Chapter 250

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Ruan Tian had originally thought that she would need to bring Qin Yu to meet a judge again before everything was settled but, unexpectedly, an assistant from Qin Pictures arrived a few days later to deliver the termination documents she had left at the company the other day.

But this time, Qin Yu had signed them.

Ruan Tian’s eyes turned round. ****! She really couldn’t believe this! He actually signed the documents!

Ruan Tian was full of shock.

Moreover, in the envelope the assistant had sent over, not only was there the signed documents, her bank cards had also been sent back intact.

Ruan Tian looked at her bank cards in the envelope and was filled with mixed feelings, mostly confusion.

Could it be that Qin Yu had converted to Buddhism and begun to do good deeds to accumulate karma! ?

After thinking about it for a while, she decided to send a message to Qin Yu.

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In her phone she had changed his contact back to his name, so she scrolled through to find “Qin Yu” and sent a message:【 Thank you. 】

A few minutes later, Qin Yu replied, 【You're welcome. 】

If you had asked her a few years ago, Ruan Tian would never have believed that one day she and Qin Yu would be able to communicate so kindly and politely!

Meanwhile, Qin Yu was lying in his bed with his eyes closed. His face was lit up by the dim glow of his phone’s screen, and a video was playing over and over again, looping every ten seconds. Each time he heard the heartfelt sobs, there was a sharp and stabbing pain in his chest.

However, he still couldn’t help but keep listening.

In fact, he was more or less familiar with the script of his uncle’s latest movie.

Thus, after listening to this recording a few times, he could fully understand what his uncle had meant when he said that Ruan Tian “Didn’t properly disentangle herself from her character”.

As he listened to the sound from the recording, the idea that had followed him for so many years like a paranoid obsession, that feeling that he needed to bend her pride and subdue her at any cost, suddenly seemed like a ridiculous joke.

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He slowly opened his eyes and walked over to the nightstand, where he opened a certain drawer. Inside, it was full of the trinkets and knick-knacks that had once belonged to Ruan Tian that he had collected over the years.

He knew he was a lunatic. He loved deeply and crazily.

But, at the same time, he was a miserable man who didn’t know how to love.

Qin Yu suddenly felt that those two words, “I’m sorry”, weren’t actually as difficult to say as he had once imagined.

He picked up the phone and typed a few words. Deleted them.

His eyes blurred and stung.


Now that Ruan Tian had finally terminated her old contract, she currently had no plans to find a new company to sign with.

Then, mid-way through September, she received some good news.

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Sometime last year, Ruan Tian had threatened to take some netizens to court for spreading rumors, causing trouble, personal attacks, and just generally constantly cursing at her and abusing her. Back then, everyone thought she was just talking and wouldn’t actually do anything.

No one expected that Ruan Tian and her lawyer had actually silently filed their case with the courts, silently went through the long and involved prosecution process, and finally silently won their trial in front of a judge.

Then, on the day they received the verdict from the court, those trolls who had gone silent all this time could no longer play dead and immediately caved in.

New posts started appearing online. They looked like this:

@User2653789: @RuanTian, Today I would like to sincerely apologize for all the inappropriate remarks I made towards Ms. Ruan Tian. I hope everyone else can take me as an example and remember not to spread rumors or post abuse.

No one had expected that Ruan Tian would really spend so much time suing those random people who had been spreading baseless rumors back then.

In one breath, she sued five of her most vehement anti-fans who had abused her with various slanderous words and posted and reposted thousands of baseless rumors.

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Ruan Tian's victory in the courts was picked up as a hot topic and quickly climbed its way up the hot search. Before long, her fans had managed to learn the whole story and everything, including the apologies posted by the anti-fans, was dug out and combined into one post which climbed to the very top of the hot search.

Some other star-chasing fan girls were quite envious of Ruan Tian’s fans by now. Ruan Tian seemed to be doing very well these days, her popularity was able to go up and up solely relying on her acting skills and, most importantly, she was also very good to her fans.

Moreover, when she said she was going to sue, she really sued, and she did so with great vigor!

In fact, she could almost be called the first person to really fight back against those rumormongers.

"Haha, just because you’re online doesn’t mean you’re beyond the reach of the law. It's okay if you don't like a star, but there's no need to make hundreds of posts on Weibo messages every day trying to smear her."

"Our TianBaby really likes to make huge moves completely silently!"

"I can imagine these anti-fans were really gnashing their teeth when they finally had to lower their heads and post these apologies."

"In this situation, only one thing comes to mind: Hahahaha"

"I would like to advise any anti-fans reading, before you post slander online make sure you weigh if you have enough money and time to afford it. And if you find you can’t afford it don’t try to come here and act pitiful."

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