This simple announcement finally managed to clear up some of the rumors that were currently circulating. 

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She was telling them all clearly: There’s no love here! There’s no “CEO helping out his girlfriend with her school” story happening in the background! 

Thanks to that most of the crowd dispersed, but a faction who believed in the QinYuxRuanTian CP had already taken root and sprouted!

These people all felt that those photos were too sweet and gentle to be anything else.

That was clearly love, ah! 

The army of netizens rushed out and established super-threads celebrating the new QinYuxRuanTian CP and, mysteriously, these super-threads managed to evade the fate of being deleted that had fallen on all the other super-threads discussing Ruan Tian CPs before. 

These super-threads all firmly remained on the front page and weren’t deleted at all. 

This mysterious phenomenon only made the netizens inside the threads all the more convinced that they had finally found the real CP.

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However, Ruan Tian didn’t know any of this. After she posted her brief clarification on Weibo, she didn’t bother with the internet anymore and instead went to a nearby bookstore to buy some books on topics covered in the high school exam.

She hadn’t touched any booked in several years and most of her knowledge had already been given back to her teachers, so she had no choice but to do this. 

Ruan Tian confidently sent Jiang Lili a message on WeChat: 【I plan to continue filming and taking work but I want to do some reviews and increase my knowledge in my free time, that way I can strive to become a college student again! 】

Jiang Lili thought this was a good idea as well and replied: 【You should also hire a tutor and probably within two years my TianBaby will be a well-read scholar.】

Ruan Tian: 【Mhm! I’m going to study! From today on, I’ll do business during the day and study at night. I’ll be the most inspirational success story in the country! 】

Jiang Lili sent back: 【I believe in you TianBaby. 】

Ruan Tian opened up the math textbook with great confidence but then, a few minutes later, she suddenly sent a new message: 【I’m going to bed. 】

【Good night, Lili. 】

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Jiang Lili: 【… 】

Ruan Tian wasn’t actually giving up. She just felt this matter wasn’t too urgent right now, moreover, she had only thought of it because her meeting with her old teacher reminded her.

At any rate, if there ever really came a time when she didn’t want to keep working in the entertainment circle in the future then she could always go back and experience her college life again.

But right now there was no time to worry about it too much, Ruan Tian still had several in-depth interviews that she had promised to do with various TV stations.

At one of these interviews, Ruan Tian happened to run into Zhou Xiaoqiao backstage. It seemed Zhou Xiaoqiao had come to advertise her brand on the show this time. 

But the treatment the two sisters received from the TV station was very different.

Ruan Tian was a popular actress with many fans and was currently very high-profile in the industry. Additionally, she was very kind and polite, so the staff all affectionately called her “Teacher Ruan”, she received a private dressing room for her alone, and her seat on the stage was right there next to the host of the show. All of which went to show just how much importance the show was attaching to her. 

Meanwhile, Zhou Xiaoqiao, who couldn’t rely on the halo of her rich family to protect her in this setting, was ignored and despised by the people from the TV station, and even during the variety show her voice was all but drowned out by the big crowd of other people who had come on the show. 

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She basically couldn’t get a word in throughout the whole process, let alone somehow stand out enough to promote her brand.

Also, the staff didn’t have a particularly good attitude towards her. They didn’t pamper her, send her refreshments, or even show her a smiling face. 

Zhou Xiaoqiao saw a certain director who was too lazy to even exchange a few words with her suddenly become energetic and eager to chat and joke around when he was in front of Ruan Tian, wearing a smile like blooming flowers the whole time.

Zhou Xiaoqiao was so angry that she felt like she was about to vomit blood.

Meanwhile, Ruan Tian felt like her current relationship with Zhou Xiaoqiao was very appropriate. They were like well water and river water that never needed to meet. 

Although this metaphor wasn’t quite perfect to describe their relationship, they could at least respectfully keep their distance. 

It was fine for them to just pretend that they had never known each other.

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And, in fact, it seemed Zhou Xiaoqiao might have been really scared by Ruan Tian during their last meeting, because even though they were meeting face-to-face for the first time in a while she didn’t come forward to cry and play the role of a good sister the way she always used to do. 

Today, the host of the show vaguely knew that the station was attaching great importance to this interview, but she wasn’t sure why. However, even some of the station’s senior leaders had come to encourage her this time, so she could tell that this interview was definitely a big deal. 

She was actually a bit confused. Their station had interviewed bigger stars than Ruan Tian before, so why was there so much fanfare this time?

Out of curiosity, she had even asked the deputy director. The deputy director had just glanced at her and then said harshly: “What do you know? This person was personally sent to us by the head of the Qin family with instructions to take care of her!”

The head of the Qin family!

And not using his position as the CEO of Qin Pictures.

Instead, he had used his identity as the head of the Qin family from the capital!

This level of background… 

It was just on a completely different level! 

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