REHC - Chapter 244

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It was already mid-July, and filming continued all the way until the season had turned from early to late summer.

The crew had a friendly and harmonious atmosphere, and Ruan Tian enjoyed her time as she worked with them.

On the final day, after they had completely finished filming, Ruan Tian invited the rest of the cast and crew to come out for snacks and afternoon tea. As they ate, Ruan Tian didn’t put on any sort of airs as a star and became more familiar with the assistant director and one of the cameramen who happened to be sitting nearby.

This cameraman had actually won some awards in past years and had some connections in the entertainment circle, and he had gotten a fairly good impression of Ruan Tian after eating and drinking with her a few times in recent days.

Before long several other members of the cast all busily started taking pictures together and had dragged Ruan Tian along with them, meanwhile, the assistant director and the cameraman stood off to the side and had a conversation in the shade.

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The cameraman took a puff of his cigarette and said, "That Ruan Tian is actually not such a bad person."

The assistant director rubbed his hands together and echoed: “En, that’s true. She's one of the few actresses in this industry who can show such a good attitude. She always works hard and never complains."

These two men had been friends for a long time and the assistant director had actually asked around before inviting the cameraman to join the crew. What he had learned hadn’t been too encouraging. At that time, it seemed that the actors playing the male and female leads were in some sort of feud with one another, so he had really thought that the next two months of filming would be a circus of chickens and dogs jumping around. However, unexpectedly, the day before filming began the actor playing the male lead was silently removed from the cast.

Moreover, he had heard that the actor, who had a big background and was a former Movie King, had been directly banned from the industry as a result of the conflict.

When the two men saw how Ruan Tian had easily settled her problem by relying on her big background, they were even more worried. They both assumed that a person who could settle problems this way wouldn’t be an easy person to get along with.

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But, unexpectedly, after they joined the crew and actually worked with Ruan Tian for a while, they were surprised and impressed by her.

Not only did she have a good personality, never putting on airs or throwing her temper around, her acting skills were also very good. In fact, they somewhat felt as if this woman had been born for the big screen.

The cameraman took another puff and continued, "I kind of want to introduce her to some other directors I know. She’s such a good girl, she really deserves to be popular and flourish forever."

The assistant director smiled and said, "Hehe, since when are you so optimistic about her? And since when did you become a good person that introduces resources to others?"

The cameraman stubbed out his cigarette with a smile and said, "She has real talent, and she also doesn't have any of the bad habits that plague a lot of actresses in this circle. She respects her role, and she also respects the rest of the cast and even the crew. How does that saying go? ‘To learn art, you must first learn to be human’? That girl is sure to go far I think."

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Just compare her to someone like Ji Wangjiang. His career had been on the rise and his skills were undeniable, but that had only caused him to lose sight of himself and his morality. Running into an iron plate and ruining himself halfway was just the outcome he had earned for himself.

The assistant director nodded along. In fact, he also had a good impression of Ruan Tian and secretly thought that if in the future there were any chances for cooperation, or any appropriate roles, he would definitely keep them for Ruan Tian first.

A little while later, Ruan Tian finally separated from everyone and left to go home. Her heart was full of a feeling of reluctance to leave her friends behind, but they could only go their own ways now that filming was over.

However, Ruan Tian was a very simple person. A moment later, when she suddenly received her final payment on her phone, the melancholic mood caused by the separation immediately disappeared.

Ruan Tian nearly broke her fingers trying to calculate all the various balances across her several cards. Very soon, she was elated. Excellent! If her calculations were correct, then she had finally earned enough money to fully pay off the penalties for terminating her contract with Qin Pictures.

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Money was a real bastard, but after she spent it she could still just earn it again.

With the several recent TV dramas and variety shows, as well as the two movies and the eight-figure endorsement fee she had received from UES, all of it added up until it was just enough to cover the penalty fees.

She suddenly sighed and couldn’t help but reminisce. Back during the first year after she had signed with Qin Pictures, all of her efforts to succeed were blocked. Any time she got into talks with TV dramas or variety shows, the company would speak up and forcibly blocked her. It seemed that the whole company only went along with the boss's moods.

Then, for the next two years, she was almost completely buried by the company. During this period when her relationship with Qin Yu was at its most turbulent, not a single contract landed in her hands, and even when she tried to sign up for small little female lead number n roles in small productions, someone from the company would interfere and tear up the contract.

But now all that was behind her.

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