After being told to scram by Qin An, Ruan Tian drifted away and began to mingle around the party. She found that the people here all acted very warm towards her, and the way they looked at her was different compared to how people usually looked at her at these sorts of events.

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After all, most of these people were relatives or close friends of the Qin family, so none of them dared to look at her with contemptuous eyes. 

Before the banquet began, Mother Qin suddenly invited Ruan Tian out to the balcony to talk to her alone.

“Ruan Tian, the last time auntie saw you, you were still in your first year of high school. Now, in the twinkling of an eye, you’ve already grown so big.” 

Ruan Tian never knew how to get along with elders who acted kind and gentle, so she could only blush and fumble over her words for a long time. Finally, she managed to squeak out, “En, time flies, time flies.”

Mother Qin was amused by Ruan Tian’s perplexed expression. She smiled and said, “I’ve been living abroad for too long these past years. My younger son has always been spoiled by his big brother and developed a bit of a temper. Meanwhile, Ah’Yu has always been a thoughtful child, so I’ve never had to worry about them over the years, but I also haven’t taught them as much as I should have.”

(tl note: She calls Qin Yu, Ah’Yu (阿遇). But the “Ah” isn’t part of his name, it’s just a term of endearment used amongst close family members.)

She paused, let out a gentle sigh, and turned to look out at the night sky. After a moment she turned back to Ruan Tian and said, “Ruan Tian, Ah’Yu likes you.”

Looking into Ruan Tian’s blankly staring eyes, Mother Qin sighed inaudibly and then continued: “He’s just too childish, too stubborn.”

Ruan Tian just lowered her head and continued to listen.

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Mother Qin was an elder, but she still looked like she was only in her thirties, very well maintained and beautiful.

“I’m not asking you to forgive him.” Mother Qin reached out and took Ruan Tian’s hand. “I just want to tell you that he likes you.”

Ruan Tian had very confused and mixed feelings after hearing this.

When Mother Qin finally sent Ruan Tian back to the party, she just wandered down in a daze, her head filled with question marks.

At the same time, Qin Yu still hadn’t come downstairs yet. Ruan Tian overheard some people talking and found that his illness seemed to have relapsed, so he could only stay in bed for recuperation.

Meanwhile, from the moment Ruan Tian wandered back down to the party, Qin An never looked away from her face for a second.

Qin An was the type to act crazy even if he hadn’t been drinking, so he boldly went forward and grabbed Ruan Tian’s arm before dragging her up to the top of the stairs. He asked angrily, “What did my mother say to you?”

Ruan Tian told the truth: “She said your brother likes me.”

She patted her little head and continued sincerely, “It turns out that there is something wrong with your brother’s brain.”

In fact, these days Qin An had begun to feel it wouldn’t be so terrible if Ruan Tian were to become his sister-in-law, so he wasn’t as opposed to the idea as he had been before. 

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Thus, he just wriggled and said: “You have no idea how much my brother likes you!”

Internally, Ruan Tian nodded and agreed.

En, I really don’t know.

I’ve never been able to see it at all.

Qin An’s proud tail stuck up and shot toward the sky, he continued in a knowing tone: “My brother even gave up studying abroad for you.”

After all, unlike Shen Shu, his brother could have easily gone abroad for his studies long ago. 

Qin An had imagined that Ruan Tian would have been moved to tears after this revelation, but who knew that the expression on her face didn’t even waver? She even asked, “What does that have to do with me?”

Inside, she was rolling her eyes.

Had she held a knife to Qin Yu’s throat and forbade him to study abroad?

Or threatened to kill herself if he left? 

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Even if you wanted to do moral kidnapping, it had to at least have some basis in reality okay. 

Qin An pondered for a moment and realized that this matter actually didn’t seem to have anything to do with her. Rather, it was all just his brother’s wishful thinking.

Qin An’s mind felt a bit muddled, so finally he just said, “Forget it, I can barely accept you as my sister-in-law.”

Ruan Tian’s eyes widened.

Who! Is! Going! To! Be! Your! Sister-in-law!

“I don’t like him! I don’t like you either! Why would I want to be your sister-in-law? Do you think I’m sick in the head! ?” She roared.

Qin An replied back loudly in an accusing tone: “What did you say? Just think how upset my brother would be if he heard this!”

It was as if he was afraid that his voice was too low and the whole house wouldn’t be able to hear him. 

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Just at that moment, a doorhandle near the edge of the staircase started to turn, and then the door swung open, revealing a pale man in a wheelchair staring at both of them with dark eyes.

His hands were resting on his legs, exposing his long fingers and slim wrists, seeming somehow seductive and sexy.

Qin Yu looked up at Ruan Tian and was silent for a few seconds, then he suddenly grabbed her wrist, yanked her into the room, and then slammed the door shut again.

Qin An was stunned by this twist and only came back to his sense when he heard the door slamming shut again. At first, he was confused, but then he became anxious and shouted, “Oh my god! Big brother, calm down, don’t do anything illegal!”

The two people inside the room heard his shouts clearly.

Ruan Tian: “…”

There was only a single dim bedside lamp casting out its light inside the bedroom, causing the whole room to seem somewhat dark and gloomy. A hand was wrapped around Ruan Tian’s wrist like a pair of iron pliers. She looked at that hand, then up along the arm, to the chin, and finally to his two dark eyes. 

His face was half-darkened and half-lit by the low light of the lamp, and Ruan Tian found she couldn’t see through what he was thinking at all.

She gulped loudly and said: “You heard what he said, right?”

Don’t do anything illegal!

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