Shen Hui dreams of him and Ruan Tian hiding in the cave, and dreams of her tears.

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She cried very sad, and he looked very sad.

Depressed heart like a big stone.

When I woke up, I didn't know when the pillow was half wet.

Shen Hui was sitting on the bed, with the ticket of the carousel torn up by Ruan Tian and thrown into the garbage can by the lamp.

He did not expect that one day he would go to the garbage can.

Shen Hui is like a pervert. He sticks the tickets well and keeps them at the head of the bed.

But every time he saw this ticket, he would feel very funny.

The promise to accompany her to the amusement park was also clearly priced, with 500 ml of her blood to return.

But Shen Hui didn't see her as someone who would cry and hurt. He looked at the eyes of the needle in her blood vessel and was indifferent.

At that time, I didn't feel her red eyes.

He didn't even play a project with her, not even a qualified companion.

He remembers that when Ruan Tian was stealing a boat in Shanghai, he bought him ice cola and gave him the umbrella in his hand. He told him to wait and not run around. She will be back soon.

Shen Hui said yes, then he turned around and lost what she had given him. He left the amusement park without even saying hello.

He's teasing her, he's ruining her heart.

Shen Hui blinked. His sour eyes had been soaked by the water. His throat seemed to be pinched and he couldn't breathe.

Even if you can breathe, throat opening and closing are bloody pain.

Shen Hui had an illusion. He saw Ruan Tian sitting by the bed in her pajamas and giggled at him, "am I good-looking?"

He just wanted to say good-looking.

Her eyes constantly shed tears, and then turned into blood, she carefully asked: "Shen amnesty, can you treat me better?"

"Can you love me?"

Shen Hui stretched out his hand to hold her, and his finger touched a mass of air.

He blinked again. Where could she be in the empty and cold bedroom?

They divorced long ago.

Ruan Tian left long ago.

At three o'clock in the night, Shen Hui called his lawyer and said, "show me the divorce agreement between Ruan Tian and me."


"Xie Wanzhuan" last month's shooting, all the people in the crew are like playing chicken blood, very inspirational.

Wang Baiyuan was embarrassed to paddle, but he really couldn't bear any pain. Sometimes when he was tired, he still wanted to lose his temper. His little assistant, who had a good relationship with him, said, "brother, do you want to be red? If we want to be red, we'll just bite our teeth and carry it. Anyway, we haven't had a few days. "

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Wang Baiyuan really had a serious thought. He found that his popularity was not too bad, and he didn't have to worry about no drama to shoot, and he didn't have to worry about no endorsement. Although there were not many fans, they all loved him very much.

He seems to have no reason to be red.

With this in mind, Wang Baiyuan is not willing to work hard.

The little assistant continued to analyze for him, "brother, there are so many awards ceremonies at the end of the year. If you are red, you will be in the best position. If you are not red, you can only sit on the corner and no one cares." After a little pause, he continued: "and Ruan Tian seems to work very hard and will be liked. If you are compared by her..."

There is no more serious person in this group than Ruan Tian.

Memorizing the script thoroughly, there is almost no use of doubles, and the time spent in the group is the longest.

Wang Baiyuan felt that he had conscience after a long absence. He was embarrassed by Ruan Tian's face. In the last month, he seriously played his acting skills and set up a good play with her.

On the day when Xie Wanzhuan was finished, the last scene was night play, which ended at more than three in the morning.

After killing the youth, Ruan Tian received the flowers from the fan support association and the letters they wrote to herself.

Ruan Tian is in a beautiful mood with flowers in her arms.

Director a big man holding the deputy director wail, very impolite, "I am very reluctant to give up wow."

He managed to find the meaning of life again and found the feeling of hard work, which made him separate again.

The deputy director is also reluctant to give up. They have been in many troupes for a long time and have not finished a play so seriously.

The director wiped his tears and immediately became a real man again. "I decided that I would never mix up for another day. It's just one day."

He wants to find the true meaning of life! And the soul of freedom!

The deputy director said, "I don't mix anymore."

The director sniffed and looked at Ruan Tian silently, then went forward and hugged her, "Ruan Tian, you are a really good child. Next time I'll find you and Wang Baiyuan."

