This kind of low-cost cutting Hu temporary replacement is not without examples in the circle. Ruan Tian is probably the first one who is hard and firm with the brand Fangtou.

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Jiang Li's eyes darkened when he saw the news. Ruan Tian's practice of tearing the skin was tantamount to tearing with the brand side, which was very unfriendly to the follow-up of her endorsement.

Generally, I can bear it, but I have to bear it if I can't.

Jiang Li is in a mess. He doesn't know how to explain to his colleagues in the public relations department.

After Ruan Tian made the statement, the person in charge of the brand side was also stunned, and then his heart was occupied by a kind of anger.

They look up to Ruan Tian already? Even if you dare to put your nose on your face, you won't cooperate? Don't think about it. Can Ruan Tian, the spokesperson of their head office, reach her? It's so much better than heaven, and life is thinner than paper!

PS: at present, the headquarters of the company has no intention to cooperate with Ms. Ruan Tian, and I don't think it will happen in the future. 】

he dares to say that he regards Ruan Tian as a bullying little actor. No matter how much she dares to announce the contract.

How to say.

Ruan Tian really hasn't seen such a brazen person for a long time.

It's worse than the group acting chief who owes her stand in salary before!

Zhao meng'er thinks that things are not big enough, so he likes it.

This thing is really not good-looking, the two dialects argument can not hold, Ruan Tian was ridiculed some ruthless.

[Ruan Tian's face is pretty ugly. There are so many people who come into contact with the brand. Is it hard for everyone to sign a contract? She may have gone with the wind just a little bit, endorsement to sign a contract to set the OK? 】

[this elder sister is really funny. Does she know the first-line beauty brands in this headquarters? Cut off the business road and be the first one. 】

[how are the doughnuts? Don't be so hard mouthed, just lie down and laugh. 】

Ruan Tian didn't have time to watch people quarrel on the Internet, so she found a lawyer to take over the case at her own expense, and asked Jiang Lili to take photos of their signed contract. She really dares to type the code, Po on the home page.

Crisp, never tardy style, see Leng a large group of people.

As soon as the contract comes out, the so-called "no negotiation" of the brand side will not hold water, and the two eyes in charge of popularity will be dazed. Does Ruan Tian want to mix up in the future!? Is she so aggressive?!

At the same time, Qin's film and Huanshi entertainment announced that no other artists in the two companies would cooperate with them, and their previous contracts were terminated.

These two big companies occupied the powerful actors and popular traffic in the entertainment circle, almost immediately confused the person in charge, and looked at Ruan Tian's background again.

Isn't she just a rising artist!? Is there anything else I can't do? This proportion of video also attaches importance to her attitude, so that the person in charge is confused.

Netizens can still understand Qin's film industry. After all, Ruan Tian is an artist of their company. It seems that it's OK to maintain some of them.

But Huanshi entertainment is here to join in the fun?! Is the former landlady treated so well?

Ruan Tian's picture of being driven out by the front desk of Huanshi is still fresh in my mind. Isn't it right.

[it's said that this second-line brand can be a demon. It also slanders artists when changing people. It's blatant lying. It's thick skinned to a certain extent. 】

[Tiantian is very unjust in this matter. She was bullied because she didn't have enough coffee seats. 】

[it can be seen that Zhao meng'er and Ruan Tian are on the same level. Who is going to fight Baihe with me! 】

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[go upstairs, get out of here!!! 】

[when the case is solved, Shen Hui puts down his position and pursues his wife. Qin Yuhao throws a thousand dollars to coax his lover, criticizing Ruan Tian's good life. 】

Zhao Menger, who is hiding behind the cable, is so angry with her.

However, she is indomitable and firm on the road of being a demon. She wants to beat Ruan Tian down on the road of becoming popular in the entertainment circle.

After hearing that Huanshi entertainment had helped her stand on the street, Ruan Tian had no feeling at all.

It doesn't mean anything to her that it's not good at the right time.

Ruan Tian continues to work hard in the production group. Shen Hui and the investors seem to know each other, and occasionally come to the scene to have a look. She doesn't disturb her or feel bored.

He seemed to know her itinerary and when she was on holiday.

