Chapter 252

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Ruan Tian looked at the phone in her hand with a dazed expression.

Wasn’t this a bit too unreasonable! ! ?

As she was still feeling stunned, the other party had already rudely hung up the phone.

Ruan Tian could only try to add that person’s WeChat account as a friend with the note: 【I am Ruan Tian.】

In fact, it had been the screenwriter himself who had received Ruan Tian’s call.

Currently, all of the core members of his creative team were cooped up in his home and were living together. By now they had already handed their script to who knows how many well-known actors and actresses, but they had yet to receive a single reply.

It was for this reason that he had directly assumed that Ruan Tian was a liar playing some sort of trick.

But when he suddenly saw the red dot on his Wechat representing a new notification, he couldn’t help but freeze for a moment. Then he loudly cursed and slapped one of his nearby friends on the back of the head while exclaiming, “Come and see, tell me if this WeChat is from the real Ruan Tian!”

His good brother, who was also the director, leaned over and took a look. "Hmm, it seems to be her."

"What do you mean ‘it seems’? !"

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"Well, it looks legitimate, right?"

The screenwriter was muddled and murmured dazedly, "Then, she really called me just now?"

"Why did she call you?"

"She said she read our script and wanted to cooperate."

"What? !"

This news was too shocking, none of them could believe it.

Ruan Tian, this kind of big rising star, was actually interested in their tiny team’s little comedy script?

Moreover, she was so interested that she personally took the initiative to call and add their WeChat?

What kind of luck was this?

In fact, when the team had been sending out their script to all the various actors and actresses they hadn’t had much hope at all. They figured the best they could hope for would be some complete newcomers that they wouldn’t have to pay much.

But who would have thought that a big shot would really respond?

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After that, Ruan Tian and the screenwriter managed to have a friendly conversation where many profound truths were exchanged. For instance, Ruan Tian learned that the reason why their phone was off at first was completely due to poverty, with no other reasons.

In the end, the screenwriter brazenly told her, "Ms. Ruan, our pay may not be very high."

Ruan Tian replied, "That could be acceptable, depending on the specific number."

The screenwriter seemed to have no desire for face at all, and fearlessly continued: “In fact, could we pay you on credit? Like, write an IOU or something?"

Ruan Tian: "…"

Finally, Ruan Tian offered a better way: "Perhaps you could pay in installments?"

Screenwriter: "..."

Ruan Tian thought it over and realized that it would probably be very difficult for them to pay, even in installments, so she added: “The first installments can just be a few yuan each.”

The screenwriter was a straightforward person and directly agreed, "Alright! Ms. Ruan Tian, you are really the kindest person I have ever met. Once we secure some investments we will immediately begin our installment payments."

Currently their funds were really limited, so the screenwriter knew that his only option was to continue to attract investment.

However, the screenwriter was also very happy. It seemed that this Teacher Ruan was really a good person, ah, she was even willing to do this kind of work that was practically charity!

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His eyes shone. With the addition of Ruan Tian to their cast, it would be much more convenient for his team to approach various investors and cheat away their money!

And that was exactly how it happened. Although his team looked slightly unreliable, with Ruan Tian behind them they were easily able to use their silver tongues and raise 50 million yuan in investment in short order.

Once the money was secured, they decided to start the preparatory work immediately.

Obviously, this sketchy little team wasn’t able to hide their movements at all, so information from both inside and outside was quickly found out by netizens.

The key points the netizens took away from their investigations were as follows: Sketchy and unreliable.

From what they could tell, this was not a serious crew at all. The director's previous works included titles like: ‘The Mysterious Bodyguard of the School Beauty’, ‘Counterattack of the Rich Son-In-Law’, and other such works.

The netizens were dumbfounded. They wondered if Ruan Tian had lost her mind to take on this sort of script.

After all, for a big movie star, this sort of script was completely unpresentable and something they would disdain to attach their name to.


Time continued to march onwards, and it would soon be September. Along with the fall, the major schools all began to open up again one after another.

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Unexpectedly, Ruan Tian received a call from her old teacher from film school. Most surprising of all, the teacher asked her in a very polite tone if she had any thoughts of coming back to school.

Ruan Tian was stupefied when she heard that question. She hadn’t even thought that going back to her old school was still an option.

In fact, this matter was somewhat complicated.

That year when she was expelled, she definitely hadn’t parted on good terms with the school. At that time, the dean had thought that she was using her good grades and high talent as an excuse to fool around and had directly scolded her at the school’s opening ceremony in front of all the other students.

Then, once he was done scolding her, he had directly ordered her to leave and expelled her.

Remembering all this, Ruan Tian pursed her lips slightly and asked: “Am I even able to come back?"

The teacher paused and then replied, “How about this, why don’t you come over to the school sometime this week during office hours? We'll talk about it face to face."

In fact, Ruan Tian’s old film school had been somewhat overshadowed by two other schools of the same type in recent years and things were looking bleak. But one day one of the teachers in the Academic Affairs Office suddenly remembered that they actually didn’t have completely nothing to show from the past few years.

There was still that star called Ruan Tian.

Immediately, they had become very happy. It would be great news if they could really call this star back to their school and attach their name to her. That would boost their school’s name greatly.

Moreover, although Ruan Tian had been “expelled” from school that year, her status as a student had never actually been revoked, so it wouldn’t be difficult for her to resume her schooling.

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