Immediately, Ruan Tian’s fans came out to denounce this account one after another. They called for this person to immediately delete their account and threatened to contact the moderators and even the police.

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But shortly after that, Ruan Tian finally got her business license.

And later that same day, the account【Ruan Tian’s Studio】finally made its first post.

@RuanTiansStudio: “TianTian is here! Hearts <3 【picture.jpg】

(tl note: The term actually used is “比心” which is shorthand for that thing where you make a heart with your fingers. But I’m not sure how to convey that in a word or two in English so I altered it.)

Inside the picture, Ruan Tian was sitting in the middle of a large pile of plush dolls in a simple white dress. Her face was pale like it was powdered and also slightly flushed with redness as she gave a big smile that stretched to her ears, and her fingers were coming together to make a big heart in front of the camera. 

A wave of shock suddenly rolled over the fan community. 

For a long moment, they were all completely unable to react. 

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They looked at this new post with dazed eyes and their minds only had one thought: I’m so f*cking confused! 

“Ahhhhhhhh! TianBaby really does make big moves completely silently!” 

“You finally have your own studio? I’ve been a fan for three years already, and I really can’t help but cry. I’ve been following you since you were completely unknown, and I’ve seen all the things that your company did to you. I saw when you nearly joined a crew but then got replaced at the last second, and when your company completely stopped promoting you, and when you were scheduled to appear on a variety show but then your company canceled it. Now you finally won’t have to suffer those kinds of grievances anymore.”

“I’m crying, crying, crying.”

“My tears are running like rivers. Sister Ruan, please continue to fly forward! You were born to be a shining star!”

Ruan Tian was very happy to see the big reaction from her fans, and she also felt very warm in her heart.

However, the one depressing thing in the midst of all this happiness was that the movie she was hoping to act in still hadn’t decided when they would begin filming! 

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Jiang Lili felt as confused as the onlookers this time, and she couldn’t help but ask: “What on earth did you see in this movie?”

If she wanted money, there was no money, and if she didn’t want money, there was still no money! 

The word “poverty” seemed to be branded on every inch of this production! 

Ruan Tian thought carefully for a while and was somewhat shocked by the result. She finally muttered, “Right? What did I see in this movie?” 

Jiang Lili felt like she was going crazy. She blurted out, “We can delay this until the end of next month at the very latest, but if filming still hasn’t begun by then we’ll pick another project.” 

However, despite her serious tone, who knew if Ruan Tian was listening seriously or not. 

Ruan Tian was currently busy biting the tip of her pen with a thoughtful expression. Finally, she said solemnly, “Actually, I think this movie could be an unexpected dark horse comedy film.” 

(tl note: She actually calls it a “天降紫微星” which is literally something like “Purple star descending from the heavens”, and it’s a term used by fans in the entertainment industry when a work unexpectedly breaks out and becomes popular despite not having many resources.)

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After all, it had already been many years and there hadn’t really been any popular comedy films on the market.

Jiang Lili: “…”


Just when Ruan Tian started to seriously suspect that the screenwriter might have already taken her money and run, he finally reached out and contacted her again.

“Ms. Ruan, our preliminary work for the film is almost complete. Also, the actors for the leading and supporting roles are all in place!”

After a short pause, he continued, “Once I find a master to calculate an auspicious day for us to begin, we will immediately begin filming!”

Ruan Tian felt a bit dumbfounded. This was the 21 century ah.

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Ruan Tian almost wondered if there was something wrong with her ears. She replied, “Are you talking about a fortune teller?”

The screenwriter patted his thigh and reassured her, “This isn’t a fortune-teller, he is a true master. In order to meet him, we needed to make an appointment a long time in advance. Don’t worry Ms. Ruan, as soon as I know the auspicious day I’ll contact you right away.”

At first, Ruan Tian thought he was just joking and, even after he had already hung up the phone, she still thought he was joking. But it turned out it wasn’t a joke.

Finally, a few days later, the screenwriter sent her another message: 【We talked to the master and he calculated that there was a high probability our film will be a hit if we begin filming at the end of next month. Thus, we will start filming at the end of October. PS: We have officially decided our movie will be called, ‘The Young Miss Has Arrived, Get Out Of The Way’. 】

This was the kind of title that the whole world would probably look down on but, unexpectedly, Ruan Tian liked it. She felt it sounded very interesting.

However, with more than a month to go before the end of October, Ruan Tian didn’t want to just sit around at home picking her feet, so she decided to try to take advantage of this free time to shoot a commercial.

But, in the end, this plan fell through. 

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