Tonight, Qin Yu was riding his wheelchair and wearing casual house clothes. His skin was pale like ivory under the dim light of the moon, and his white teeth shone under his red lips. But when he arrived his expression was very cold, and his eyes were like two piercing barbs, boring uncomfortably into Qin An and Ruan Tian as they stood by the side of the road. 

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Those eyes looked at them with the kind of gaze usually reserved for an adulterous couple having an affair. 

Qin An sensed his gaze and immediately cried out like a guilty thief: “Big brother! We’re innocent!”

Ruan Tian turned and looked at Qin An incredulously, wondering what he was suddenly wailing about. 

After all, after tossing about for half the night she was already very tired and sleepy and in no mood to try to keep up with Qin An’s antics.

Qin An could feel his brother’s eyes becoming more and more gloomy as he watched this scene, so he quickly walked over to try to shake Ruan Tian awake while yelling, “You! Explain quickly! ! !”

Ruan Tian cracked her sleepy eyes half-open, subconsciously licked her lips, and said, “Ah? Explain? Explain what? About you calling me your wife? It’s fine, I don’t mind.”

Qin An: “…”

He suddenly wanted to throw this pig teammate far away from himself. 

Meanwhile, Qin Yu’s two rows of bodyguards dressed in black suits had lined themselves up in an orderly manner in front of the doors to the police station, which, of course, attracted the attention of the policeman inside who was on duty. Eventually, he came out of the police station and said loudly: “Hey you two newlyweds, stop quarreling here on the side of the road in the middle of the night. Haven’t you had enough fighting for one night? Hurry back and get some rest.”

When Qin An heard what the officer was saying he nearly had a heart attack and died on the spot.

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Qin Yu repeated slowly, “…newlyweds?”

Ruan Tian nodded. “En, when Qin An called he told them that I was his wife…”

After a pause, she continued solemnly, “Maybe it’s just because I’m too beautiful.”

Qin An suddenly gave up on even trying to struggle.

Whatever, at most, he would die…

It was currently almost winter so the temperatures at night in the city were actually pretty low. As they were all standing outside the station, Ruan Tian couldn’t help but shiver slightly in the wind. Suddenly, a big suit coat was draped over her shoulders and a voice said: “Get in the car.”

Qin An was like a guilty thief and quickly snuck up to ride in the front seats. 

At the same time, Ruan Tian pulled off the suit coat Qin Yu had tossed over her and returned it to him. Seeing this, Qin Yu put on a displeased expression, his lips pressed stiffly into a straight line.

Ruan Tian then opened the car door and also climbed inside.

As she entered, Qin Yu’s familiar frosty fragrance seemed to tickle the tip of her nose.

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Ruan Tian couldn’t help but glance over. From the looks of things, Qin Yu had probably also been woken up from his sleep in order to come here so late. His usual frosty expression was laced with uncharacteristic hints of exhaustion. 

Qin Yu lowered his head to fiddle with his phone for a few minutes, but soon put it away again.

Then, in his usual leisurely tone, he called out, “Qin An.”

Qin An stayed silent, completely pretending to be dead.

Qin Yu snorted coldly and said, “Is Ruan Tian your wife?”

Qin An still remained silent, fully intending to play dead until the end.

Qin Yu kicked the back of Qin An’s seat with his foot, then lit up a new cigarette and pinched it between his fingers. After taking a puff, he said slowly, “Are you deaf? Or are you mute?”

His extremely light tone, to the contrary, clearly showed that he in a very bad mood.

Qin An knew that the situation, so he was just about to explain when…

Ruan Tian suddenly glanced over at the man’s face that was dimly illuminated by the light of the cigarette and whispered with a sly smile, “Don’t call me Ruan Tian, call me sister-in-law.” 

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The atmosphere suddenly froze.

The temperature in the car immediately plummeted by several degrees.

However, Ruan Tian was very sleepy and didn’t notice. She just curled up against the car door, looking ready to fall asleep at any moment. Her low and sleep-muddled voice sounded again: “Brother-in-law, wake me when we get there.”

Qin Yu folded his long legs and sent a sidelong gaze at her face. Finally, he just sneered angrily but didn’t say a word.

After that, the car was silent for the rest of the ride. 

Ruan Tian leaned her forehead against the window and slept soundly, only briefly waking once to fiddle with the car thermostat to adjust it to a more comfortable temperature.

Ruan Tian slept soundly in the backseat of the car. Her delicate face was flushed, her full and moist lips parted slightly, and her slender neck rose alluringly with each breath she took. She looked very beautiful and pure in the low light.

Before long, the car arrived at the underground parking lot attached to Ruan Tian’s building.

Ruan Tian didn’t show any signs of waking up even though they had arrived. Instead, she rolled over and seemed to fall even more deeply asleep.  

At the same time, her brows furrowed as if she were having a dream. 

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Qin Yu opened the car door and climbed out. After considering for a moment, he decided to just carry her upstairs rather than wake her up. 

However, the moment he lowered his head to bend down and pick her up, the young girl in dreamland suddenly muttered some vague words in her sleep.

“Shen Shu…”

In fact, Ruan Tian was dreaming of the day when Shen Shu had come to her with the divorce agreement and finally allowed her to escape from his household. 

In the dream, she saw him approach, so she immediately called out his name in order to scold him for being such a scum. 

However, outside the dream, those two words were like a bomb being silently dropped and smashing the peaceful air all around.

Qin An: Oh no…

Qin Yu couldn’t react for a few seconds, but then his face slowly turned darker and darker as he looked down at the girl in his arms. 

Qin An was amazed. It seemed that his brother could really endure any sort of humiliation.

And then, before Qin An could think, his usual mouth that was cheap to everyone had already fired off on its own: “Big Brother, I really never expected that Ruan Tian still couldn’t forget about Shen Shu even until now.” 

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