While riding home, halfway through the drive, Shen Shu suddenly spoke up and asked, “Do you think that she really won’t turn back?”

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The secretary up front who was driving the car couldn’t help but tremble. He glanced up at the rearview mirror and saw his boss’s ice-cold face and tried to pick a few good words to say: “Well, Big Sister Ruan had always been soft-hearted. Perhaps she will waver if you wait long enough.”

Meanwhile, inside his heart, the secretary was patting himself on the back for managing to lie to CEO Shen without showing any change on his face.

After all, judging by his contact with her over the past two years, he felt that Miss Ruan was definitely not a person who would ever look back after making a decision. 

Secretly, he felt that it was an almost impossible task for his boss to ever get his ex-wife back. 

Moreover, the secretary also felt that the situation he was in today was actually entirely the boss’s own doing. 

After all, it wasn’t like anyone had forced him. Back then, he could have turned down the marriage if he wanted to, but he didn’t.

With his mouth, he said he didn’t want to, but he still went and got the marriage license.

Then, once they were married, even though he never showed his face in front of Ruan Tian, he also never let her completely give up. For instance, from time to time when there was a holiday he would send him, his secretary, to give her some simple gifts. Clearly, he had been teasing her and deliberately showing her a little bit of hope. 

Basically, men were all cheap.

They wanted what they couldn’t get but also couldn’t bear to lose what they had. 

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On her way home, Ruan Tian bought several 5-3 college entrance exam review books.

Ironically, she, an unmarried young woman already in her twenties, still had no choice but to face these 5-3 books just like a high school student.

This kind of hard-working spirit to study and learn actually moved Jiang Lili quite a bit, and the little rich woman even promised: “If you answer all those questions well, I’ll definitely take you to eat BBQ tomorrow.”

And Ruan Tian was really trying to study seriously.

However, she found it was actually quite difficult. It had already been so long, and she couldn’t quite comprehend many of the concepts in these books.

Especially when it came to maths. This subject had always been her blind spot.

In the end, Ruan Tian gave up and slid these terrible 5-3 books under her pillow without feeling any psychological burden.

After all, she was in no hurry to take any exams, so why should she work herself to death? 

Contrary to that, Ruan Tian felt more anxious to pick up a new project. Spending this much time without working made her feel uncomfortable all over. 

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Finally, she sent another message to that talented screenwriter she had contacted before. Her message was very clear, with heavy implications that he only needed to say the word; her phone was always on! 

However, the screenwriter just played dead, and her message disappeared like a stone into the sea. 

Ruan Tian was very patient and continued to “greet” him every two hours after that.

The screenwriter on the other end of the phone was stupified. He really wondered how their little team was so lucky as to attract this bigshot called Ruan Tian.

Of course, it wasn’t that they didn’t want to agree and start filming, it was just they had their own difficulties. The 50 million yuan they raised for the early stage had already all been spent on various pre-production expenses. 

And by now, once again, they were completely broke.

Ruan Tian sent the screenwriter a few more messages until, finally, the screenwriter was like a dead pig in boiling water: completely unafraid. He picked up the phone and responded brazenly: “No money.”

Ruan Tian was stunned. “Will your movie still be made?”

She was really worried. She had already reserved her schedule and pushed aside a lot of other scripts because of her intention to take this job.

Hearing this question, the screenwriter suddenly had a brilliant idea. He asked carefully, “Ms. Ruan, are you very optimistic about our project?”

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Ruan Tian said, “If I wasn’t optimistic, why would I want to act in the movie?”

She continued, “I’ve read the script, and I thought it was very funny.”

The screenwriter chuckled and said, “Hehe, then, Ms. Ruan, why not invest some money?”

Ruan Tian was dumbfounded. There were question marks all over her face. Did this guy feel that she looked very gullible? !

Ruan Tian loved money like her life and it was almost impossible for her to part with it, but the screenwriter was actually very eloquent and managed to dazzle her with a deluge of words.

From his words, it was like she would be a heinous criminal if she didn’t invest.

Finally, she was almost convinced and asked, “How much investment do you need?”

The screenwriter replied, “It should be… 20 million.”

Ruan Tian heard the words “20 million” and immediately woke up, her smile disappeared in a flash and she chuckled dryly twice before saying: “Heh heh, just forget I asked. I need to sleep. Byebye.”

“Ms. Ruan, 10 million is fine. Hello! ? Hello!”

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“Ms. Ruan, 5 million!”

“2 million is fine, just take it as showing us a little charity!”

Ruan Tian suddenly felt she didn’t actually want to go work with a crew where, not only would she not get paid, but she would actually need to give money. That sounded a lot like being cheated!

However, in the end, when the director and screenwriter both joined forces to cry poverty, Ruan Tian decided to endure the pain and invest 2 million in their dream.

“I really think this movie is very promising.” These were Ruan Tian’s true thoughts.

However, when other people found out they all thought that Ruan Tian had no vision at all and that, in fact, she was probably blind. These people saw the script and thought this movie was garbage and that any random vlogger recording random videos on the side of the street with their phones could probably make a better film. 

Thus, before this new comedy even began filming, it was labeled by all as being incredibly bad and Ruan Tian herself was also mocked and ridiculed as an idiot for joining the crew.

But Ruan Tian still believed. She was confident that there was something about this film that made it stand out from the rest! 

Maybe it could become a big dark horse among all comedies in the cinema?

Then she would have earned big!

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