Their "Xie Wanzhuan" is always the best.

Ruan Tian

Director, calm down.

It's not necessary to be kind.

The whole crew stood in front of the gate and took a big group photo. Ruan Tian and Wang Baiyuan stood together, shoulder to shoulder, close to each other.Ruan Tian holds the flower, smiles at the camera and compares it with her fingers.

There are too many people in the group photo. Ruan Tian and Wang Baiyuan are almost squeezed together. Wang Baiyuan has no place to put his hand. He curls his mouth and reluctantly embraces Ruan Tian's shoulder.

At the moment when the shutter was pressed, Wang Baiyuan looked at Ruan Tian's face, and she was very happy.

The fans of the official blog are only 50000, most of them are book fans.

On the day of killing the dead, the official blog finally got some news.

@Xie Wanzhuan: young Xia, see you next summer.

Ruan Tian and Wang Baiyuan appear to be unexpectedly harmonious. The picture of Ruan Tian leaning her head on Wang Baiyuan's shoulder gives people the feeling that they are a good match.

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It's so beautiful that it can make people forget that they had a fight and quarreled before.

[it's our younger martial sister and Wang Ye! God, it's a good match. 】

[Wang Ye's eyes are too flattering. 】

[is this the meaning of next summer vacation? I love in advance. 】

[the official kowtowed me. What's the matter that I can't go to bed for a fight? 】

Ruan Tian also took a self portrait on Weibo as usual.

Ruan Tian had a good sleep in the hotel.

The next day, Jiang Li left the car and took her home. The weather had cooled down, and people on the street had already begun to wear autumn clothes.

Jiang Lili and Ruan Tian said a lot about their work along the way, "sweet boy, fairy fate is going to be broadcast next month. It's going to be broadcast at Christmas, and it's the golden fruit station. There are 60 episodes in total, two episodes a day, and a single episode at the weekend. Maybe it's going to be broadcast until the new year."

Ruan sweetheart is very happy. Her first TV play as a female host is finally going to be broadcast.

"OK, got it."

Jiang Li said as he drove away: "but I heard that Zhao meng'er's Suo Di Ji seems to be broadcast on the same day as your play. It's all on Christmas day. It's all about Xianxia."

The most important thing is that the original novel of Suo Di Ji is much hotter than that of Xianyuan, which is not at the same level.

I just don't know what the adaptation of suodiji is like.

There is no win-win situation between the two plays.

If you want to do that, you can only do one, or you'll have two dramas on the street together.

Ruan Tian said a special forced words, "then each depends on his ability."


all the major drama groups are in time to finish the production at the end of the year, and there are not many scripts to start.

Stars don't have to pick their feet at home. Award ceremonies and ceremonies are coming one after another. Most of them are occasions where female stars compete with each other. There is nothing wrong with male stars.

Ruan Tian also received some invitation letters from the grand ceremony. This time, she didn't need Jiang Li to go around and borrow clothes for her.

The company has arranged a new executive agent with good qualifications for her. She has a good relationship with major clothing brands. She doesn't worry about not borrowing clothes.

After Qin Yu went crazy that day, Ruan Tian never saw him again.

There was no sign of living people coming in and out of the next room.

Ruan Tian estimates that Qin has moved back to his old house.

As she guessed, Qin Yu had been recuperating in his old house for half a month. His health was good and bad, and his family doctor had to come to check him every day.

Qin An has lived a long life since his brother was at home. Life is not like death. He is a man with his tail between his legs.

That day, Ruan Tian called to ask him to pick up someone. When he arrived, his brother was holding a stick in his hand and his eyes were as red as blood. He stared at him coldly and told him to go away.

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Qin an really rolled away.

Qin Yu has been at home for half a month, and he behaves like a normal person.

Get up early, go to bed early, work and rest regularly, eat three meals a day very light.

The more normal he behaves, the more Qin An can't stand it.

It's like the next second is about to break out.

Qin An is playing a game in the living room when Qin Yu suddenly turns off the net, and the background sound of the game stops suddenly.

He held the handle, turned his face and asked in a low voice, "brother, what's the matter?"