Shen Hui always wears a pure white T-shirt, simple casual pants and short hair with neat trim.

He has a very good figure, narrow waist, wide shoulder, a pair of long legs. Standing in the dazzling sunlight, Ruan Tian sometimes looks dazzled. It seems that this person in front of him is gradually coincident with the beautiful Xueba who was hard to get close to in his school uniform a long time ago.

Ruan Tian is really upset by Shen Hui. But he only appears occasionally and never takes the initiative to talk to her. Let alone disturb her, she has no reason to ask him to go away.

On the Valentine's day of the lunar calendar, Ruan Tian was on holiday. She went to the amusement park alone. After wearing a mask, she looked like an ordinary person. No one recognized her, and no one was around to sign her name.Ruan Tian feels very free.

She spent a lot of money to buy a ten yuan cone. Sitting in front of the carousel, her mobile phone was buzzing. Shen Hui called her patiently.

Ruan sweet low Mou saw an eye name, PA of a voice to shut down.

This is Ruan Tian's second visit to the amusement park. She has only played the carousel, and she only dares to play this project.

After eating a whole cone, Shen Hui blocks Ruan Tian's way as she gets up to buy a ticket.

Ruan Tian didn't know how he found it.

It's amazing.

Shen Hui's breath was a little panting. His forehead was wet with sweat. His white face was facing her. He swallowed his throat and said, "I'll buy the ticket."

Ruan Tian said to his thin back: "Shen pardon, I begged you to chase you before. You should be angry and continue to be the cold man, OK?"

Pester her.

She's upset, too!

Single men and few women! It's not good to hear!

How can she find five boyfriends after her bad reputation!

Shen Hui stopped and turned around. He pursed his lips and said nothing.

Ruan Tian will not beat around the Bush, some words directly can let people on the spot.

She scratched her head, "in fact, now think about me before is really no skin no face very humble, you gave me, accompanied me to an amusement park."

"It's like Christmas, isn't it? I gave my Zhou Xiaoqiao blood, you are willing to accompany me to play once. "

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"In fact, at that time, I was not very willing, because the needle in the hospital was too painful."

And it's as if everyone feels it.

What you lost is a little blood, what she lost is life!

Ruan Tian was not kidnapped by Zhou Xiaoqiao's life. At that time, she only compromised for Shen Hui's love.

A dull pain hit Shen Hui's chest. When he breathed, it was as if he had inhaled soft needles in his throat.

His face gradually white down, a cold and arrogant, was hit by the half left.

Shen Hui's thumbs curled up. Only when he was relieved did he have the strength to walk towards the ticket office.

Shen only bought a ticket, fingertip white, gently in front of her hand, "to play."

Ruan Tian took the ticket and looked up at him, "I'll transfer the money to you later."

This is not as polite as a stranger's words, which poked into Shen Xun's heart.

Shen Hui slowly closed his eyes and looked tense. He was on the edge of the outbreak. Suddenly, he grabbed her arm fiercely. His eyes were red with seven points of cold light.

Ruan Tian was startled by him and thought he was going to strangle himself.

Shen Hui looked at her empty eyes, wooden, without his existence, he suddenly could not say anything.

Shen Hui gradually relaxed his trembling hand, "forget it."

Ruan Tian feels that she is still very kind. She turns her back on Shen Hui and tears up the ticket he bought.

She didn't play any sports. After a walk, she went back home.

The induction light on the fifth floor in the corridor of the community is broken.

No one came to fix it.

It is reasonable to say that this kind of high-end residential area should be in place.

When Ruan Tian passed the security booth, she wrote down the number of the property and went upstairs by phone.

Qin Yu leaned lazily at her door, as if waiting for her here.

Ruan Tian was frightened by Qin Yu's smiling eyes. She was afraid of Qin Yu.

On weekdays, I only dare to fight with him when his mood is OK.

When the man was in a bad mood, Ruan Tian couldn't wait to get as far as he could.

Qin Yu is a real lunatic.

Shen Hui never played with her during the double tour of the amusement park. When Ruan Tian came down from the pirate ship, she couldn't find Shen Hui's person.

She sat on the bench and cried, crying and going home.

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To the door of the house, very unlucky ran into the nerve of Qin Yu.

