I think I performed very well this time. I decided to let me be the chief director of the new year's concert at the end of the year. I'll make a schedule with you first, and invite you to perform a singing and dancing program. 】


Ruan Tian's eyes glowed when she heard the singing and dancing. She was full of longing and asked, "can director Liu arrange some beautiful young brothers to dance with me? 】

with a wave of his hand, director Liu said, "how many do you want? Two is not enough, ten. 】

Ruan Tian is cheeky, ten is the best. 】

the performance of new year's guests has been decided verbally.

In fact, director Liu is selfish. He even wants to put Ruan Tian's program at the end. Now he is partial to Ruan Tian.

With half a year to go before the new year, Liu felt that he had to prepare for a rainy day and went to the leader of Taiwan in advance to talk about inviting Ruan Tian.

Why don't you just make up your mind about the leader's mind?

Liu Dao then confided his real idea, "I think about it, and think it's more appropriate to let Ruan Tian finish."

Taiwan leaders looked at him with that kind of "you're crazy" look, "what's the matter with you? You don't want to be the chief director. There are some people who will push you up. "

Director Liu said: "Ruan Tian is born with a red life. When you watch her plays and programs, they are very popular in our station, and the audience also like her very much. When the time comes, you can match her with a top class Xiaosheng to sing and dance together, and the audience will definitely crush her."

The leader of Taiwan is really thinking about it. After thinking about it, he said, "let's talk about it then."

Liu Dao had the bottom in his heart and went out of the office with a clear mind.


after the end of the variety show, Ruan Tian is still busy, almost every day in the crew.

Wang Baiyuan is just like he doesn't want to make progress. When waiting for the play, Wang Baiyuan will chat with Ruan Tian, "I heard that you grew up in the countryside?"

Sharp, impolite and with targeted questions, Ruan Tian felt very uncomfortable.

She drank water, ruthless: "none of your business."

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Wang Baiyuan was not annoyed. He shook his legs. When he was a child, he grew up in the countryside, playing pig grass and picking tea. He had a miserable life. So after he came to the city, he vowed to live a life of being superior to others.

The president will do whatever he looks like.

Life is about having fun.

With a clear ear, Ruan Tian continued to read the script to consolidate her lines.

Ruan Tian had very little ng at the beginning of filming, which saved a lot of things for the crew. There were almost three plays a day, which was not too strong compared with the upper part of Xianyuan.

Occasionally, she can have a day off in the group. If the man is not Wang Baiyuan, Ruan Tian thinks her crew life will be happier.

The crew is calm, and good news comes from Jiang Li. Ruan Tian's excellent performance in the film has brought her resources that she couldn't reach before.

There are several beauty products of luxury subsidiary companies come to talk about cooperation. Although the endorsement fee is not high, it is also a good opportunity to brush face.

Ruan Tian chose and finally decided on a second tier brand.

The endorsement fee is relatively reasonable, there is no hard unlocking requirement, and the treatment is also very good.

Jiang Lili was a little disappointed, "when can we receive Gao she's endorsement from Tiantian?"

Ruan Tianxin knew, "wait for me to be more popular?"

Jiang Li comforted himself and said, "I think the" fairy fate "broadcast in winter vacation will be a big hit."

This is also Ruan Tian's first TV play as a female leader.

Jiang Li thinks that Ruan Tian can become famous in the first World War, and is directly in the ranks of Xiaohua rather than in the waiting list.

Red or not, in this circle, are two completely different treatments.

Before Ruan Tian was acting as a stand in, she didn't even take the initiative to say hello to others.

"The student party should like the play."

Good script, good production.

The most important thing is, beautiful men and women, who met all love.

After the beauty endorsement was decided, Ruan Tian was caught in a rush to launch a new product on Valentine's day in August. She first took photos of the endorsement materials, and did a good job of confidentiality on the spot. No pictures were taken by the paparazzi.

This is Ruan Tian's first endorsement since her debut. Jiang Lili also contacted the president of Ruan Tian's fan support association and quietly revealed the news to her, which made the fans happy in advance.

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Doughnuts have their wallets ready. Although they are few, everyone will do their best to support their sister!Before the official announcement, Ruan Tian's endorsement materials were released by the melon owners with the flow of fans.

Ruan Tian's good things pierced the heart of sunspots, sunspots ridicule unreasonable, directly said Ruan Tian she licked the cake! She also has endorsements and things like that.

Doughnuts are not taking care, obediently guarding sister, waiting for the official announcement.

Who ever wanted to make a temporary change.

Zhao meng'er came from the earth. This time, she learned to be smart. She didn't fight Ruan Tian directly, but secretly.

At the end, he cut off the endorsement of Hu Ruan Tian and signed a contract with the brand at a low price.

Zhao meng'er is a villain. Can you expect her to be more conscious? She's just bad.

