Ruan Tian and Qin Yu had more than one lawsuit to terminate their contract. The first lawsuit ended in a tragic defeat, and the prosecution rejected all her demands.

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Ruan Tian is stubborn. Even though she was poor and embarrassed, she still insisted on using all her savings to hire a lawyer. She refused to accept the first trial and continued to file a lawsuit. She continued to lose the second trial until she couldn't fight a lawsuit again.

Ruan Tian couldn't afford to hire a better lawyer at that time, so she reluctantly hired a Mengxin lawyer who had just been admitted to work. It's not surprising that they ended up in a tragic defeat against Qin's powerful elite lawyer team.

The video website staff's disclosure was verified at 6 p.m. that night, and all the CP videos of Shen Ruan and his wife were taken off the shelves.

CPF of Shen Ruan's husband and wife cried loudly. Their family had no more!

Kill them all! Not a single inch of land.

Men's jealousy how so terrible.

They carefully nest in a small group, and the whole group is full of abusive voice -

"Qin Yu, you are not a man."

"Qin Yu, tear down people, heaven strikes thunder!"

"Qin Yu, you can't get a wife after you are so careful."

"But the thought that our sister didn't even look at Qin Yu makes me happy again. I believe Shen Ruan and his wife will be the one who will win in the end."

In the eyes of those who don't mean well, Ruan Tian is the scheming female star who seduces the president. Then Qin Yu's strong means of killing CP also convinced some people. Maybe these young masters don't have eyes and take a fancy to her?!

Ruan doughnut wind review is really general, but her man margin is really the best one in the entertainment industry, CP physique is also unique.

There are several men who have been rumored.

@Did Tiantian reply to me today: "I found that tianzai is a strange woman who comes out after marriage and works again after divorce."

"One by one, she's bewitched. I want to tell the smelly men that my sister will never stay for anyone. Please stop."

"I've got a real fox."

"I don't want to admit that they are fighting for my sister, but I'm really happy. I hope my sister will keep cool and spend money on buying a house."

Ruan Tian once buried himself in the crew, he did not show up much, and he did not see the news on the Internet.

In less than a month, Xie Wanzhuan should be finished.

In October, the sun is in the air every day. People who are exposed to the sun feel dizzy, and their thick costumes are stuffy and hot.

Every so often, Ruan Tian asked her assistant to buy water and invite the whole crew to drink to avoid heatstroke.

She is a good person, and she has no airs. The whole crew likes her very much, and even the group actors have a good impression on her.

Wang Baiyuan couldn't stand Ruan Tian's style. She didn't want to drink the water or drink she sent.

Wang Baiyuan is really speechless. What kind of good man does Ruan Tian pretend to be? Who can buy water and drinks for! She just wanted to please everyone, and then sent out a draft to pull on him, the hero who did nothing. She was really clever.

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In order to avoid the midday sun, the production team delayed to three o'clock in the afternoon. This is a fight play.

Wang Baiyuan set up a reclining chair in front of the air conditioner. He lay comfortably on the chair to blow cold air. On his left hand side, he put the ice shake peach he just bought for his assistant. He leisurely watched his mobile phone brush video. When he was thirsty, he gave his assistant a look, and immediately someone would send a straw to his mouth.

Ruan Tiangang sat down, Wang Baiyuan lazily raised his eyelids, snorted from his nose, "Oh, I think you are addicted to acting a good man."

Ruan Tian sipped the warm water. She didn't understand what Wang Baiyuan was stimulated by, and her words were inexplicable.

She looked at him and said, "Wang Baiyuan, do you know what you look like now?"

The man raised his head from the front of the mobile phone screen, still crossing his legs, and asked suspiciously, "what?"

Ruan Tian smile, "like a high paraplegia, lying in bed life can not take care of the disabled."

Other people on the scene could not help laughing, because Ruan Tian's description was really vivid.

Wang Baiyuan got angry and sat up, staring at Ruan Tian's face with angry eyes, "roll, roll, don't talk to me!"