As soon as Qin was mad, he caught her and bit her. He pressed her against her shoulder, put her in the corner where there was no street light, smoked a cigarette, squeezed her chin, forced her to open her mouth, and then he kissed her.

Seeing that she choked tears, Qin Yu burst into laughter. He pulled the corners of his mouth slightly and stared at her face with black eyes. He asked casually, "is dating fun?"

Ruan Tian felt that Qin Yu's eyes were similar to those of that night.

I guess I'm in a state of insanity again.

She clenched her finger and said, "please get out of the way."

Qin Yu stood in front of the door, motionless, "where is it?"

Ruan Tian pretended to be shy and went on a date with her little boyfriend

Qin Yu hissed and didn't believe it at all.

He waved to Ruan Tian, "come here."

Ruan Tian ignored him.Qin met the first two steps, cold fingers on her neck, "don't move."

Ruan Tian thought that he was going to break her neck!?

Can't you go to the madhouse? Really speechless.

Qin Yu didn't know where to find a necklace. He bullied her and put it on her neck.

"Happy Valentine's day," he said

Ruan Tian was frightened.

She was silent for a moment. "My little boy friend is young and in good health. I'm really happy."

Do you hear me! I have a boyfriend! Take the necklace away!

Qin Yu's eyes were a few degrees colder.

Ruan Tian pointed to the necklace around her neck and began to pull: "Mr. Qin, are you pursuing me now?"

She looked at Qin Yu with regret, and then said, "I'm too good, you don't deserve me."

Get out of here.

Get out of here.

Get out of here.

After Ruan Tian finished speaking, she pushed Qin Yu away with a single effort and slammed him out of the house.


Valentine's Day is a mess.

After that, Ruan Tian's luck got better. Jiang Lili didn't expect anything from her endorsement resources.

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As a result, Tianjiang pancake almost failed to stun both of them.

Ues group found Ruan Tian and said it would talk with her about the cooperation of global spokesmen.

Ues group's numerous luxury items include watches, bags, jewelry and so on. The cheapest watches cost 500000 yuan.

It used to be a big foreign enterprise, which was acquired by a domestic enterprise a few years ago.

It's very difficult to win one of the branch endorsements alone. The title of global spokesperson is even the most popular team.

Ruan Tian repeatedly confirmed that they did not find the wrong person?

Her weak heart could not bear to be cut off again.

Who knows the other party directly transferred the eight figure endorsement fee to her account, very sincerely said: "we really want to cooperate with Miss Ruan, the contract term is two years."

Ues is huaijia's industry, or a company that is not valued by huaijia.

Jiang Li knows, but she didn't tell Ruan Tian. Let her sweet baby be a happy little fool.

They really don't deserve such amazing resources at present.

Backstage. It's amazing.

It is reasonable to say that ues, a large professional company, is unlikely to leak secrets ahead of time.

But huaimo deliberately wanted to raise the sedan chair for Ruan Tian and let the wind go ahead of time.

On the night of Ruan Tian nodding and signing the contract, a high-rise building with more than ten thousand replies rose from the ground.

[I've been eating melons for many years. Today, I'm going to give back to my sisters. Two character actress, ues global spokesperson, the endorsement fee is eight figures and 50 million. Tomorrow morning, it will be officially announced at 10 o'clock. 】

the top 20 replies only have the five words of "lying in the trough, fake bar".

In the first 500 replies, no one guessed Ruan Tian.

They almost looked through all the female stars in the entertainment industry, but they still couldn't find a clue.

504l: more specific?

505l: if you put fake melons, your family will be hit and killed by a car.

506l: don't be a whore and be chaste again. It's so explosive, just say your name!!!

Landlord: after the ninth five year plan, I divorced and got the best female match in TV series. It's obvious enough.

Before that, the people who were still interested in playing you guess I guess games immediately lost their interest.

In the whole entertainment circle, the only one who meets the above conditions is Ruan Tian.

1029l: This is ues group, not miniso.

1030l: it's a melon made by the landlord. Let's play with it.

Forcing the global spokesperson of such a high-profile brand to invite a lukewarm actress is a strange thing for them to think about with their feet.

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