Chapter 255

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After the silence had drawn out for quite a while, Ruan Tian finally said: ‘Well, I'll go ahead and leave first."

Qin Yu suddenly stopped her, "Ruan Tian."

He almost fell into a daze as he looked at her. She was wearing a plain T-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans which showed off her dazzling figure, her slender neck, her slim waist, and her small back.

She seemed almost no different now compared with how she had been back then when she was wearing her neat high school uniform.

Qin Yu suddenly reached out and caught her wrist, causing Ruan Tian to turn back and look at him blankly, “Was there anything else?"

Qin Yu looked deep into her eyes, and a harsh sobbing voice seemed to echo in his ears, drowning out all other sounds in the world around him.

The sight of these eyes reminded him of the recorded sound of those hoarse and painful sobs he had been listening to late into the night recently.

His vision turned a little blurry, and he said in an uncharacteristically soft and gentle voice: “I’m sorry.”

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He felt like the world was spinning. As it turned out, those two words were actually not so difficult to say.

Ruan Tian fell into a daze. Even for her, those two simple words were enough to make her pause and stay back for a while.

She had always thought she would never be able to hear an apology from Qin Yu even if she waited for her entire life.

In fact, it seemed so distant and fantastical that she had even fantasized and imagined what she would do if it were ever to really happen, even rehearsed what emotions she would show and what words she might say.

In those fantasies, perhaps she might feel relieved, she might feel proud, she might immediately strike back and ruthlessly humiliate him.

But now that it had really happened, Ruan Tian found that she only had four simple words to answer him with: "It doesn't matter anymore."

It was already over. It didn’t hurt anymore. She didn’t feel anything.

She found she could easily brush it off with a few words.

Qin Yu stared at her face and saw only indifference there.

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His fingers unconsciously tightened on her wrist.

Ruan Tian shook his hand off and then said impassively, "It really doesn't matter anymore."

However, looking at her face, it was clear that she wasn’t as indifferent as she was pretending to be.

Even her lips seemed to be slightly trembling.

From this, Qin Yu could tell that she was actually at least somewhat upset.

It was just that she disdained to vent her emotions in front of him.


Ruan Tian’s old school was already a place where paparazzi liked to hang around. After all, it was one of the best performing arts schools in the country, so it was possible to occasionally catch glimpses of various upcoming stars at the gates.

Thus, even though Ruan Tian had come out through an inconspicuous back gate, she and Qin Yu were still photographed together.

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Immediately, images of their confrontation and even photos of them “holding hands” were being widely circulated online.

Qin Yu was just as handsome as any star from in the circle and, what’s more, he seemed to have a certain inborn nobility that radiated from his body. When he and Ruan Tian stood together in the same frame, it was as if one was beautiful and one was noble, perfectly complimenting one another.

The netizens immediately sensed the potential for a new CP between this low-key CEO and gorgeous actress pair.

Thus, when the photos began spreading around, their exact relationship was guessed at and speculated on, and the netizens all suspected they were in love.

After looking at these photos, people who didn't know anything about the two all naturally started having the same thoughts: Were they really together? Had they already started falling in love?

Moreover, some sharp-eyed and attentive netizens also noticed that the place where they were meeting was actually Ruan Tian’s old film school.

Instantly a certain faction had already declared that Ruan Tian and Qin Yu were definitely already together and these photos were ironclad proof.

Another faction filled with people who disagreed with that thought also jumped out, announcing that it was ridiculous to make any assumptions just based on a few photos. They absolutely refused to admit there was anything between Ruan Tian and Qin Yu.

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And on the sidelines, there was even a group of conspiracy theorists who were dreaming up all sorts of crazy thoughts and suspicions.

They suspected that Qin Yu was there because he wanted to use his power and influence to let Ruan Tian return to her old school and erase the black stain that she was ever expelled in the first place while he was at it.

Of course, Ruan Tian wasn’t aware of any of this. She was still somewhat in a daze even after she had managed to make her way home.

All she could think about was those two words Qin Yu had said.

She gritted her teeth. Actually, she didn’t need to care about what he said, it was all bullshit anyway!

Ruan Tian admitted that when she heard Qin Yu say he was sorry, she had been really happy in her heart at first.

However, that Qin Yu really seemed to be overestimating the amount of charity in her heart. Did he think she was some sort of Virgin Mary! ? Was it really such a great thing, to give an apology after doing something wrong? Was she supposed to be grateful and thank him for his “generosity”?

The stuffing of the pillow in Ruan Tian's arms was nearly all torn out as she thought about all this. Eventually, she managed to calm down and, with a sigh, she picked up her phone to browse the internet for a while. Immediately, she saw all sorts of rampant rumors and speculations about the relationship between her and Qin Yu being pushed by all the major marketing accounts.

These rumors were so complete and well put together that even she was almost fooled by them.

Finally, Ruan Tian couldn’t help but post a clarification on her own Weibo: 【Recently, Qin Pictures and I peacefully went out separate ways, if anyone has potential work for me they can now directly contact my agent ~】

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