The room fell silent.

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Qin Yu’s eyes glanced over the bank cards on the table. He asked faintly, “Another lawsuit again?"

Ruan Tian was brave and didn’t feel threatened by him at all. She replied, "No, I know I really won’t be able to solve this contract without paying a penny, but everything will be fine so long as I pay the penalty fees. I believe I could win even if I didn't hire a lawyer."

Ruan Tian had learned a lot from her encounters with Qin Yu over the years, and her next words flowed smoothly with a smile: "If you don't like it, you can talk to my lawyer.”

She needed to let this Qin Yu know that he was not the only one in the world who had a lawyer! ! !

In fact, these were the exact words Qin Yu had gifted to her on that day back then, now she was giving them back to him!

Qin Yu's thin fingers reached out and fiddled with the bank cards lined up on the table. Suddenly, his face darkened like coal and turned ugly in the extreme.

Indeed, it was only on the premise that Ruan Tian couldn’t pay the penalty fees that he could continue to keep her here at Qin Pictures.

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Without that restriction, she could easily fly as high as she wanted to.

She could go wherever she wanted to go, as far as she wanted to go.

He could have ten, fifty, even a hundred lawyers, but they still wouldn’t be able to do anything about her.

Qin Yu’s lips had turned white, and he muttered, “You really want to go so far.”

His face twisted. She was even willing to give him so much money for no reason at all, solely just to get rid of him.

"Anyway, I still need to go home and cook dinner. If you don’t want to agree to terminate my contract, that’s fine, I’ll just see you in court."

This definitely wasn’t an empty threat. Ruan Tian was always true to her word.

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On the side, Qin An was feeling stunned and really didn’t dare to speak. His brother’s face was so smelly, how could he not see he was in a terrible mood? Qin An could only fall still and silent like a cicada in winter.

Qin An felt that this was the unhappiest he had ever seen his brother during all the years he had known him.

Right now, Qin Yu’s eyes were cold and sharp, and his entire face was twisted and locked like a frosty mask.

A few moments later, Ruan Tian stood out in front of the Qin Pictures Building. For a moment she paused and looked up at the sky. The evening sun was gentle and warm, and even looking up like this it didn’t feel overwhelming against her skin.

She suddenly recalled, back on the final day of filming, Director Cheng had called “Cut!” for the last time. Then he had looked at her and told her that she shouldn’t stay so immersed in her role all the time.

At that time, she had gone to a corner of the set and huddled with her legs in her arms. Her mind had been a blur, full of sights and sounds from days long passed, constantly drowning her in that old feeling of oppression from her high school days.

She had wanted to cry crazily, to scream, to vent wantonly, just like the character she had been playing in the movie.

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But in the end, although it was very painful and she had cried a lot, Ruan Tian had felt that the emotions she had been deliberately suppressing until then had finally been vented out.

As she left that character behind, she also managed to step out of the shadow of the “original novel” that had always loomed over her.

Ruan Tian finally found her confidence again, and she felt that she was now strong enough now that those fears she had buried deep in her heart could no longer threaten or hurt her.

It was largely thanks to that that she had so much courage when facing Qin Yu today.

Of course, in the end, Qin Yu didn’t agree to terminate her contract and wouldn’t give his signature no matter what. However, Ruan Tian was in no hurry.

If he didn’t want to sign, he could just wait for the notification from the courts!

Could it be that all this money wasn’t enough to buy her freedom? Ruan Tian didn’t believe that for a second.

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Jiang Lili also knew about and support Ruan Tian’s plans to terminate her contract with Qin Pictures.

After they sat down to chat, Ruan Tian said in a dull tone, "You know, I always used to fantasize about this day. I used to dream that Qin Yu would come begging and apologizing, and I would just laugh and humiliate him."

Jiang Lili coughed awkwardly, "Ahem, in the first place, I feel that Qin Yu won’t necessarily lower his pride to apologize to you."

Ruan Tian was like a little evil dragon, she roared: “Well, can’t I dream? !"

But then she sighed and continued calmly, "But now that the day is really here, I suddenly feel that it doesn't matter whether he apologizes or not. Either way, I'm going to move on without looking back. "

...move on, and become the brightest star in the sky!

She was no longer interested in falling in love, she just wanted to make money!

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