Chapter 248

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Tonight Ruan Tian was here to present the Best New Actor Award so, when it was time, she and the director from Fruit Station went up on stage together to present the trophies and certificates to the award-winning newcomer. Once she had handed over the award, they all stood together and took a big group photo on the stage.

Ever since the end of ‘Star Acceleration’, Ruan Tian seemed to have disappeared from the eyes of melon-eating netizens. The netizens noticed that there hadn’t been much news about her for a while and she wasn’t very active on Weibo either and some of them started to have some other thoughts.

In the minds of these netizens, Ruan Tian was just a little starlet who had relied entirely on one drama to “soar to fame”, but then the only follow-up was some random variety show. This caused some of the netizens to start suspecting that Ruan Tian’s only real skill was her strong backers. They felt that even her sudden soar to fame was probably just an illusion created by marketing teams.

Thus, when the netizens saw how Ruan Tian was being treated at the award ceremony tonight, the entire internet was quickly in an uproar.

Some people couldn't believe it at all. Unexpectedly, Ruan Tian was covered in luxury brand name products from head to toe tonight?

And when the seating chart the organizers made for the award ceremony was secretly released by an insider, the netizens were even more in disbelief.

Could that Ruan Tian really sit with those bigshots from Fruit Station and a top executive from EEVRI? Moreover, she also presented an award with a big-name director from Fruit Station? That was undoubtedly treatment only the most popular stars in the industry could receive!

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Of course, the anti-fans refused to admit it no matter what. They denied and denied until their faces were swollen from the continuous slaps from reality.

And a bit later, the female fashion designer from EEVRI posted a photo with Ruan Tian on her Weibo with the caption: "Finally got to meet in person today, really fond of this pretty little sister! 【picture.jpg】"

In the photo, Ruan Tian had a sweet smile and was making a peace sign with her fingers.

This fashion designer was usually very aloof and it was rare for her to make this kind of post on Weibo, so members of the TianTian Group immediately flooded into her comments to shower her with thanks.

In the end, the award ceremony went on until the early hours of the morning and only ended when it was very late. Despite that, there were still a large number of loyal fans waiting outside the venue.

For these fans, even if they could only catch a glimpse of their favorite star’s car as they drove away, it was still enough to make them feel very happy.

When Ruan Tian came outside, she immediately saw her fans had lined up and were waiting for her in an orderly queue. At the back, there was a group of cute little girls who had been working hard to organize everything all day.

Seeing this, Ruan Tian got down from her nanny van and bowed to the gathered fans. Then she looked up, gave a brilliant smile, and said, "Thank you all so much for your support! It's getting late, you should all go home quickly. Stay safe!"

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The members of the TianTianGroup were a bit shocked at first, and their screams stuck in their throats. After hearing Ruan Tian’s words, they tried to restrain their emotions, but inside they all felt moved to tears.

Wuwuwu… Sister Ruan was the only star to come down from her car and greet her fans! We’re so blessed!

On the sides, the fans of the other celebrities suddenly all secretly felt a little envious of this TianTian Group that only knew how to scream.

After all, who didn’t want their idol to come down and take another look at them?

Who didn't want their love to be answered!

One of Ruan Tian’s more daring fans suddenly whispered, "Big sister, could we take a group picture with you?"

Ruan Tian blinked and was a bit stunned, and her face flushed with shyness. However, she quickly looked up and gave a nod, “Alright!”

Immediately her fans began to cheer!

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That fan quickly stretched out her small hand and took her phone out from her pocket. She quickly found someone to help them take the big group photo and then ran to get ready.

Ruan Tian crouched down at the front of the group and faced the camera. Then she smiled widely, causing her eyes to curve into crescents.

Soon the group photo was taken, and Ruan Tian stood back up and waved to her fans, "Good-bye everyone! Be sure to be safe while you’re all going home."

Her fans here were all girls, so personal safety was definitely top priority.

As the car door was closing, Ruan Tian suddenly heard a loud shout: “TianBaby, you should post more on Weibo!"

After that, Ruan Tian went home. Thanks to the reminder from that last fan, she suddenly remembered her Weibo account that was practically growing mold from disuse. She decided to log in and was shocked to find that her follower count had increased by hundreds of thousands since the last time she checked.

While she had been filming Director Cheng’s movie recently she had been extremely distracted and had completely forgotten to post anything to Weibo.

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Ruan Tian picked out a few photos she had taken during her time in that studio in the high-rise building, tilted her head and took a quick selfie, and then started uploading all the pictures one after another.

@RuanTian: "Hey guys, here’s some pictures! 【picture.jpg】【picture.jpg】【picture.jpg】"

The fans, who had long been waiting for new selfies from their favorite star, all started commenting several times more enthusiastically than before. They were overjoyed and felt that their TianBaby seemed full of vitality.

"Oooooo, TianBaby is beautiful today as well."

"Guarding the best star in the world!"

"When she came down from her car, I was almost moved to tears. Our love is really mutual!"

"Today, I saw Sister Ruan eating buns inside her car, she looked like a little hamster. So cute!"

Ruan Tian smiled. When she saw how excited her fans were, she decided she needed to post more to Weibo in the future.


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