Because Ruan Tian personally announced that she and her former company had peacefully parted ways, she immediately received olive branch after olive branch from a sizable number of different entertainment companies.

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These companies were offering her all kinds of dazzling conditions, and Jiang Lili’s phone was blowing up every day with message after message.

After a little while of this, the two got together and spent a whole day sifting through this pile of messages and emails, trying to find an entertainment company that stood out from the rest or seemed particularly suitable. 

Ruan Tian sat barefoot on the floor mat in her living room with a bowl of washed strawberries in front of her. Her red lips chomped down on the berries one at a time, causing bursts of sweet and sour flavor. 

Next to her, Jiang Lili had spread out the profiles of various companies on the ground for Ruan Tian to see. She said, “In the recent years Sheng Hong Entertainment has been developing by leaps and bounds in the industry, they seem to be a pretty good pick.”

Now was the time for the experience Ruan Tian had accumulated working in the lowest rungs of the industry for two years to shine. Back then, when she had been working various roles as extra or stand-ins, she had made all sorts of little buddies in various companies who would sometimes tell her some news. She considered for a moment before saying, “As I recall, the people in this company are penny pinchers to the extreme.”

When it came time for them to pay their actors, they were nowhere to be found! ! !

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In the end, one young actor even had to use his own money to file a lawsuit against the company before finally dragging his money out of them!

Tsk, tsk tsk…

Jiang Lili nodded and replied, “Alright, then we’ll give this company a pass.” Then she continued, “What about Fanghe Culture?”

However, after asking she immediately answered herself: “Actually, this company doesn’t seem to be very good either. Looking at their portfolio, it seems they only like to produce dog blood mother-in-law dramas.”

Jiang Lili spent the whole afternoon trying to choose a company for Ruan Tian, but in the end, none of them seemed suitable. 

Jiang Lili knew that Ruan Tian probably wanted to go on to act in more movies, but there were actually very few entertainment companies that made films. Moreover, most of the companies that did make movies were very small operations that seemed either unprofessional or incompetent.

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As the day went by, Ruan Tian slowly ate up the whole bowl of strawberries alone. She licked her lips to savor the aftertaste for a moment, then suddenly said: “If this doesn’t work, why not open our own company?” 

Jiang Lili hesitated for a moment, “I think that… could work.”

After all, any time an actress signed with a new company, there was always a risk of being blocked or buried by the higher-ups. When you worked for someone else’s company, it wasn’t rare for opportunities to be ruined by the people above you. The show you were in talks with might inexplicably fly away from your hands, or the endorsement contract you’ve already signed might suddenly be unilaterally terminated. 

But when an artist opened their own company, they would at least have a say.

The more Jiang Lili thought about it, the more she felt that this idea was actually feasible.

However, she also knew that opening a new company wasn’t so easy. There were a lot of trivial matters that needed to be handled in order to set up a professional team.

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In the end, Ruan Tian was an undeniably proactive person. She quickly decided to take advantage of this time where she wasn’t signed to any company to try to register her own. She went out, filled in the application form for a business license, and then submitted it. 

Then she could only sit back and wait for the government to do their examination and give her their approval and get her business license.

During this period, Jiang Lili also wasn’t idle. She went on Weibo and created a recruitment notice. However, perhaps because she still didn’t have a company name to give, or perhaps because she just wasn’t famous enough as Ruan Tian’s agent, in the end, the number of people who came to apply could be counted on her fingers.

But she did manage to hire an assistant and publicist at the end of the day.

Both of them were top students who had just graduated from college. The assistant wore black-rimmed glasses and was a little chubby, but even though she was fleshy she was cute.

It was only after the assistant had accepted the job that she finally found out that her new boss was actually Ruan Tian.

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She was one of Ruan Tian’s fans, so when she found out she immediately felt so happy that she thought she was going to pass out. Then, with great difficulty, she managed to suppress the screams of joy that were rising up from the bottom of her heart and pretended to be calm.

Not long after that…

Ruan Tian’s fans suddenly saw a new Weibo account appear. It was called【Ruan Tian’s Studio】.

At first, the fans all assumed that this account was just a fake deliberately trying to trick them into paying attention! Of course, if their TianBaby really decided to open her own company, they would all be crazy with delight. But they hadn’t heard any news like that, nor had they seen anything from any of the marketing accounts that usually dug up new scoops.

Thus, they all firmly believed that it was fake.

An obvious fake!

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