The secretary who always used to be in charge of contacting her was a bit surprised. He hadn’t seen Ruan Tian for a long time but, seeing her today, he felt that she seemed to be becoming more and more beautiful. It seemed she was doing pretty well after her divorce from his boss.

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He suddenly remembered how, in the past, whenever he had to go see Ruan Tian and deliver a message to her or pass her some document that she needed to look over, her eyes were always full of a subtle sort of depression. 

Shen Shu was briefly stunned to see her but, after falling silent for a long moment, he said, “Since I happened to run into you today, I’ll give you a ride back.”

Ruan Tian almost rolled her eyes. How very “kind”.

Such a “loving” ex-husband.

In the end, she just shook her head and said, “No need.”

Shen Shu looked her up and down and then said slowly: “Is this really necessary? Must we both die of old age while never contacting one another again?” 

Ruan Tian almost nodded but managed to stop herself at the last second.

She was a bit worried that if she really nodded Shen Shu might just directly kill her on the spot. In the end, she went against her conscience and said to the proud young master in front of her: “I could go either way, it’s up to you.”

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Shen Shu frowned. He should have known that there was no way he would hear anything pleasant from her mouth.

While these two people were in a stalemate in the lobby, Zhou Xiaoqiao had also finally finished her part on the show and her first attempt to personally advertise her brand had come to an end.

During this time, it could be said she saw nothing but rolled eyes and heard nothing but contemptuous words. 

She immediately resolved that she would never come out and do this sort of thing again.

However, as she was approaching the front of the lobby to leave, she happened to see Ruan Tian and Shen Shu standing there in a face-off.

She hesitantly went forward and called out in a gentle and soft tone: “Brother Shen Shu.”

Ruan Tian silently sighed. She knew that Zhou Xiaoqiao had always liked Shen Shu.

However, maybe because she was shy, or maybe because she couldn’t put aside her face as a wealthy young miss but, whatever the reason, in the end, she had never expressed her feelings to him.

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Perhaps she always felt in her heart that Ruan Tian had stolen Shen Shu away from her. 

But when Ruan Tian saw Zhou Xiaoqiao’s familiar aggrieved expression today, she suddenly felt that there was something she needed to clarify to Shen Shu.

After all, although she could be considered a thick-skinned person, she was definitely not the type of person who was capable of giving away her first time in a crazy aphrodisiac drug scheme.

“Oh, there actually is one thing which I don’t recall if I’ve told you before.”

Without waiting for Shen Shu to respond, Ruan Tian immediately continued speaking: “I’m not the one who schemed against you back then, I never gave you an aphrodisiac. I know you were very disgusted, but I was also very innocent.”

Runa Tian frowned, recalling how her first time hadn’t felt good at all and she was even berated as being a prostitute. The whole experience had almost left a psychological shadow in her heart.

That morning when she woke up, before she could figure out what was going on or start to feel shy, she had received such a critical blow from Shen Shu.

He had said a bunch of cynical words and then used his money to humiliate her.

Ruan Tian sighed deeply, then took out her wallet, pulled out a handful of red banknotes, and stuffed them into Shen Shu’s hands. She said, “Here, I’m giving this back to you.”

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Having unloaded that burden, she immediately disappeared into a taxi with a refreshed expression.

Shen Shu’s fingers slowly tightened, unconsciously crushing and crumpling the red banknotes.

Zhou Xiaoqiao was frightened by Shen Shu’s icy expression and didn’t dare to speak for a long time. Finally, she said in a low voice: “Brother Shen, are you all right?”

She was used to acting coquettish and went forward to gently grab his sleeves, but this time he just silently avoided her while saying two cold words: “It’s nothing.”

Zhou Xiaoqiao had an uneasy feeling in her heart but silently forced it down and returned to her usual spoiled child act, “Brother Shen, I’m so tired after trying to advertise my brand today. It was miserable and the staff didn’t help at all, they didn’t even give me warm water to drink.”

Her weepy pitiful act was already at the highest level. 

Shen Shu let out a low chuckle that seemed deep and flirtatious. Then he said, “This is the path you’ve chosen, no matter how difficult it is you have to go on. It’s meaningless to complain.”

Shen Shu shook his head. Zhou Xiaoqiao couldn’t bear this treatment after just one day. 

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But Ruan Tian had been in the entertainment industry for many years now, was her suffering any less than Zhou Xiaoqiao’s today? If Ruan Tian were as delicate as this girl, wouldn’t she already be dead? 

Shen Shu felt more and more that his vision in the past could only be described as “blind”. 

Back then he had only wanted to follow the standard and expected path.

Just wanting a woman who was obedient, gentle, and with the necessary family qualifications.

Shen Shu finally put away the money in his hand and regained his cold and distant aura. He said, “I still have some things to do at the company, I can’t accompany you any longer.” 

And as soon as the last word fell he had already disappeared in the black car waiting by the curb. 

Even when making up a perfunctory reason to leave, he was still stingy with his words. 

But that was normal. When this man wanted to treat a person coldly, it was cold enough to kill or directly drive them crazy.

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