Chapter 254

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Qin Yu could barely meet her gaze when she looked at him with these eyes. If she had looked at him with anger or with hatred that would be one thing, but this kind of indifferent, semi-confused look was what truly gouged at his heart.

Suddenly, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud, mocking himself.

Qin Yu's eyes reddened slightly, becoming sore and swollen as he stared at the woman in front of him. He couldn’t help but find it funny. It seemed that his obsession had completely made him into an irrational and brainless madman in front of Ruan Tian.

All these years, he had thought that he and Ruan Tian had been playing a game together.

But now he realized that from the first day she had appeared in his world, she never had him in her eyes.

Qin Yu finally understood everything.

After all, it wasn’t her fault that RUan Tian hadn’t fallen in love with him at first sight the way he had done to her.

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Meanwhile, Ruan Tian felt that the expression on Qin Yu's face seemed to be very odd. He seemed sad, and his eyes were strangely red. It was a side of him that she had never seen before.

At that moment, Qin Yu suddenly burst into tears. Ruan Tian was shocked. She had never even dreamed that such a thing could happen.

Qin Yu had always been strong and calm in all situations, his emotions absolutely bulletproof. No matter what sort of scenario, no matter what might have happened, there was never anything that could pierce his heart.

Back when Ruan Tian was younger, she happened to see Qin Yu while they were both at the hospital. For some reason, he needed to have blood drawn, but the nurse was a novice and had ended up trying over ten times before finally finding the vein in his arm.

However, even after being stabbed with the needle again and again, she never heard Qin Yu cry out in pain.

"How did you lose to me? Have we ever made a bet?" Ruan Tian asked with obvious confusion.

Qin Yu had been sickly his whole life, even in the womb, and it was very normal for him to have coughing fits or run a fever. But today he felt worse than he ever had, to the point that he almost felt that he was coughing blood, and every breath in his throat was so painful that he couldn’t even speak.

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Today, he realized that in Ruan Tian’s eyes, he was just an inexplicable, unreasonable, and insane man. A lunatic who did things whimsically with no rhyme or reason.

Qin Yu swallowed the blood that was bubbling up in his throat, and his entire body suddenly felt powerless. He forced out all of his strength and managed to say hoarsely, “It’s nothing.”

Ruan Tian nodded slowly. She was being courteous because she felt that she needed to be a little more polite to Qin Yu, if only for sake of the fact that he hadn’t made things difficult for her when she came to terminate her contract with his company.

In fact, she really had no idea why Qin Yu had always been targeting her all this time. From what she could see, it was clear that there had never been any special intersection or notable conflict between the two of them.

"By the way, what are you doing here?" Ruan Tian suddenly asked.

In fact, her mind was already spinning. It was hard not to get the wrong idea.

This was a film school, it was filled with beautiful older and younger sisters, and this was a secret back door!

Was this Qin Yu’s taste?

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Qin Yu looked at her silently. Then, as if he couldn’t see the way she was overthinking, he responded simply: "Waiting for you."

Ruan Tian suddenly became silent and her overactive imagination calmed down. She hadn’t asked him to wait for her, right! ! !

These words were a bit too ambiguous, ah.

She asked, "Then how did you know I would be here?"

Qin Yu replied without the slightest sense of shame. "I followed you when you came out this morning."

Ruan Tian: "…"

She blinked and felt a bit muddled. Why did he sound so confident and justified while admitting to committing the crime called stalking?

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Qin Yu had guessed why she had come back to her old school today, so he raised his eyebrows and asked, "So do you no longer want to be a star? You want to continue your studies?"

Ruan Tian looked up at him and replied, "I still want to be a star. I like acting."

Moreover, if she withdrew from the circle with this kind of timing, wouldn’t everyone laugh at her and call her a quitter? There was no way she could put up with that.

Besides, she was so popular now, why would she want to quit?

The leaves rustled and moved with the wind, causing the mottled shadows to sway along with them. Suddenly, the unhindered sunlight came down and gently fell over Qin Yu, causing his shadow to lengthen.

Qin Yu also fell silent. He realized his question was nonsense. He should have known that Ruan Tian wasn’t the type of person who would give up so easily no matter what she was going through.

The two people stood there facing each other in the sun and an awkward silence spooled out between them.

At least, Ruan Tian felt it was awkward.

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