Chapter 247

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Another month slipped by and, on the last day of August, Ruan Tian was invited to attend an award ceremony for notable TV shows that was held only once every two years.

These days, Jiang Lili no longer had to worry about desperately trying to borrow clothes for Ruan Tian to wear to these kinds of events. Now there were several luxury brands throwing out olive branches and lining up to lend her as many dresses as she wanted.

This even included EEVRI, a company that was widely known to be cold and hard to work with. But this “cold” company not only wanted to lend Ruan Tian their most expensive and exquisite evening gowns, they even went a step further and lent her a $2 million yuan pink diamond watch.

The reason was simple: EEVRI's chief fashion designer happened to see the film ‘Obscurity’ and was amazed by Ruan Tian’s performance, instantly becoming a fan.

Moreover, with her position, it was easy for her to inquire about insider information in the entertainment industry. There were a handful of directors that she was in cooperation with, so she had casually made a few calls and discovered that Ruan Tian was really a rare gem. She was a talented actress with an excellent reputation amongst her peers.

All this just made EEVRI’s chief fashion designer like her even more.

Meanwhile, after she had finished shooting ‘Star Acceleration’, Ruan Tian had immediately joined Director Cheng’s crew and entirely buried herself in filming his movie. Thanks to that, her fans practically hadn’t seen her at all for almost half a year. They had no idea what she was up to and could only miss her very much.

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So when they heard she would be attending this event, the TianTian Group all craned their necks and looked forward to the award ceremony, all wanting to see their Sister Ruan use her great beauty to crush all her foes on the red carpet.

However, many netizens were jumping out one after another to declare that Ruan Tian was already old news.

These people were all convinced from the bottom of their hearts that she would definitely be the actress with the worst treatment tonight. According to them, she would definitely only be able to wear cheap clothes and be seated in the worst seat, if she even managed to attend at all.

【She already hasn’t shown her face for so many months, she can only desperately try to rely on marketing teams to drum up some hype for her. 】

【My friend is already at the venue and they told me that they didn't see many fans of Ruan Tian inside or outside the building. It’s really pitiful for an actress to come to an award ceremony but not have any fans to support her. 】

【Sister Ruan really turned lazy a little too fast. Why is she trying to make a comeback now? She should have just kept staying at home and scratching her feet. 】

Whatever the netizens were thinking, it was soon time for the red carpet event to begin. Stars came out one after another, and Ruan Tian was the last one to appear.

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Under the eyes of fans and haters alike, she walked down the long red carpet.

She was wearing a long black dress with her long and wavy hair lazily scattered over her shoulders. Her eyes shone brightly, her teeth shone white, and her makeup was exquisite, she was the very picture of a soul-stirring beauty, really worthy of the words: Country-ruining beauty.

Meanwhile, in the audience area, all the members of the TianTian Group were standing on tiptoe and holding up signs and posters with Ruan Tian’s name.

As Ruan Tian stepped out, red lights spread out all throughout the venue and the screams of the fans drowned out the cheers for all the stars who had appeared before.

Ruan Tian looked around the audience area and smiled. Right in front, there was a lovingly crafted sign that said: 【TianBaby, you will always be the brightest star in our hearts! 】

Ruan Tian’s face suddenly broke into a smile and her eyes curved into two crescents when she saw that sign being held up in the crowd.

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She waved to her fans and gave some simple greetings.

The TianTian Group members all immediately became even more enthusiastic.

"TianBaby, remember to post a selfie!"

"Ahhhhh, big sister, we haven’t seen you for so long!”

"Big sister, you can do it!”

Ruan Tian was here at the awards ceremony as one of the guests of honor presenting the awards so, once she was finished walking down the red carpet, a concierge appeared and respectfully guided her to her seat in the front row.

She looked around and quickly found which seat was hers. There was a simple plate with her name printed on it on the second seat in the row. However, she wasn’t familiar with the names of the people on either side of her seat. It seemed they probably weren’t actors like her.

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She wrapped her shawl around her shoulders and carefully sat down.

Before long, the empty seats around Ruan Tian were filled and, as she expected, the people sitting next to her definitely weren’t celebrities. Instead, they looked like two senior executives.

In fact, that was exactly who they were. One was one of Fruit Station’s big-name directors, while the other was the chief fashion designer from EEVRI, the one who had taken the initiative to lend Ruan Tian the clothes she was wearing tonight. As they sat down, the three people all exchanged greetings.

From there they all began to chat.

Now that she had finally met Ruan Tian in real life, the chief fashion designer liked this fledgling actress even more. But at the same time, she felt that this little girl was really too beautiful and she could have just kept being a face-fan until the end.

In her eyes, even if Ruan Tian just sat there quietly it was still enough for her to be like a little fairy who had descended from the heavens.

After chatting for a while, Ruan Tian and the fashion designer were getting along well and naturally added each other on WeChat.

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