Qin Yu frowned. The sunlight reflected from the glass window sprinkled on his head. His morbid white face was delicate and cold. He was a little distressed, but still couldn't figure out, "am I bad at Ruan Tian?"

Qin An swallowed the word "Shi" vividly.

"Not bad."

Qin Yu laughed, "I think it's OK, but she's very angry."

Qin An's mouth is curled. Ruan Tian is so good tempered that she didn't kill you.

Qin An, an outsider, didn't see that his brother liked Ruan Tian before, because his brother really went too far with Ruan Tian.

When you think about it, his brother seems to be the only one who likes to provoke, only Ruan Tian.

Brother, this is not the way to chase people!

There won't be a wife in this way!

Qin An thought of ten thousand ways for his brother to let Ruan Tian forgive him, but when he thought of Ruan Tian's character——Wash and sleep.

Take a break.

Qin An said: "I think sister Xiao Qiao is much better than Ruan Tian, or you Who else would like it? "

Sister Xiao Qiao is gentle and generous. She has a good personality and a high culture. She is a lady from a big family and is very pleasant.

Qin Yu Li ignored him. When he returned to his room, he confiscated Qin An's game console worth tens of thousands of yuan.

Qin An sends Ruan Tian a distress message in his boredom. [sister Ruan, you're right. My brother is really crazy recently. Help me. I'm your brother. 】

Ruan Tian: [if you can't, just find a better and bigger hospital? 】

Qin an

Ruan Tianwan did not expect that Qin Yu was scolded by her for being disgusted. By the way, she kicked her feet fiercely. Then she made more efforts.

Send her news, mostly in high school, she didn't know when to take photos.

During the lunch break, she dozed on the desk, or it made a mistake and was caught by the teacher standing at the door of the office.

Qin Yu liked Ruan Tian's appearance when she was asleep. She was so soft that she couldn't bear it.

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Every day he went to school, he watched her every move like a psycho. Every time in math class and thinking class, Ruan Tian would hide behind the books and sleep secretly.

The girl's face is red when she sleeps, and it will leave a mark.

But as long as she rings the bell after class, no matter whether she is awake or not, she will go to Shen Hui and ask for help.

In the eyes of Ruan Tian, 17 years old, Qin never met this person.


None of them.

Ruan Tian was helpless and speechless to Qin Yu's madness.


at the beginning of December, it's just winter.

Fruit channel released the first preview of "fairy fate", officially announcing that the play will be broadcast alone from December 25.

One day later, Suo Di Ji also officially announced the broadcast time.

A day, a minute is not bad, directly hit the gear.

Before the broadcast, all aspects of the publicity data of Suo Di Ji are playing Xianyuan. As the first IP of female frequency, Suo Di Ji has a lot of powerful book fans.

It seems that the stills and Reuters are good for them. They are eager to see the show.

Zhao meng'er, as the heroine, has already received the dividend of IP before the play starts, and has gained more than 100000 fans.

Compared with Suo Di Ji, Xianyuan is not so conspicuous, IP is not well-known, and the publicity is not good enough. The popularity is average, which is about the level of an ordinary star drama.

Zhao meng'er has been waiting for this day for a long time.

She wants a snow before shame.

After she became popular, her fans must scold Ruan Tian half to death. It's better to use network violence against her.

A few days before the broadcast, it was already in a state of smoke.

TV series bloggers cast a vote.

More than 80% of the people said they would go to see Suo Di Ji, and another 70% said they were optimistic about Suo Di Ji.

At 7:30 p.m. on Christmas day, "fate of immortals" quietly appeared on the star without much attention.

The first episode is the picture of Ruan Tian's younger martial sister being picked up by Qingleng master.

The girl raised her face, black and shining eyes, looking at the beauty master like a banished immortal.

At a glance, I remember my whole life.

In the forum version of Zhao Menger's play, at more than 10 o'clock, someone made a humble post:

[when the whole network was discussing Suo Diji, let me break the embarrassment. I went to see the play tonight with the mentality of wanting to see how bad Xianyuan is! The first two episodes have been read, which is better than I expected! 】

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