Two plays of the same theme fight each other, and the two heroines have new and old grudges. They were compared as soon as they were broadcast.

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"Xianyuan" relies on the basic dish of the fruit station, the first episode of the broadcast just after one, the ratings are not high, how do you know that the second episode of the ratings gradually go up, showing an upward trend.

Fruit TV doesn't have much expectation for the play. Compared with the powerful publicity and Book powder of Suo Di Ji, the play they are broadcasting on the stage is nothing.

It's over when it's over.

The audience rating of Suo Di Ji did live up to expectations. Yebang broke three times, which was amazing. But before Zhao Menger could be happy, the audience rating of the second episode was cut by more than half.

After watching the first episode, the original fans who are full of expectations for the play reach the highest point of anger!

What the hell is this? This line, this plot, this special effect are all special. Are they funny!?

Ordinary people can't bear the anger of book powder.

[I turned on the TV and happily transferred to the red channel. Your father was full of fog when watching this play. What kind of dengxi are these? If you can't do it, don't do it, OK? 】

[damn you, who played the heroine? Why didn't you open your eyes? I didn't wake up. I took it too. 】

[my sister Ling is not like this, nor is my elder martial brother. The whole production team is a liar, and there are too many differences between blockbusters and feature films. 】

[director, your mother died, and I buried all the women and men. I thought there was no such drama, and I couldn't accept it for ten years, so I'd like to finish it! 】

in the early stage of publicity, most of the book fans were attracted under the guise of respecting the original. Now the positive film can not keep up with the quality, resulting in a hundred times of backfire, evil force feedback.

That night, the painting of Suo Di Ji was only four points, and the comment area was almost full of bad comments from one star.

Zhao meng'er always pays attention to the trends and wind direction on the Internet. At first, she looks at the high ratings, and she is happy to have a dream of a big boom.

But with the bad reviews, and suddenly cut half of the ratings let her panic.

Zhao Menger's latest microblog has been scolded that she can't read it. Before the broadcast, she sent many good acting manuscripts and turned over the car in less than one night.

She hurriedly deleted several hot reviews, and then found that the bad reviews could not be deleted completely, one after another was topped up.

Zhao meng'er bites her teeth and doesn't delete it at all.

Being scolded is also a kind of traffic.

She thought affectionately, it seems that she has black and red life!

Who knows, followed by the "Fairy" step by step higher ratings and discussion.

Fruit TV station has a great influence in satellite TV station, and the lost audience of blue TV station and red TV station all pour into fruit TV station.

The housewife with the TV remote control and the student party at home were just browsing. After two episodes, they unexpectedly found that the play was not bad.

The heroine is not only beautiful, but also very good at acting. She plays the pure younger martial sister vividly.

Ruan Tian went on the hot search that night, and reached the top of the entertainment forum.

#Who is the younger martial sister?

this topic has reached the top of the hot search.

If Ruan Tian was just a little famous actress in the pink circle before, after tonight, she completely came to the front of the public.

Less than a week after the launch of Xianyuan, the audience rating went up like crazy. If we can maintain this popularity, we will break the TV station's ratings record in the past five years when it comes to the end.

Ruan Tian's name is hot searched every day, and her microblog fans have broken through tens of millions.

The director of the TV station's drama purchasing department was stunned. When he bought it, he thought that it might be a little popular, but he didn't expect that it would explode like this today.

It's just a dozen episodes!

Red already in a mess, wait until the grand finale that also got!?

Shocked, the director was not sure what to do. However, the bonus at the end of this year is expected.

No one has paid attention to Suo Di Ji. The angry Book powder says that if she doesn't give her eyes, she won't give her any. It's the best revenge to let her paste it quietly.

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Jiang Li is still in a dazed state, although she often says to Ruan Tian that you must give me red! But when the day really came, she couldn't believe it.

It's not until the major national FMCG brands come to the door to talk about endorsement and see the seven figure endorsement fee offered by the other side that they have a real feeling.

Jiang Li dare not rush to speak for Ruan Tian's food and drink. She can't be more cautious for fear of delaying Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian, who stayed at home to have a rest, had no real feeling about it and was a little confused, "ah? Did I really explode? "

Really? She didn't believe it.

Jiang Li took a deep breath, nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "yes, it's really burst. Woo woo, sweet boy, you don't know how many people are going to talk about endorsement these days. There are also many magazines coming to our door. The five women's magazines call on you to shoot the annual issue in January."Endorsement magazines, films and TV are in full bloom.

At the beginning of the new year, the front-line women's magazine is a resource that can only be found by the national floret.

Jiang Li felt like he was still dreaming and sighed: "I really feel soft when I answer the phone."

"Can I make a lot of money?" Ruan Tian's considerations are realistic.

When she had saved enough liquidated damages, she immediately said goodbye to Qin's film industry.

Jiang Li said: "the total cost of several endorsements is more than 10 million, and after the popularity, your film pay is also rising. It's hard for you to earn money or not."

Ruan nodded, "that's OK."

Since the broadcast of Xianyuan, Ruan Tian seems to be the only one in the entertainment posts of the forum.