It's killing him. It's killing him.

It's hard to beat but hard to scold.

I didn't expect that he was such a malignant tumor in the entertainment circle who relied on backstage bullying. He was really wronged One day in the crew!

Ruan Tianguo never talked to Wang Baiyuan again. After shooting, Ruan Tian put down the script.

The director asked casually, "today, you recite a lot of lines?"

Ruan nodded, "it's cooked."

She has a quick brain and a good memory. It's not difficult for Ruan Tian to recite her lines. Unlike an actor in the same group, she can't remember lines with more than five sentences.

On hearing this, the director narrowed his eyes and began to smile, "not bad, Ruan Tian. You are the best actor I've ever met to remember lines. Play well. "Most of the directors are directing some vulgar dramas with bad professional quality.

Some over the top stars never remember their lines. They just talk nonsense and wait for later dubbing.


At the beginning, the director didn't really look forward to the play. When he came, he was in the mood of "I can clap casually", "I just came to earn money to support my family" and "I have a fart relationship with my shooting".

On the first day of shooting, the man and woman had a fight with each other, and he was even less hopeful.

This is a magic, no magic crew.

Who knows, Ruan Tian has been diligent in the past two months, more serious than his director.

The director felt more shame than ever before.

Actors are so hard, why doesn't he work hard!

Under the stimulation of Ruan Tian, the director gradually became interested in the play.

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As for Wang Baiyuan.

He doesn't matter!

He is a waste from the beginning to the end, just come to the old age quietly, anyway, there is not much drama.

The impact is small and can be solved.

Wang Baiyuan was suspended in the air, which is one of his few plays.

He is hanged a little impatient, his skin is tender flesh, was sunburned how to do? Is the crew worthy?

When Wang Baiyuan's temper was about to break out, the director said, "all departments will check it again for the last time and shoot it immediately when they are ready."

This is a fierce drama of the conflict between male and female masters. In order to keep the female master who yearns for the world, the male master decides to stop her and discard her martial arts.

Ruan Tian was speechless when she saw the script.

Just It turns out that the overlord forced love. Is it so popular!

She just thinks it's a damn good idea.

Wang Baiyuan looked at Ruan Tian, who was also exposed to the sun. He was in a good mood. He said with some pride, "I'll let you play for a while, so that you won't be beaten and cried by me."

Ruan Tian raised her eyes and sneered twice, "do I need you to let me? Don't put gold on your face. "

Wang Baiyuan can't wait to start.

The director started on his walkie talkie.

The man stood on the roof of the eaves, pale as a fierce ghost. He looked at the weak woman, "my king said that if you run again, you will lose your cultivation, so that you can't leave me all your life."

Let's go.

He flew down and swept straight at her.

At the critical moment, Wang Baiyuan's cold face suddenly became frightened and ran into Ruan Tian. Then he fell on the ground again.

With a click, Wang Baiyuan showed his teeth in pain and cried, "fuck! Are you trying to kill me? My legs, my face, my waist

The staff swarmed in, especially the four or five assistants with Wang Baiyuan, one by one, "brother, are you ok? Does it hurt? See if you can still stand up? "

Wang Baiyuan burst into a rage, "I'm going to die, you still let me stand up."

His voice, sharp and harsh, is really noisy.

Assistant temper is not small, turned to the other people roared: "don't call an ambulance, don't see my brother now what kind of?"? If he doesn't feel better, you can't feel better! "

Wang Baiyuan didn't fall so hard. Ruan Tian helped him block a wave of buffering.

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He stood up slowly with the help of the people. His waist and legs were all right, but his hand seemed to be dislocated.

Even if Wang Baiyuan was regarded as the ancestor, he was still forced to give up.

It's like a man with an incurable disease who's making a lot of noise.

Ruan Tian walked over and said, "shut up."

Wang Baiyuan was bluffed by her all of a sudden, and really stopped her voice.

Ruan Tian raised his arm, "let me help you have a look."

