To put it simply, Zhou Xiaoqiao had discovered that she was the one who had inadvertently helped Ruan Tian and Shen Shu come together.

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Of course, knowing this, her heart had been very full of resentment over the past few years.

It really hadn’t been easy for her to finally wait for the day of their divorce so that everything could get back on track but, unexpectedly, Zhou Xiaoqiao found that even though those two had already divorced Shen Shu only seemed to be getting farther and farther away from her.

These days whenever he faced her, he put up the cold yet polite facade that he usually reserved for outsiders. 

Zhou Xiaoqiao suddenly found it all but impossible to keep up her usual “gentle and considerate” persona. She clenched her fists, stood up, and finally couldn’t help but shout: “Are you in love with Ruan Tian? !”

Shen Shu’s face remained impassive as he said, “I’ll have someone take you back.”

He didn’t even bother to give Zhou Xiaoqiao an answer and just directly called his secretary in and told him to send Zhou Xiaoqiao home safely.

Zhou Xiaoqiao really couldn’t believe that a day like this, where Shen Shu treated her with the cold politeness he only showed to outsiders, would actually come. The psychological gap between her expectations and the reality stimulated her so much that she lost control. She continued to snarl: “You should know that Ruan Tian is not the kind of person who will turn back after receiving an apology.”

“Apologizing is of no use when it comes to a person like her.”

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Shen Shu’s face turned frosty and he ordered in a low voice, “Send her back.”

There was the sound of the office door opening and closing, blocking out both sound and light and letting silence return to the room.

Shen Shu leaned back in his chair and wearily closed his eyes. A moment later, he slowly re-opened them.

Indeed, there was nothing he could do about Ruan Tian.

Whether it was hard or soft tactics, she wouldn’t respond to either.

Sending a message to her was like sinking a stone into the sea. Until now, there had never been any replies.

Even when he used hard tactics and forcibly appeared in front of her to take her around to various couple activities to try to compensate her, there was still no response. 

That day when he had taken her out on a date with dinner and a movie, she hadn’t been moved at all. 

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Both of her eyes had only been full of indifference.

Moreover, her negative feelings toward him couldn’t be more obvious.

Moreover, as he had reflected more and more these days, he realized that he and Ruan Tian had never shared a kiss, or a picture frame, or a memory. 

And, after the divorce, they had nothing.

The relationship was already completely broken.

Even when he went on a blind date, Ruan Tian didn’t care. She had only asked if his date was beautiful out of a sense of idle curiosity. 

Thus, Shen Shu understood very clearly that, on the whole, Ruan Tian was simply no longer interested in him.

Love and hate could be built and changed, they came and went with the wind, but this kind of indifferent attitude was undoubtedly the most hurtful. 


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Ruan Tian couldn’t help but admit that she had felt a little overjoyed when she heard the news that Zhou Xiaoqiao’s company had quietly gone under. 

Although it was said that it was wrong to kick people while they were down or throw stones at the person who had already fallen into a well, Ruan Tian somehow didn’t mind the thought of tossing down a few stones if the target was Zhou Xiaoqiao.

Finding a taxi in the very early hours of the morning was a difficult task, but Ruan Tian still made a valiant effort. As she was searching for a taxi, Qin An stood to one side and was acting a little awkward. Finally, he said, “Well, this time… I owe you a favor.”

Ruan Tian just remained silent.

But she suddenly remembered something and quietly took two steps to the side to get a little further away from him and said, “Actually, there’s something I forgot to tell you.”

Qin An somehow had a bad feeling. He asked nervously, “What is it?”

Ruan Tian silently slid another few inches away before saying, “Before I came to the police station, I actually already contacted your brother and told him about this.”

When she said those words, it was as if all the air around them froze solid. 

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Qin An suddenly showcased his unique “face changing” skill again and shouted: “Ruan Tian, are you trying to get me killed! ! !”

Ruan Tian plugged her ears with her fingers and responded, “Are you even a man? Why are you so afraid of your brother?”

Qin An, a person who would die to save face, quickly stiffened his neck and continued to shout: “I am not afraid of him!”

Ruan Tian chuckled ‘hehe’ and said, “Don’t just brag here, when you see him later, beat him up and prove it to me.”

Qin An fell silent and started to play dead. 

In the end, the Qin estate was an old-money estate on the outskirts of the city, and driving into the city from there took fairly a long time. 

However, despite this, Qin Yu managed to gather up his usual two rows of black-suited bodyguards and drive all the way to the entrance of the police station before Qin An and Ruan Tian managed to hail a taxi. 

Of course, when the big boss went out, no matter what time it was, he would always bring his two rows of aggressive bodyguards along with him.

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