[does Ruan Tian explode? 】

1L: all right, fans can go away.

2L: Ruan Tian is the most popular in the universe. Hurry up.

3L: you don't have to be so grumpy upstairs. It's too sour. To tell you the truth, Ruan Tian really got ahead. Who would have thought that the resources you used to laugh at are popular all over the country now? It's not as good as heaven.

4l: my seven aunts and eight aunts, up to my uncle and down to my five-year-old cousin, are chasing this play. Whether you admit it or not, Ruan Tian is hot.

"Xianyuan" has not been more than half of the time, and it has broken the ratings record unexpectedly. The average daily network broadcast volume is 300 million, and the topic is extremely popular. No matter which way it is, the play is explosive.

Ruan Tian had a large number of fans in her early stage with her pure and lovely image, and her fans rose by more than one million every day.

In short, Ruan Tian has soared.

The younger martial sister in the play was deprived of her accomplishments by her admiring master. When she was driven out of the school, she burst into tears silently. The rain mixed with tears, making the audience's nose sour.

She was seriously injured with blood in the corner of her mouth. She forced herself to get up from the ground, her wet black hair against her thin back, and her face was as white as paper.

Fragile she, the United States soul stirring.

The audience felt that their hearts were as broken as the younger martial sister in the play.

"Wuwuwuwa, he's in malagobi. My younger martial sister is miserable. How can such a good younger martial sister be miserable like this? Does the master have the heart?"

"I'm crying. Ruan Tian's crying drama is so wonderful. I really can't do it."

"Too cruel, too cruel. When will the younger martial sister and master be sweet?"

"The acting skills of Zhao Menger, who is next door, live the younger martial sister."

"Sweet baby, cheer for me, knock down the master, dominate the Xiuzhen world, go to the damn man."

"The TV station is too insightful. It has picked us sweetie. I have been completely occupied because I haven't been chasing stars for many years."

Xianyuan has become a phenomenal TV play.

Ruan Tian has also become the most popular actress nowadays. As long as she brings her name to the microblog, she can attract many replies.

The marketing numbers smell the taste and rush to send the content related to her.

[after becoming popular, Xiaohua signed four or five new endorsements, and the endorsement fee was not low. She also won the new year's cover of the most powerful magazine among the five women's magazines. Congratulations. 】

after Ruan Tian's popularity, the number of fans and combat effectiveness of Ruan Tian are more than ten times higher than before, and the black fans can't beat them at all, only to be crushed by them on the ground.

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Ruan Tian didn't even have a chance to pick her feet at home. Jiang told her about her next trip. "On the 30th, it's the award ceremony of the National Film Festival. On the 31st, you have to attend the new year's concert at the fruit stage. Next, there's a drink, a mobile phone advertisement to shoot, and women's magazine to shoot."

Jiang Li finished with a breath and drank water to moisten his voice. "Sweet boy, the paste we used to pick our feet at home is gone forever, wuwuwu."

The TV series of the first host is booming, and there are really not many people who have successfully entered the Xiaohua camp.

Pollen has always been long love, easily will not take off the powder.

Ruan Tian was born to be red.

Ruan Tian felt that she was a bit dreamy, and it was really wonderful to be stun by her work.

Suddenly, she asked coldly, "how long can I earn 80 million?"

Jiang Li was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it, he said, "it should be very soon. What do you want so much money for?"

"I want to break my contract with Qin Yu!"


Ruan Tian held her head high and said with pride: "I can't stand Qin Yu's superior force!"!!! I'm red!!! I'm going to break the contract by playing a big card

If you can't fight a lawsuit, can you still lose money!?

She wants to kill Qin Yu with money.

Jiang Li left the trough twice, shocked her mother, "80 million of liquidated damages, how can he not die!"

Ruan Tian Ying he said, "maybe you can keep the money and burn it for yourself later."

Jiang Li

Huaimo has a fever.

He took his own temperature and burned to 39 degrees.He didn't take medicine and didn't care.

He deleted all the numbers in his mobile phone, leaving only Ruan Tian.

The next day, huaimo went to the class as usual. When he was in the experimental class, huaimo suddenly fainted, which scared the other students in the laboratory.

Students will send him to the infirmary, and then call his family, take a look at other mobile phones, there is only one note sweet person in huaimo's address book.

The classmate called her immediately.

Ruan Tian just finished washing her hair, and the man over there said, "do you know huaimo? He has a fever and faints. Can you come and pick him up? "

Ruan Tian ah voice, "know, where are you now?"

"At school."

"OK, I'll go."

Ruan Tian and Jiang Li went to school together. She wore a mask and hat, but no one recognized her.

Huaimo's face is white, like a weak person with congenital deficiency.

His eyes in the river from the body of a pause, river from feel huaimo staring at her eyes like staring at a dead man.

Huaimo weak smile, as if very guilty, "sorry, I didn't know they would call you."

Ruan Tian sighed, "I knew you couldn't take care of yourself."

"Well, it worries you. Are you busy? Don't worry about me, just keep busy with your business. " High sounding words came at his fingertips.

