This endorsement melon is as shocking as Ruan Tian's beating Wang Baiyuan on the set.

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It's hard for the film queen to get the endorsement and the eight figure endorsement fee. No matter from which aspect, this person can't be Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian is a person who doesn't even have the main star drama. Why should she? That's not what a fool dreams of.

After the owner of the building revealed that it was Ruan Tian, the melon eaters in the building were merciless, and the golden sentences appeared frequently.

3457l: as far as I can imagine, Li Dong, who just won the international film queen at that time, has been in touch for a long time, but still failed to get the full line spokesperson, just got the title of regional spokesperson.

3458l: naridon and Ruan Tianbi are insulting

3459l: you have discussed so many things. You don't have any real information. Didn't you know it for a long time? One by one, it's Ruan Tian who's making a fool of himself.

3460l: I advise fans not to feel real. This cake can't belong to your family. You can go back to sleep.

Doughnuts, after the last blow, are terrified of the news.

After seeing the screenshot, the support Committee refuted the rumor directly in the group, "false, don't believe the messy news outside, concentrate on waiting for the sweet boy to kill."

And the fans didn't feel lost because they didn't believe it.

At 10 o'clock the next morning, the full name UESL group Weibo officially released: @ Ruan Tian, let's explore the world of jewelry with the new global spokesperson of UESL ~

magic makes people think they are dreaming.

There was a thunder on the ground, which made everyone confused.

I've seen it for several times. It's really the official blog of UESL, the luxury group. It's the top luxury brand in the legend that it takes a long time to investigate the stars.

Gao Leng's group of famous international brands that star @ he didn't bring back were quietly won by Ruan Tian?

Doughnuts are also ignorant, even forget to control the comments.

Hello to Yishui.


"Am I still awake?"

"Is it really Chinese actress Ruan Tian?"

"This resource is going to heaven. It's no wonder she just got up after she won such a big endorsement without any achievements."

Ruan Tian's microblog went online, and Jiang Li asked her to follow and forward UESL's microblog.

Ruan Tian thought hard, but didn't think of any suitable words. She just made a look.

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The doughnut cheered and praised her in the comments:

"our sister is promising."

"Sweet boy is making a lot of money this time! I'm very glad to hear that! "

"Sister, keep on rushing. Don't worry about sour chicken."

She still feels very unreal.

The endorsement fee of 50 million yuan made Ruan sweetheart puzzled that I was so valuable.

However, when she signed the contract with the company that year, it was set at 50%.

That is to say.

This 50 million will be divided into 25 million to Qin Yu, the dog thief!

Ruan Tian is going to have a heart attack.

This endorsement really surprised people in the circle. Some business resources are really hard to get.

In addition to a good relationship with the brand in the early stage, it also needs a long time of contact and investigation. None of them is Ruan Tian's direct arrival.

People in the circle inquired around, but few knew the inside story. In the end, they only thought that it was because of Qin's strong support for Ruan Tian that they gave her the best resources of the company.

Or bet that Ruan Tian's "Xianyuan" broadcast in the winter break will become a national blockbuster and bet ahead of time.

It will only take a few days for the people who go down from huaimo to the bottom to do it well.

Huaimo really likes Ruan Tian.

Like to cannot extricate oneself.

He also knows that it's not normal for him to fall in love with someone.

More violent and unreasonable than usual.

He tried to learn to be a person Ruan Tian might like.

Get close to her, make her defenseless, and finally eat her.

Huaimo's grandfather is worried about his grandson's present state.

The more normal he behaves, the more sick he gets.

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Huaimo's work is not very hidden. Qin Yu knows that huaimo is probably targeting Ruan Tian and has done a lot for her in private.

To Qin Yu's annoyance, Ruan Tian didn't resent the little rabbit.

In Qin Yu's opinion, huaimo is no better than him.

Crows are generally black in the world. Everyone's hands are not clean, and they are not good things.

So he really didn't understand why Ruan Tian was so kind to huaimo. Every time he saw him, it was the same as a mouse saw a cat.

For several days, the atmosphere in Qin's high-rise office building was not very good.

The boss is in a bad mood. He glances at you coldly with cold sweat on his forehead.Depressed office atmosphere, pressure others breathless.

When Qin Yu saw Ruan Tian on the front page of entertainment weekly, the atmosphere broke out.

The whole layout of version a is a picture of Ruan Tian and Shen Hui in the amusement park.

The angle is very ambiguous. Both of them hold their heads down. Shen Hui pulls her wrist. The picture looks like a kiss.

Qin Yu Qi's straight smile, the smile at the end of his eyes was cold, and his face was ferocious.

After the Secretary knocked on the door and came in, he carefully handed over the documents in his hand. "All these need your signature."

Qin Yu didn't look at it. His voice was very low. "Get ready for the car and go to the suburbs of Beijing."

