Chapter 245

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Filming in the middle of the summer was actually hard work, even more so since most of the sets were in muggy highrise buildings. Thanks to that, Ruan Tian hadn't been able to have a good night's sleep in many days.

Soon she got home and directly threw herself in bed and slept all the way until the next morning. Once she got up, she quickly washed her face, put on her makeup, and then changed into a delicate and beautiful dress.

All that done, she slung her purse over her shoulder and went downstairs to hail a taxi to take her to Qin Pictures.

When she arrived at the building, she immediately went inside, strode across the lobby, and directly pressed the button on the elevator to take her to the top floor. When the elevator reached the top and she stepped out, the whole office was in a flurry. Some of the ignorant new staff didn’t know Ruan Tian was an artist in this company and were excited to see their idol appear in the office. One of them even wanted to go forward to get an autograph, but a cold glare from Qin Yu’s chief assistant forced the eager fan back.

The worker was depressed. It was simply divine luck to meet her own idol here in the company, ah!

Meanwhile, the chief assistant prepared a cup of coffee and handed it to Ruan Tian. Then he asked: "Miss Ruan, is there something urgent?”

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Ruan Tian nodded, it seemed there really was something urgent. She asked calmly, “Is CEO Qin here?”

"He’s in his office."

Ruan Tian took a sip of the coffee and then have the chief assistant a brief thanks and planned to head inside. However, just as she was about to go, there was another wave of commotion from the direction of the elevators and Ruan Tian turned to look.

This Qin An was like a dog, and it seemed he had managed to sniff out that she was coming over and had decided to follow along with great fanfare. It had been a couple of months since the last time they met, and Qin An was wearing a kindly expression. He asked, "Ruan Tian, why did you come here?"

Ruan Tian looked over and suddenly had a vague recollection of the last time she had met Qin An. At that time, he had been crying and calling her “Big sister”.

She raised an eyebrow and replied coolly, “To fight.”

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Qin An: "…"

As soon as the last word dropped, Ruan Tian spun on her heel and pushed open the glass office door. But when she glanced around, she didn’t immediately see Qin Yu's figure, so she assumed he had stepped into the inner room to make a phone call.

Qin An quickly followed behind her. Inside, he couldn’t help but think that it seemed that her temperament had changed a lot compared to two months ago.

Qin An was curious and full of imagination, he asked naively, "Did you come to confess your love to my brother?"

He had recently heard that his brother had completely banned Ji Wangjiang from the entertainment industry for Ruan Tian’s sake. These days the former Movie King had been suppressed until he couldn’t make a peep.

Qin An felt that if a woman was protected this way, no matter who she was, they would definitely be moved to tears and eagerly want to promise their body to the hero that saved them!

Ruan Tian was in a very good mood today so she didn’t bother with Qin An’s nonsense, she just replied cheerily. "I'm here to terminate my contract."

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Going by time, her contract was still only half over, so if she wanted to forcibly terminate it she had no choice but to pay the penalty fees for breaching the contract. Qin An was aware of all this, so he didn’t believe her at all.

He asked, "Do you have enough money?"

Ruan Tian was in a good mood so she decided to play the overbearing bully for once. She grinned and replied in a boisterous tone, "I have nothing else except for a lot of money."

Qin An listened to her blindly spouting nonsense and scoffed.

He was sure that it was impossible for Ruan Tian to have come up with such a large sum of money.

At that moment, Qin Yu finally finished his phone call and came out into the main area of the office. When he saw the two people waiting inside, he was briefly shocked, but he quickly regained his composure and leisurely walked over to his chair and plopped down in it. Then, in a lazy tone, he said, "What’s going on? Are you two finally making your relationship public?"

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Qin An rolled his eyes. He really wondered if this brother of his would die if he didn’t speak such barbed words.

Moreover, with this attitude, he definitely wouldn’t be able to successfully chase a woman even if he used a thousand years trying.

He should just find a temple as soon as possible, shave his head, knock on the wooden fish, and be a monk for the rest of his life!

"Since you're not here to make your relationship public, Qin An should be unrelated, so quickly scram away now."

Qin An shook his head. He wouldn’t leave, he wanted to stay and watch this lively scene!

Ruan Tian reached into her purse and took out her cards and laid them on the table one by one. Once they were all out, she calmly looked up at Qin Yu and said, "I'm here to terminate my contract."


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