On the day of the official announcement, Zhao Menger forwarded the blog of the brand, biting: "thank you for the invitation of the brand, I'm honored to be the spokesperson of the brand. 】

this word is very vivid.

Doughnuts are dull. Isn't that their sister's endorsement!? What happened?

The trumpet of the president of the support association has blacked its head. Even if it is autistic, it has to come out to explain the whole story: [it was robbed at a low price. 】

the doughnuts cried and said that their sister was miserable.

The first endorsement was maliciously intercepted.

Zhao Menger has no heart.

The fans are deeply distressed. The sunspots are revived in situ, licking the cake one by one and breaking the dream. They also say that Ruan Tian was slapped in the face by the brand.

"Ruan Tian has sent out all her manuscripts. Ha ha, what can I do now? All the money is wasted."

"I've already figured out an excuse for fans to respect me. My sister's endorsement must have been robbed."

"Upstairs, you guessed right. I've seen her fans say that. I'm so happy."

Ruan Tian thinks she has an invincible temper, and she is really angry this time.

She's still a little sad.

It's a rare thing for her to have a good spokesperson.

Advertising materials she shot very carefully, but also ready to record an evaluation of the vlog, did not expect to now become so.

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Jiang Li was so angry that he scolded him in private and said, "a second-line brand is still doing so many things! And that Zhao meng'er, this kind of thing can really be done. "

"I'm waiting for them to sell."

Ruan Tian said: "I want to eat a small cake to calm my mood."

At ordinary times, Jiang Li does not necessarily agree to let her eat. If the female star is a little fat, it will be obvious on camera.

Today, she's very generous, "eat, eat chunks."

After dinner, Ruan Tian half dead went downstairs to the cake shop to buy cakes, picked four or five different flavors of small cakes at one go and packed them away.

pushed the glass shop door open, and he stood quietly under the Wutong tree under the street, white shirt, light jeans, and gently loused two circles around his ankle.

The light was dim at night, and Ruan Tian was in a trance for a moment.

The youth's pure and dazzling appearance is like Shen Hui in high school.

Ruan Tian used to be obsessed with Shen Hui's school uniform. After class, the boy leaned lazily against the railings of the corridor and talked with other students with a gentle smile.

She came back, and huaimo had come to her.

The young boy said frankly and sweetly, "I miss you."

Ruan Tian really can't hold him, especially in his pure school dress.

Huaimo eyes focused, looking at her side face, the girl's neck slender white, diffuse light aroma, he said: "I was sick a few days ago, did not dare to come to you, afraid to infect you."

"After I get well, the person I want to see most is you."

Ruan Tian, a girl who has never been in love, is really flushed by her younger brother.

But she really only regards huaimo as a brother who needs to be taken care of.

Ruan Tian reluctantly calm, slowly raised his head, "huaimo."

She scratched her hair, thought about the wording, and said, "well, don't waste your time on me."

Huaimo reached out and hugged her waist. He seemed to like the gesture of hugging. "It doesn't matter. It's OK for Tiantian to treat me as your brother."

He stepped back.

Don't push too hard.

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Otherwise, like his father, it would be bad to force people to death.

Ruan Tian is the only one who brings warmth to him in the world.

Huaimo likes her fragrance and likes to see her smile.

I just wanted to hide her.

If he can't, it's better to protect her.

Ruan Tian thinks that huaimo may not be the love between men and women, or the chick plot, and takes her as a warm support.

It was a relief to her.

Huaimo once again stepped into Ruan Tian's home, rubbed a meal, many days of fatigue and irritability, at this moment has been eased.

He didn't overstep every step and offered to leave before seven o'clock.

Just before parting, he hugged Ruan Tian and whispered in her ear, "no one can bully you."Ruan Tian sighs that huaimo is probably the only beautiful boy around her who can speak.

She said she was very pleased!

Later, Ruan Tian ate five small cakes at a time, and her depressed mood was a little better. Then she accepted her fate and ran around the basketball court downstairs for 20 laps.

She's a fast-moving person.

They don't accept their fate, do what they can, never admit defeat, never compromise, and strive to seize all opportunities.

I firmly believe that it's her turn to soar.

Ruan Tian was sweating. She went home to take a bath and changed into her pajamas. She sat on the bed and meditated for a moment. She was not angry and I was not angry.

It's no use just reciting for a while.

She found herself still angry.

Ruan Tian looked at the comments on Weibo that mocked her for licking cakes and said, "why the hell should I suffer this kind of crime?! What's all this for?!

Ruan Tian pondered for a moment, and then he consulted a free lawyer online.

Half an hour later, Ruan Tian impolitely sent a paragraph to directly sue the second-line beauty brand for violating the contract, asking for an apology, and at the same time announcing that she would not have any cooperation with the company and its parent company.

Ruan Tian has a good temper.

Sue! I'll sue you!

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