In fact, Ruan Tian hadn’t seen Qin Yu at all ever since the party at the Qin estate that day. 

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These days, no one was living in the apartment next door anymore.

However, Qin Yu had been contacting her occasionally. He had started sending her some pictures of the night sky from time to time… but she didn’t know what he was trying to express with them at all.

She stretched her arms, quit Weibo, and put down her phone.

In fact, most of the netizens shared Ruan Tian’s opinion and didn’t believe it at all.

For what reason would anyone think that it was all for Ruan Tian? Couldn’t Qin Yu just be supporting his uncle’s new movie? !

While people used to tease Ruan Tian and call her the Imperial Concubine of Qin Pictures, it had just been teasing and no one took it as real. 

After all, who didn’t know that the Qin family was one of the capital’s ancient and noble families and that they had a friendship with the Shen family that had lasted for over a hundred years? 

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Qin Yu, the actual person in power in the Qin family, would never marry a person that was equivalent to his former sister-in-law. Moreover, Qin An seemed to have said before that his brother wouldn’t take a woman who was on her second marriage…


As the end of September arrived, so did Ruan Tian’s period. One evening, she was awakened by pain in her stomach and had to crawl to the toilet to vomit. Her face was very pale and her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

She looked around and realized she had run out of pain medicine at home, so she decided to go downstairs to the nearby drugstore to buy more. 

But as she pushed open the glass door and stepped out into the night air, she was surprised to see a certain man leaning against the nearby wall. It was Qin Yu and, after resting and recuperating for several months, he no longer looked like a sickly man at all. 

He was wearing a black shirt and black suit trousers, with his silky black hair hanging down lazily over his forehead. His dark eyes were fiery like the cigarette between his long fingers.

Ruan Tian suddenly recalled the time that Qin Yu had deliberately choked her with cigarette smoke. On that day, he had taken one look at her miserable appearance with tears welling up in the corners of her eyes from being choked by his smoke before doubling over and laughing madly.

At that time, she had been afraid of Qin Yu, and that fear had even extended to the smell of his cigarette smoke. 

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She had been afraid of his sickness, his madness. 

Back in the present, Ruan Tian averted her eyes, then put a hand on her belly and continued to walk forward slowly. Of course, Qin Yu followed behind her without hesitation.

As they reached the front of the apartment building, Ruan Tian saw Qin Yu’s shiny black car, as well as his assistant.

Qin Yu spoke to her back, “I saw your kissing scene in the movie.”

Ruan Tian said, “When you film a movie, it’s for people to see.”

Qin Yu murmured, “You were like a piece of wood.”

Before she could think, Ruan Tian’s sharp mouth habitually retorted: “It’s not my fault, Shen Shu never taught me.”

The man behind her was silent.

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The air was stiff and the atmosphere seemed to be frozen all of a sudden.

The assistant suddenly wished that he could become a block of wood and pretend he hadn’t heard anything.

The next instant, Qin Yu caught Ruan Tian by her shoulder, spun her around, and then pressed her whole body against the car door. The car door handle pressed into her lower back uncomfortably. 

Qin Yu’s dark eyes were ghostly, black and laced by a faint trace of coldness. He said slowly, “Then I’ll teach you.”

The assistant spun on his heel and immediately walked away, not stopping until there was over ten meters between them. 

Then, Ruan Tian’s lips were forcibly kissed.

Qin Yu’s aura was overpowering, and the faint smell of smoke that clung to his body made Ruan Tian feel a bit uncomfortable. He lifted her chin with his fingers and then forcibly pressed his lips to her, licking her red lips and white teeth. 

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A moment later they broke apart. Ruan Tian’s face was flushed red, and the corners of her mouth were slightly swollen and ruddy.

Ruan Tian wiped the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand and began to feel angry. However, despite her anger, she still managed to calmly use her words. She turned to Qin Yu and said: “Your skills also aren’t anything much, probably not even as good as him.” 

Heh, “him”. This use of words was very spiritual.

Ruan Tian, holding her purse in her hand, immediately turned around and went back upstairs.

What she didn’t realize though was that her little intimate moment with Qin Yu had been photographed by a paparazzi who had just so happened to be camping at the foot of her building. 

Moreover, it was a very good photo, with plentiful lighting that allowed the faces of the two people captured inside the frame to be seen perfectly clearly. 

The paparazzi was overjoyed. He camped out here all day in hopes of finding something, but he really hadn’t expected that there would be such a great harvest after night fell! They could still make denials all they liked when it came to other photos, but this was a picture of them both kissing together! He’d like to see how they would deny now! 

If these two people weren’t in love, he would eat hot garbage! ! !

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