Qin Yu let out an angry laugh, but after a moment his mood gradually calmed down. He suddenly threw out a sentence that seemed to have come completely out of nowhere: “Actually, Shen Shu went on a blind date today. If you’re lucky, maybe you’ll even be able to meet her in a little while.”

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In fact, this matter had nothing to do with Ruan Tian. 

She didn’t care at all, but somehow she also still felt just a little bit curious.

She sort of wondered exactly what kind of immortal fairy could move that Shen Shu’s heart.

In the end, she blinked and, with an innocent expression, asked: “Who was it? How old is she? Is she very pretty?” 

When Qin Yu heard Ruan Tian actually start asking questions about Shen Shu’s date, he suddenly felt uncomfortable, like something heavy was lodged in his chest. Eventually, he responded, “I don’t know.”

Ruan Tian let out a few awkward coughs and then let the topic drop. 

The lighting in the bedroom was dim, with the only illumination coming from a single lamp on the bedside table, which caused the atmosphere in the room to feel somewhat ambiguous.

As Ruan Tian stared into his eyes she felt uncomfortable all over, but Qin Yu just met her gaze calmly with zero signs of discomfort.  

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“What are you trying to do by suddenly dragging me into this room?” Ruan Tian asked. 

She had thought he was sick in bed! But just judging by the strength he used to yank her into this room, he didn’t seem like a sick person at all!   

But even as the question exited her mouth Ruan Tian couldn’t help but look Qin Yu up and down once more. Currently, he was slouched in his wheelchair like a sickly patient. It really seemed like he couldn’t do anything even if he wanted to!

However, there still seemed to be five words written clearly in her eyes: Qin Yu, don’t try anything! 

Qin Yu replied in an arrogant tone, “There’s no reason.”

Ruan Tian suddenly felt like she really didn’t want to talk to this person and turned to leave. Qin Yu didn’t make any more to stop her. As it turned out, the master bedroom in the villa had a password lock, and Ruan Tian couldn’t open the door at all. 

Ruan Tian struggled with the door for a while before finally giving up.

Qin Yu poured her a glass of water and said in a natural manner, “Save your strength.”

Ruan Tian fell silent for a long moment.

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Then she said, “Your words right now really sound like the threat a criminal says just before he makes a move.” 

Qin Yu: “…”

Ruan Tian accepted the glass of water and slowly took a sip. As she drank, her eyes unintentionally roamed around the room and happened to see the big pile of bottles of pills and medicines on the bedside table. Her eyes flashed. This should be all the medicine Qin Yu usually needed to take.

It seemed that his sickly constitution was an undeniable reality. 

“As far as I know there’s nothing wrong with your legs…” She began slowly, “so why are you in a wheelchair?”

Qin Yu raised his eyelids and calmly replied, “Tired.”

Ruan Tian had no response to that. 

In the end, Ruan Tian really didn’t have the ability to sit in a bedroom alone with Qin Yu and act calm, so before long she stood up and ran over to a nearby window, ready to throw it open and start calling for help. 

But Qin Yu suddenly appeared behind her and caught her by the wrist. At the same time, his other hand snaked up and covered her mouth. Once she was trapped in his arms, he said slowly, “Why don’t we go down together once it’s time for dinner.” 

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Although this was vaguely phrased like a question, Qin Yu clearly didn’t plan to allow her to refuse. 

He continued, “Do you have your phone with you?”

Ruan Tian nodded dazedly.

Qin Yu reached down into her purse, took out her phone, turned it off in front of her, then threw it into a nearby drawer and locked it inside. That done, he said, “Don’t think about calling anyone, half an hour is enough.”

Ruan Tian was shocked by his shameless movements.

Was he so worried that she might secretly call someone for help?

Qin Yu finally released his grip on her. Ruan Tian stumbled a few steps away and then turned back. Her little face flushed and she said, “You are sick.”

He directly admitted: “En, I’m very sick.”

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Ruan Tian plopped down on a nearby sofa and then looked at the man in front of her coldly: “Your mother says that you like me.”

Qin Yu’s face paled, but Ruan Tian ignored it and continued, “Also, Qin An said that you gave up on going to study abroad for me.”

Qin Yu didn’t say a word, neither admitting nor denying it.

Ruan Tian calmly spoke of the matters he had suppressed at the bottom of his heart for so many years as if they were no big deal.

Qin Yu was suddenly overcome with an indescribable sense of discomfort and shame.

Ruan Tian’s eyes were clear and pure, and she looked directly into Qin Yu’s eyes without blinking. The corners of her lips slightly twitched upwards and she said, “It’s very strange. This is the first time I’ve met someone who needed to rely on someone else’s help to convey their feelings this way.” 

At this point how could Qin Yu fail to hear the sarcasm in her voice? 

However, her eyes remained clear and bright. She looked directly into his eyes and continued asking: “I just wanted to ask you, did you enjoy yourself while you were bullying me all those years?”

“Did it make you very happy when I was forced to concede to you despite not being convinced? To see me forced to avoid you like a plague and with no choice but to bow to you when our paths crossed?”

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