The reporter was praying that this little newcomer would respond with something really juicy. 

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It would be best if he could say “Not very well!” or “We were very incompatible!”

Hurry up! She couldn’t wait for this scoop! 

The pen in her hand was itching to write something scandalous!

However, the newcomer just smiled shyly and said, “Teacher Ruan Tian always took good care of me. We are very good friends.”

The reporter’s mind went blank.

What? Why is it like this?

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But before she could think, the little newcomer had already turned to the camera and continued: “Because I hadn’t acted much before, it was often hard for me to immerse myself in my role and I ended up delaying Teacher Ruan many times. However, she was always very kind and understanding. She would always take me aside to teach me some tricks or encourage me, and I really learned a lot from her.”

It seemed that the relationship between the leading actor and actress in this film was actually incredibly harmonious?

Reporters: Completely dazed and in a state of shock.

And, as all this was going on, people in other corners of the industry were also on the move. By now, most people in the circle knew that Ruan Tian’s performance had high hopes of winning her awards this time around.

A certain group of people, the ones from the fashion circle, had a unique trait where they were able to change their faces like flipping the pages of a book. Thanks to that, they were able to completely forget about how they had all but shut Ruan Tian out before and even removed her from shoots where the contracts had already been signed with the vague excuse that her style no longer fit with their brand.

When they saw Ruan Tian suddenly become so popular again, they threw all that stuff to the backs of their minds and bent like grass in the wind one by one, inviting her to visit their offices and magazines.

Meanwhile, the advertisers who had bet on Shi An before the two films were released were all full of regret. Who could have guessed that one person would put out a movie even ghosts wouldn’t want to watch, while the other put out a movie that caught the wind and smoothly sailed to the very top? 

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Of course, in the end, it was their own decision. Thus, they could only regretfully eat this huge loss. 

As usual, some people in the circle were bound to dislike the movie just for being too popular and tried to secretly stir things up a bit on Weibo. Unfortunately for them, their attempts didn’t garner any support and they ended up getting scolded instead, leaving them with no choice but to quietly delete their posts.

And then there were some people who were like grass on top of the wall who had refused to help retweet and spread the film’s publicity before it was released, but when they saw the film suddenly exploding with popularity they all hastened to jump out and offer their support, as if afraid that they wouldn’t be able to leech any popularity from the whole debacle if they were a step late. 

Under such circumstances, Wang Baiyuan and Zhao Meng’er, who had retweeted and helped with the publicity from the very beginning, unexpectedly earned themselves a huge wave of favor from the fans, who praised them by saying: “Their tongues may be poisonous, but their hearts are actually kind!” 

Zhao Meng’er, who was usually trying to play tricks to sabotage people, was mostly just used to being scolded, so she wasn’t accustomed at all to this sort of feedback.

Thus, when she unexpectedly began receiving a bunch of high praise from the netizens, she fell into a panic and was at a loss as to what to do.

But after thinking it through, she suddenly felt that clinging to Ruan Tian’s thigh was actually pretty smart! 

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Life was surprisingly good, catching someone’s wind. 

Zhao Meng’er decided to let go of Ruan Tian for now. She could come back to sheer the wool again when the time was right. 


For the next few days, Ruan Tian ended up spending a lot of time online. She enjoyed her time as an onlooker and ended up learning about a lot of rumors from the circle that she hadn’t heard before.

For example, such and such and so and so had long been divorced and were now separated.

Or, for example, so and so cheated on his wife with his wife’s best friend.

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The revelations were mostly bombastic and seemed like stories from a book.

But although the rumors were wild and exaggerated, Ruan Tian couldn’t stop herself from looking on. And, unfortunately, she also came across various “revelations” about herself as well.

@ABitterBrickLayer: The boss of my company invited the whole company to a theater and paid for us all to watch Ruan Tian’s movie together.

The netizens all immediately began to scold him.

After all, how many people could there be in a bricklaying company? !

Why get all excited over such a little thing?

After the original poster was roundly scolded, he couldn’t help but come back and add: “Do you guys know what the Qin family is? Qin Pictures is just one of the companies under the Qin family, and not even one of the more important ones. But they’ve already had tens of thousands of people from up and down their companies all watch Ruan Tian’s movie, including the people in my company. P.S.: There used to be a rumor going around the head office that the CEO wanted to chase Ruan Tian, and now I really believe it. Sigh, our CEO is so domineering.”

Of course, when she saw these two Weibo posts, Ruan Tian felt that the chances of them being real were infinitely close to zero.

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