Hearing these harsh words, Qin Yu felt stunned on the spot.

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But all the way until the end, Ruan Tian only spoke calmly, without any sense of rage or grievance in her tone. 

Qin Yu pressed his lips together so tightly that his flesh turned white. Her current frosty gaze made him almost want to flee.

His hands were very beautiful, slender, pale, and well-defined, but currently they were clenching the arms of his wheelchair so tightly that the veins bulged and the skin turned red.

Suddenly, there were three sharp knocks at the door. One of the maids called in: “Master, the guests have all arrived. The madam has asked for you to come down.” 

Qin Yu’s voice seemed very hoarse as he let out a vague hum of acknowledgment. In the dim light of the bedroom, his face seemed almost dangerously pale, but he still slowly stood up from his wheelchair. As he rose, he couldn’t help but hunch over and let out a few hoarse coughs, but then he straightened up and walked over to Ruan Tian, firmly took her hand, and then opened the lock on the door. A moment later the two of them came out of the room looking like they were holding hands. 

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Qin Yu’s bedroom faced the staircase, so when he and Ruan Tian came out in such an intimate manner all the guests saw it. The entire banquet fell into a brief stunned silence.

In one corner of the banquet hall, Shen Shu was standing quietly. His sword-like brows were furrowed and his eyes were cold and distant, a perfect picture of an icy noble isolated from the rest of the world. When he saw the scene at the top of the stairs he let out a cold chuckle and a sneer played about the corners of his lips. 

He had to admit, those two were quite a match when they stood side by side.

It was a real f*cking thorn in his eyes.

Ruan Tian silently shook off Qin Yu’s hand and then went downstairs with an expressionless face, obviously snubbing him in front of everyone.

Most of the guests in the hall were actually members of the Qin family. Mother Qin hadn’t invited many outsiders so, aside from Shen Shu and Ruan Tian, the other people were mainly members of the Qin family’s younger generation. 

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Even after being publicly embarrassed like this, Qin Yu didn’t show any sign of annoyance. Instead, he slowly walked over to Shen Shu and asked with a leisurely smile, “Did your blind date go well?” 

The Shen Shu of today was very different now compared to how he had been before. 

In the past, he had always followed his childhood teachings religiously. From young, he had been taught that he, as the future head of the Shen family, should always maintain decorum and decency no matter what.

But these days, he really didn’t want to be polite whenever he saw Qin Yu’s face. Thus, he replied with one simple word: “Scram.”

In fact, the blind date he had gone on earlier had been arranged entirely by his mother.

Shen Shu had gone to the arranged place at the appointed time and casually ordered an Americano. The coffee had tasted too bitter to swallow when it entered his mouth, but he still drank it all.

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Afterward, he didn’t even know the other person’s name, nor could he remember what she looked like.

Of course, the other person had been a very understanding woman, someone who didn’t show any impatience or pretentiousness. Her words and behavior were very decent, with no flaws to mention. 

However, Shen Shu had just looked out of the window the whole time and felt very bored. 

It was a completely nonsensical blind date with no chances of success. 

The woman had fully met any and all of his requirements for a partner, but he just wasn’t interested.

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The coffee had tasted very bitter, but the more he drank it, the clearer his mind had become.

His mind had drifted, and he had only been able to think of Ruan Tian. He thought of the small room that used to belong to her in their shared house, though there wasn’t much inside and the place had already long lost that particular scent that had represented her. 

It had already been a very long time. So many years had passed. 

But somehow it seemed that Ruan Tian was the only thing that lingered in his memories.

The Ruan Tian from back then, the shy, self-abased, 17-year-old girl who would hide behind the stairway railing and look only at him.

The silly girl who had ignored the glares from the rest of the world to pursue him crazily, who would only look at him and who only belonged to him. 

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