Chapter 253

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Meanwhile, Ruan Tian agonized over this issue at home for two days, thinking in circles until she was nearly pulling her own hair out, but she still couldn’t make a decision.

The next morning, she returned to the film school with dark circles under her eyes.

The teacher from the Academic Affairs Office received her politely and they chatted for a while, but they still didn’t get to the point.

While they were chatting, there was suddenly a call from the dean's office.

The dean now was still the same dean from back then.

His unhappy voice rang out over the phone: "I’ve told you over and over again not to create this sort of mess. Our school trains a large number of star actors and actresses every year, and each and every one of them properly enrolls and graduates through the correct channels.”

"If you casually open a back door for certain people like this, it's not fair to our other students, you understand?"

The teacher was stunned. She really didn’t know how the dean had gotten wind of such a trivial matter and even personally called to interfere.

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The teacher looked a bit embarrassed.

Ruan Tian saw her expression and said, "Actually, I only came here today because I wanted to thank you, teacher, for your kindness." She brushed her hair back with her hand and continued, "I wanted to thank you for reminding me that I can still go to school."

...just not a film school anymore. Ruan Tian didn’t bother saying that last part out loud.

She had already learned a lot about how to act and perform from her days of crawling and rolling around at the bottom of various sets and working with various crews.

Thanks to that, Ruan Tian didn’t feel she needed to learn more about acting, instead, she felt it would be better if she could go to an ordinary university where she could make good friends and learn new knowledge.

Plus, if she really got her diploma, she wouldn’t have to see the netizens ridiculing her as a mere high school graduate anymore.

Of course, her old teacher didn’t take her words seriously. How could a star have the time to study and go to an ordinary university?

Thus, she reluctantly sent Ruan Tian out of her office.

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Looking around at this familiar yet unfamiliar school campus, Ruan Tian suddenly felt a bit nostalgic for her short time in college.

For a while, she stood under the school's iconic old locust tree and dazed off. Eventually, she snapped out of it and slowly started walking toward the exit of the school.

Without even thinking about it, Ruan Tian ended up taking a small back path. This was the path she was most familiar with, a path she had walked seemingly thousands of times.

Back then, every time she snuck out to find Shen Shu, she had always gone this way.

At the end of the path, there was a small iron gate.

With a squeak, the old gate was pushed open and the busy street outside the campus was revealed.

Qin Yu was there. He had been waiting for her here from the moment he learned that she had entered the school.

He leaned quietly against a nearby tree trunk, with mottled light and shadow falling over his pale and delicate face. His plain white shirt was tucked into his trousers and held in place with a leather belt. His legs were long and firm and, even in this film academy that was full of handsome men and beautiful women, he stood out in an eye-catching way.

Ruan Tian spotted him standing there, but she couldn’t understand the deep meaning in his two dark eyes.

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When Qin Yu came out, he usually played the part of an ostentatious young master, but today was different. Today, his legion of bodyguards in black suits had disappeared and he was alone like a regular person.

When he saw Ruan Tian emerge from the gate, Qin Yu lazily straightened up and then leisurely began walking towards her. A moment later he was already standing in front of her and looking her directly in the eye.

Ruan Tian heard Qin Yu cough twice as he approached, and she was somewhat surprised by how hoarse his voice sounded.

His voice was very hoarse, more hoarse than she had ever heard it be before.

Like the sound a person might hear from a pair of dull old bellows.

Qin Yu's lips were also very pale and seemed almost sickly. His mouth moved a few times soundlessly before he finally managed to say: "Ruan Tian, I’ve lost."

Today, Qin Yu had finally thrown in the towel.

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In the past, Qin Yu used to follow Ruan Tian around like a stalker, so he had seen her hurriedly using this path with her school bag slung over her shoulder, going to find Shen Shu and chase his back, countless times.

Or, if not that, to leave to those convenience stores or her other various workplaces.

In those days, she had always been the first one to leave class, hurriedly rushing out with her small bag and her hair loosely tied up behind her head. She would always quickly trot to the nearest bus stop and look to be in a great rush.

Meanwhile, when Ruan Tian heard this sentence from Qin Yu, what she felt was mostly just confusion.

She really had no idea what Qin Yu was talking about.

Although she knew what all those words meant individually, when they were arranged together in this order to make a sentence, she found she really didn't understand what Qin Yu was trying to say.

She just looked back at him uncertainly. Her round eyes were black and bright, clear and pure like two pools of quiet water. Those eyes only reflected one part confusion and one part impatience.

If there were words written inside, they would say "I don't understand" in one eye and "It doesn't matter" in the other.


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