The Secretary hesitated, "what's the matter with you going to Beijing suburb? Here's the file... "

Qin met Lengleng and gave him a squint. "I said prepare the car. Can't you understand people's words?"

The Secretary shut up immediately.

Ruan Tian didn't play this morning. She woke up at seven or eight o'clock in the morning and went to the nearby supermarket to buy a la carte. At noon, she was ready to make a delicious meal for herself.

The sudden Qin Yu upset her whole plan.

The two expressionless bodyguards on the edge of the corridor showed his ostentation and blocked her way.

Qin Yu stared at her face, half mocking and half satirizing, "on Valentine's day, you went to the amusement park with Shen Hui?"

Ruan Tian's eyes were calm, "Qin Yu, what are you angry about?"

"I don't understand. Why are you so devoted to him? Haven't you had enough of his dislike? Can't you see anyone else in your eyes if you can't find them in a hurry? " Qin Yu pinched her wrists and pushed her to the wall.

Ruan Tian's back was close to the wall, a little cold. She looked into Qin Yu's eyes without fear and asked, "other people, are you talking about you?"

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Ruan Tian is very reluctant to have a conflict with Qin, even if he can't speak.

As soon as she realized that she was the girl in the book, she felt that Qin Yu was the infatuated man who was responsible for picking up the villains.

Ruan Tian looked up at Qin Yu's eyes.

He has beautiful eyebrows.

Ruan sweetheart thought that he would rather see a dog than Qin Yu.

She opened her mouth and said, "you have taken the lead in bullying me since I transferred to another school.

maybe you don't think you have gone too far, but you have become the one who took the lead in isolating me. You read my love letters and my math scores. You pick on me everywhere. You don't want to attract my attention. You just take me as a pastime. "

"I didn't hate you that much at first, but you really, really went too far."

Ruan Tian felt that she had to treat the water in Qin Yu's mind today.

His three outlooks are distorted.

Ruan Tian waved Qin Yu's hand, and she continued: "you sent me a can of candy, I like to eat sweet, so in fact, I was very happy that time, but you said a word when I opened the sugar can, peeled off the sugar paper and ate one of them -"

"you told Shen Xuan that I was like a little beggar, who wanted everything."

"So I disgust you."

"Qin Yu, I really disgust you."

Ruan Tian sighed for a long time and finally said what she thought.

What a cool word.

She's going to scold him! You poor bastard!

Qin Yu didn't want to continue to listen. The discomfort brought by the word "disgust" almost made him unable to stand.

This is what he once did.

He didn't think so at that time, but now he has to pay back everything.

Ruan Tian was stubborn at that time and refused to bow his head. He was like a demon, trying to force her to look at herself and force her to give up.

He suddenly went crazy. "You disgust me? Well, if you retaliate, if you beat me and scold me, you can also humiliate me. Why do you have to go back to Shen Hui!? Will you die without him in your life? "

Ruan Tian took it.

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Sure enough, I can't communicate with psycho!

**! I made up with your mother!!!

I don't like writing.

Qin Yu shakes off her hand and stares at the bodyguard beside her with bloodshot eyes, "give me the stick."

There was no movement.

Qin Yu's voice suddenly became severe, "give it to me!"

The bodyguard handed the stick to him.

Qin Yu thrust the stick into Ruan Tian's hand and said in a loud voice, "come on, hit me, hit me in the face. How unhappy you were before. You vent your anger on me. Come back with your humiliation and do it!"

Ruan Tian made two noises.

Four big words jump into my mind - Qin Yu is crazy.

This is what Qin Yu asked for. A kind man should do whatever he asks for!

Ruan Tian really kicked his feet, like a ruthless killer, "get out of here!"

Qin Yu's voice is hoarse, and his leg is hurt by Ruan Tian's kick. He seems to suddenly calm down and pull the corners of his mouth, saying: "if you break ties with Shen Hui, I will kill him."Shen is too old to worry about.

Qin Yu had better do what he says. If he doesn't kill him, he's not human!

What Qin met was Ruan Tian's closing door.

Ruan Tian sent a message to Qin An: "your brother is crazy. Pick him up quickly, or I will call the police. 】

Qin An's message in a second: "call the police. 】

Ruan Tian: [??? 】

Qin An's fear of his brother was not developed in a day.

His brother is terrible.

After that day, Qin Yu was more presumptuous and aggressive.

In the afternoon of the next day, a staff member of the video website jumped out and revealed that [after receiving the notice, Qin's film company went down in person and began to block all CP videos of Ruan Tian and Shen Hui on our website. 】

[and what my good sisters told me was that it wasn't Ruan Tian's insinuation that Qin met his superior imperial concubine, it was the young master Qin who refused to let go, and the lawyers sent out twice to force Ruan Tian to terminate the contract. 】

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