Every time Ruan Tian met huaimo, she thought he was very pitiful.

Like an abandoned puppy.

She was so soft hearted that she said, "Li Li and I will take you to the hospital."

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Jiang Lili was swept over by huaimo, staring at the soles of his feet. "I spent money on ducks. If I didn't go, it would be obsolete. I left 886 first."

Ruan Tian had no choice but to take huaimo to a big hospital and sit on a bench to accompany him to hang water.

After sitting for a long time, Ruan Tian was sleepy.

His head hung down on huaimo's shoulder and he almost fell asleep.

Suddenly woke up, Ruan Tian said: "I'll ask the doctor how long."

Huaimo some regret, almost, "good, sweet hard."

Ruan Tian went to the outpatient Hall of the hospital and asked the nurse at the front desk. Only then did she know that she could go home after hanging the bottle.

She yawned and walked slowly back.

Meet in a narrow way, these four words.

Probably born for Ruan Tian and Qin Yu.

Qin yu should have come to the hospital for a routine physical examination, with a test sheet and a good film in his hand.

He raised his eyebrows. "Are you sick?"

Ruan Tian shook her head.

Qin Yu hit the nail on the head and said, "are you here to fish for a hero?"

Shit, he's right.

Ruan Tian doesn't want to talk to him. Qin Yu stops her.

She said impatiently, "are you finished?"

Qin Yu began to take off her mask, "what are you doing in the hospital?"

Ruan Tian wants to get the mask back.

She's not what she used to be.

Now she's the top little flower.

"You give me back the mask. If I'm photographed, will I live?"

Qin Yu eyebrow tip a pick, hiss of smile voice, "that let them all come to clap."

Ruan Tian knew that when Qin met this dog, he couldn't see her very well. He wanted to cut her off from the red road.

Ruan Tian looks at him with no expression and talks nonsense: "I'm pregnant. Do you have a problem with pregnancy examination?"

Qin Yu

Ruan Tian continued to blow water blindly, "you stay away from me, I'm afraid of miscarriage."

Qin Yu gently pulled the corners of his mouth and laughed low and joyfully, "my child? Men and women? "

What is he farting?

Huaimo pulled out the needle, and the needle hole on the back of his hand was still bleeding. He saw Ruan Tian, who had not come back for a long time, and the man standing opposite her in the corridor.

This is the first time huaimo and Qin Yu meet.

Both men were calm.

Huaimo continued to pretend to be clever, went to Ruan Tian's side, gently laughed, "I'm ok, let's go back."

Qin Yu was angry in his heart, but his face was still calm. He never let out any displeasure. He laughed sarcastically, "you are more suitable to be an actor than Ruan Tian."

Huaimo smiles.

Qin Yu walked forward two steps, tut tut twice, "kill your parents, get rid of your aunt, don't pretend to be poor, it's ridiculous."

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"To find someone to watch Ruan Tian and her every move, you still sell her miserably like this, that's really bullying her and cheating."

Qin Yu.

In this mouth, there is nothing I dare not say.

He had long wanted to kill huaimo, a cheap man with different appearances.

Seize the opportunity, can not give all out?

Ruan Tian: QAQ.The amount of information in Qinyu dialect is too frightening.

Ruan Tian was confused at that time.


after this unpleasant meeting in the hospital, without giving Ruan Tian a chance to think wildly, she had to attend the film award ceremony.

The stylist arrived at her house ahead of time to make up for her.

Evening dress is a star series, private custom-made bra dress.

Ruan Tian asked the stylist, "if I dirty my skirt, do I have to pay for it?"


"Wow, there are such beautiful things."

What the stylist didn't tell her was that Mr. Qin spent hundreds of thousands on this privately made evening dress, so he didn't have to worry about getting it dirty.

All the evening dresses that Ruan Tian had worn before were bought directly, not borrowed or rented.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Ruan Tian left the red carpet with the director and main actors of unknown.

Unknown, which has been shortlisted for ten awards, is the most popular cast tonight.

The number of doughnuts who came to the scene was even more than Qin An's fans, most of them were the little sisters who went into the hole vertically because of "fairy fate".

When Ruan Tian appeared on the stage, her scream almost pierced her eardrum.

"Ah, my sister, let me have a rest."

"Sweet cubs are the best."

"Ah! Sweet, how beautiful you are

As the most golden film festival in China, just one nomination is enough for fans to brag for a lifetime.

Someone in the anonymous area made a poison oath -

[first of all, Ruan tiannei decided the best female partner tonight (my family was killed by a car when they went out). 】

this post was sent anonymously by Zhao meng'er.

Ruan Tian intercepted her twice.

She was so angry that she was going to vomit blood at home.

On the right way, I can't compare it. I'm just trying to make a fool of myself.

No matter whether Ruan Tian won the prize or not tonight, she will not be innocent.

However, the feedback was not as good as Zhao Menger's expectation, and the righteous indignation she imagined did not appear.

"Thank you for your kind words."

"Thank you, Ruan Tian is worth it."

"Well, I'm relieved. She deserves it!"

Zhao Menger:? Wait, this is not the story!

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