These words in Wang Baiyuan's ear have the same effect as "I'll kill you now".

Wang Baiyuan retreated in horror, "Ruan Tian, what do you want to do?"

Ruan Tian held his dislocated hand and did not answer.

Wang Baiyuan's tears of pain flew straight away, making a big noise, "what do you want to do!? You let go of me, let go of me, I'm killing you. Are you like murdering me! Help! Help me, this crazy woman is sick again. "

He stares at his assistants who dare not come up behind Ruan Tian, "are you dead? She's going to kill me and you don't care! Ah, go back and I'll drive you. Ah, fuck you. "

"Ruan Tian! Sweet! Sister Ruan! I'm wrong. Please forgive me

"Ruan Tian, do you hear me! Do you hear me! Help, help

Ruan Tian found the right position, another click, put his dislocated hand back.

Wang Baiyuan only felt a sharp pain, and then his arm healed.

His face was like eating shit.Silent for a long time, pinching and wriggling said: "can you say it in advance?"

He was scared to death.

Almost didn't scare him out.

In addition to his arm, Wang Baiyuan was not hurt, but he insisted on going to the ambulance to go to the hospital for a physical examination and staying in the hospital for two days.

It's a big or small thing to get into an ambulance in a movie city.

As soon as the ambulance left, there was a rumor that Ruan Tian and Wang Baiyuan were fighting again! Ruan Tian directly put Wang Baiyuan into the hospital this time.

It's a lesson from the past, plus the video of the ambulance driving into the studio.

Most people believe it.

"I declare this news one of the top 100 hilarious news of the year."

"What else can they do besides fighting?"

"Dangerous speech, they can also fight in bed..."

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"Wow, Wang Baiyuan is defeated by Ruan Tian. Ruan Jie is really good."

"Oh, my God, do the people above have any conscience? They all put people in the hospital. Do you still boast? I think Ruan Tian has a violent tendency! "

"Is Wang Baiyuan OK?"!? Tear her, take out the previous domineering, kill Ruan Tian! I firmly support you. "

Wang Baiyuan in the hospital to do a comprehensive physical examination, nothing, even no skin.

The doctor told him to go back where he came from.

He's like a repeater. "Do I really have to stay in the hospital? Really not? "

The doctor didn't have time to toss with him. After writing the case list, he said while walking: "your body is very healthy, there is no problem."

Wang Baiyuan pointed to his arm, "is my arm OK? It's just broken. "

"No, it's just dislocated, and it's in the right place."


Wang Baiyuan went back to the hotel where the crew stayed, tossed and turned in bed for a long time, then got up and knocked on the door next door.

Ruan Tian opened the door and saw that it was him. He didn't even think about it. He was about to close the door. Wang Baiyuan was furious. "What do you mean?"

He didn't bother to argue with her, raised his proud chin and said, "thank you today."

Ruan Tian: "Oh."

Oh? She's so cold? Shouldn't she be grateful to make friends with him now?

Wang Bai went back to his room.

The news that he was beaten into the hospital has spread on a small scale.

Zhao meng'er has been staring at Ruan Tian's news all the time, and he likes a blog post very smoothly -

[@ entertainment star gossip: Wang Baiyuan is so miserable. He was bullied by Ruan Tian in the crew like that. I hope Ruan Tian won't bully others any more. 】

Wang Baiyuan looked at his mobile phone and gave a cold smile.

He knew that these people were waiting for him and Ruan Tian to fight each other, so they could take advantage of each other!

Good idea!

Dream about it.

It happened that a reporter called him to verify the truth of the matter. Wang Baiyuan pretended to be pure, "what he said on the Internet is false. I have a good relationship with Tiantian. She buys me water every day, and we often have dinner together in private."

The reason why Zhao meng'er stares at Ruan Tian is not only that she has suffered several losses from her, but also that the two of them are going to hit each other in the same period or the same theme of the TV series they are going to broadcast on TV.

Either she's red.

Or Ruan Tianda.

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