This film reviewer was actually quite famous online and had millions of fans and followers. 

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Moreover, he was most notorious for his poisonous tongue. In fact, even if he only gave a film praise in one out of every ten of his reviews, his fans would feel that was actually a very high proportion.

He rarely spoke at such length or gave such high praise to any actor or actress, so this sudden post had the fans who had been following him for many years even begin to wonder if he had been paid to shill for the film.

Because of his usual behavior, his fans who had yet to see the film could only think that someone from the film’s side must have spent a lot of money to have him praise their film to the high heavens! He had clearly been bought with money!

“Brother Trash, promise me that you haven’t accepted any money under the table, OK?”

TrashFilmReviews grumpily replied: 【Scram! Go out and buy 20 tickets, bring everyone you know, and go see the movie. If you don’t think it’s good, you can come and beat me up. 】

His fans were all very skeptical. They had questions from the bottom of their hearts: Was this movie really as good as he says it was?

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The box office gave an answer. In fact, in this era, marketing was no longer enough. Many movies lived or died only on their word-of-mouth among the audience.

After all, audiences weren’t blind. Good was good, and bad was bad.

As time went on, more and more people received recommendations from their friends and entered the theaters to see ‘Motes of Dust’. Thanks to that, the film continued to soar and went on to once again earn over 100 million at the box office even on a weekday like Monday.

The little newcomer who had played the male lead opposite to Ruan Tian also became very popular online. His portrayal of the affectionate yet slightly scheming school tyrant in the film won him many fans. 

His follower count suddenly went up by millions, and his popularity was soaring.

On the other hand, Ruan Tian had finally shown many of the onlookers her strength and potential and affirmed her value as an actress.


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Because she was already somewhat well-known, Ruan Tian was suddenly being praised to the high heavens from all directions. 

Ruan Tian’s head was still a little dizzy from seeing these flowery congratulatory messages appearing one after another.

On the third day after the film’s premiere, Ruan Tian was finally able to buy a ticket and go see it herself. As she watched, she found that she could hardly recognize the version of herself that appeared on screen.

Ruan Tian had already somewhat forgotten her mood from that time, but after watching it again she really felt the need to congratulate herself. Her acting had definitely been on point for the role. 

As she watched, she sat in the back row of the theater and wore a mask as well as hat in order to avoid being recognized.

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The theater was completely full and, when the film ended, it was suddenly full of low sobbing sounds from all around. 

Obviously, the film’s story couldn’t really be considered a tearjerker, but there was still a certain sadness conveyed by the plot that made it so audiences couldn’t help but cry. 

‘Motes of Dust’ ended up grossing 800 million in its first week, breaking box office records for a literary film.

At the same time, the film’s creators suddenly decided to hold a belated press conference after the first weekend, and many media outlets and news reporters came to participate.

Ruan Tian was now a popular star with good reviews and, apart from the diehard anti-fans who smeared her no matter what, her popularity could already be considered to be among the best of any starlet.

Meanwhile, the newcomer who played the male lead was also very popular, the limelight was flourishing over his head, and his fans seemed to be full of chicken blood considering how zealously they praised his name. 

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It could be said that the two of them were the hottest topic in the industry for the moment. 

Of course, the reporters couldn’t be satisfied with sticking to their well-behaved questions for very long. In their line of work, if they wanted to get paid, they inevitably ended up spending a lot of time in various major forums and gossip groups in order to keep abreast of any new gossip and how fans were reacting to news in the circle. And their job was just as much creating gossip as it was following gossip.

And many of these reporters were no stranger to Ruan Tian’s name. They all knew her as a person that could be called the Queen of Ambiguous Relationships.

Even from the time she was an unknown nobody there had constantly been various rumors circling around her.

There was her ex-husband, her ex-boss, and even that unknown little fresh meat who she had been in contact with for a while. A long story could be written using any one of these topics.

Basically, the melons between Ruan Tian and the men around her could be eaten for many days and nights.

Moreover, it seemed that she usually didn’t get along very well with other actors on the same set, which was another good source of potential drama. 

Thus, at the beginning of the group interview, a reporter immediately thrust her microphone toward the newcomer who played the male lead and asked, “How did you and Ms. Ruan Tian get along while you were on set?” 

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