Chapter 249

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Before long, it was Qin Yu's grandfather’s 70th birthday, and the whole Qin family was gathered at the old family estate to celebrate.

Ever since Ruan Tian had approached him to terminate her contract with his company, Qin Yu had been in a dark mood. Thus, after eating a few bites, he excused himself from the party and went to the balcony on the second floor to smoke. As he looked out over the city skyline, his brows were slightly furrowed and his expression was gloomy.

Director Cheng Sui’an was Qin Yu’s uncle, so naturally he was also a part of the Qin family and couldn’t be absent for this kind of occasion. He was usually very busy, but for this he managed to clear his schedule and make a trip back to the old family estate. When he saw how his nephew was behaving, he came forward and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Qin Yu sighed and stubbed out his cigarette. "It's nothing."

Cheng Sui’an followed Qin Yu’s gaze and quietly looked out into the distance for a moment. Then he suddenly asked, "If I remember correctly, Ruan Tian is an artist from your company, right?"

Director Cheng had some impression of this. After all, last time his usually cold-faced and iron-hearted nephew and come to him to find a role for that girl.

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Thus, Cheng Sui’an suspected that Ruan Tian must have some sort of place in Qin Yu's heart.

Qin Yu leaned against the railing and grunted unintelligibly. He turned and looked at his uncle sidelong, “Why, did she get into some kind of trouble on your crew?"

Cheng Sui’an shook his head. "No." He paused for a few seconds, seemingly trying to organize his next words in his head. His brows furrowed and he said slowly, "Actually, I'm a little worried about that child. I don’t think she properly disentangled herself from her character after we finished filming.”

Cheng Sui’an looked at Qin Yu and then continued: "On the last day of filming, Ruan Tian cried very bitterly on set. I have never seen her cry like that."

As he spoke, he couldn’t help but think back to that day, when Ruan Tian had just huddled herself in the corner, hugged her knees, and cried loudly without any care for her image.

On that final day, she had been involved in filming two scenes.

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One was a scene where the female lead, Jiang Wan, was isolated and bullied by her peers, while the other was a scene where she found comfort with the male lead and kissed him.

In the plot of the movie, after Jiang Wan was bullied she went back and crazily took revenge on her enemies.

Then, near the end of the plot, Jiang Yi hugged her and gently gave her a kiss.

As if to tell her: I’m here for you.

And Ruan Tian had seemed quite affected after filming those scenes. Of course, she had said that she was just very immersed in her role, but Cheng Sui’an didn't believe it.

Qin Yu straightened up and his body became stiff. He said hoarsely, "She didn’t properly disentangle herself from her character? What does that mean?”

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Cheng Suian retracted his gaze and turned to take a long look at Qin Yu, then he said in a deep voice: "I've heard a little about went on between you and Ruan Tian from Yao’er’s mouth." He patted Qin Yu on the shoulder and went on, "As humans, we shouldn’t live too stubbornly, nor be too conceited. Perhaps intentionally or perhaps unintentionally, either way, you have hurt her many times."

Qin Yu fell silent.

He knew he was twisted, and he knew it was wrong.

But even knowing it was wrong, he had always felt the need to do everything he could to force that stubborn Ruan Tian to bend her pride, to bow her head.

He had always looked down at her from his lofty position and felt that it was impossible for him to ever compromise or back off for his entire life.

That day, before he left the old Qin estate, Cheng Sui’an sent Qin Yu a video of Ruan Tian from that final day of filming. The video wasn’t very long, maybe ten seconds or so, and it seemed to have been recorded hastily with a mobile phone considering how pixelated and blurry it was.

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Qin Yu had always thought Ruan Tian’s eyes were only ever full of indomitable spirit, completely unable to admit defeat. Over the years, every tit-for-tat confrontation where she had given as good as she had gotten had made him think that Ruan Tian was invulnerable.

He had always known on some level that was he was doing was wrong, but he had never thought it was truly evil.

However, it seemed that before he noticed he had somehow become the shadow that was cast over Ruan Tian’s youth.

Qin Yu's hands tightly clasped the railing of the balcony. The veins on his wrists bulged and twisted, and his face sank and darkened.

Eventually, he exhaled a long breath. However, the stuffiness in his heart did not go away.


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