Before the interview began, Ruan Tian gave the hostess a simple greeting. 

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Of course, once she had learned that the guest who would be coming on the show this time was Ruan Tian, the hostess did a lot of homework to learn about her background. And, honestly, she had been pretty surprised when she learned that Ruan Tian was already divorced.

Such a young and promising actress had already been married and divorced? That was something rare in this industry. What’s more, her ex-husband seemed to be a man of great status and power.

However, after she finished researching Ruan Tian’s background, the hostess had ultimately come away with a good impression of her.

From what she could tell, Ruan Tian seemed to be a good actor who always did things in a straightforward and down-to-earth manner. She had a pretty good reputation within the industry and, aside from some baseless gossip that cropped up from time to time, she didn’t have any scandals to speak of. 

Once the interview began, the hostess began to ask her questions according to the outline she had prepared beforehand.

And Ruan Tian performed even better than she had expected, showing off that she had both acting skills and brains.

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She was very different from some upcoming starlets who were only famous thanks to being pushed from behind by their backers. Those kinds of starlets would usually demand to have a script prepared for them with all the interview questions and answers, but then they wouldn’t even be able to memorize their pre-prepared scripts, forgetting their words midway through and dazing off in confusion in front of the cameras.

Of course, their braindead fans would just think that their confused and vacant stares were cute and give them a pass. 

But this time the interview was more spontaneous and the hostess talked to Ruan Tian for over an hour. Then, at the very end of the interview, the hostess went off topic a bit and asked: “I’m asking this last question on behalf of all your fans, Ms. Ruan Tian, do you have any plans to fall in love at present?”

The hostess had expected that Ruan Tian might show some hesitance or quibble a bit and refuse to answer but, unexpectedly, she replied flatly: “No.”

Indeed, Ruan Tian had no such plans. 

At present, her only thoughts were on making money.

The hostess was briefly stunned by Ruan Tian’s frank replied, but she quickly recovered and said with a smile, “All the fans looking forward to your career taking off even further will be very happy with this answer.”

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“Anyway, that’s all for today’s interview. I’m glad to have been able to talk so much with Teacher Ruan Tian, and I’ll be looking forward to our next meeting.”

Ruan Tian smiled and responded, “En, let’s look forward to it together.”

After the interview was over, Ruan Tian and the hostess had gotten along pretty well and even exchanged their private contacts. 

Once all that was done, Ruan Tian stepped out of the recording studio and quickly headed over to the nearest elevator.

After a brief wait, the elevated “Dinged” and the doors slid open. 

Inside, she saw a familiar man in a black suit. His usual frosty aura seemed to have dulled somewhat and now he only seemed withdrawn. 

All around the man, there were several men who looked to be elite-level professionals who were also wearing dark suits and grim faces. 

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Ruan Tian also recognized one of these men, she knew he was Shen Shu’s secretary, and he was also the one who had basically handled all communication between her and Shen Shu during those two years of marriage. 

Ruan Tian even suspected that if the law allowed a person to use a stand-in to obtain their marriage license, Shen Shu would have definitely given this secretary half a day off and told him to get their marriage license with her in his place.

There were also some high-level executives from the TV station in the elevator. Seeing how they were acting so respectfully towards Shen Shu and his entourage, it seemed that he must have come today to discuss business. 

And then, the two of them just happened to run into each other like this.

Ruan Tian silently boarded the elevator and hit the button for the first floor.

Ruan Tian almost wanted to force her way through the crowd as soon as the elevator door opened, but in the end, she decided to just go with the flow. She could only listen on as those higher-ups from the TV station all exchanged pleasantries with Shen Shu’s group: “President Shen, our station is very enthusiastic about cooperating with your company for a long time into the future. You can rest assured that our prime time effect and our advertisement methods are the very best.”

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It wasn’t very obvious, but as someone who had known him for a long time Ruan Tian could tell that Shen Shu’s voice was somewhat withdrawn and indifferent as he replied: “En, let’s have a pleasant cooperation.”

“Yes, yes, let’s have a pleasant cooperation! Anyway, we won’t see you off any further, do take care President Shen.”

Even until now, Ruan Tian was still blocked by this big group of people and could only slowly try to wiggle her way past while, at the same time, being forced to listen to their conversation.

Unfortunately, they had come to a stop right in front of the front doors, so this big and magnificent group of people, from supervisors to executives all the way down to little assistants, was completely blocking the way. 

Shen Shu was standing right at the front, and from her angle, Ruan Tian could only see the back of his head.

A few minutes slipped by and Ruan Tian finally ran out of patience. She coughed loudly and then her clear and beautiful voice rang out: “Umm, excuse me.”

Shen Shu turned around and their two pairs of eyes inevitably met.

The others turned to look as well and many of them recognized this woman: The infamous ex-wife of the big boss. 

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