Qin Yu lowered his head and took out a cigarette from his cigarette case. A moment later, the flames of the lighter sparing up and illuminated his pale face, but he didn’t say anything.

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In fact, back then, he had just wanted Ruan Tian to look at him more.

“Big brother, although I also can’t be considered a good person, I at least know that what you did back then was wrong.” 

Qin Yu just stood there quietly, his face expressionless and impossible to read. 

His frosty aura, along with the choking smell of smoke, seemed to unfurl and fill the room. 

Qin Yu finally said, “I never meant to hurt her.”

Qin An accidentally said the words that immediately appeared in his heart out loud, “But she was hurt.”

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Truthfully, Qin An wasn’t trying to speak up for Ruan Tian or fight injustice on her behalf. Rather, he just couldn’t bear to see his brother acting so crazy!

Qin An impatiently ran his fingers through his hair and said, “Actually, there’s something I never told you all this time.”

Qin Yu looked at him sidelong.

Qin An continued: “Do you remember that time when Ruan Tian beat you up?”

Qin Yu, of course, remembered that day. He had been so sickly and weak at that time that she had easily knocked him to the ground and caused him to lose all face in front of their classmates.

“It was on that day when you took the love letter Ruan Tian wrote for Brother Shen and read it out loud to everyone.” 

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Qin Yu gave an unclear grunt of acknowledgment, then reached up and rubbed his brow with his free hand. It seemed he didn’t want to think about the past very much.

Back then, he had been like a beast blinded by jealousy, and even until now he could still remember what was written in those love letters.

“A bit after that happened, I saw her crying.” Qin An said slowly. In fact, back then he had also been very surprised. He hadn’t expected to bump into such an exciting scene by coincidence! 

On that day he had skipped class and was planning to go to an internet cafe, so he had climbed over the wall and started to head in that direction when he had unexpectedly heard some heartbroken sobs coming from an alley.

He had curiously stretched out his neck to take a look down the alley and was quite surprised to realize that it was actually someone he recognized. It was Ruan Tian, the girl who had been harassing Shen Shu and who had beaten up his brother.

But at the moment, her school uniform was very dirty and she squatting on the ground while crying and attempting to glue the torn pieces of her love letter back together.

“That was the only time I’ve seen Ruan Tian cry in my whole life, and she was so hysterical that she cried herself hoarse.”

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In fact, Qin An somewhat felt that taking a little girl’s love letter and reading it out loud in front of everyone wasn’t an action a human should do. Only a beast would do such a thing. 

However, back then, all of them had felt that they were standing firmly on the side of morality. They merely dismissed it with the thought that ‘Since it was Ruan Tian, she deserved to suffer’. 

Qin Yu’s already pale face turned seemed to lose even more color, and his mind couldn’t help but recall that day. The red, enraged eyes that Ruan Tian had looked at him with… 

He sharply inhaled and his throat immediately felt choked with smoke.

Qin Yu curled over and let out a few hacking coughs, causing his face to look even paler. After a while, he recovered, but when he straightened up he still felt a little breathless because of a strange tightness in his chest.

On that day, Shen Shu had carelessly taken out the love letter from his desk and read through it without much interest, then turned back and said with a smile, “Ah’Yu, Ruan Tian had written some really interesting things this time.”

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Shen Shu had probably just been casually mentioning the matter at that time and hadn’t thought much of it. However, his usual cold and noble “overachieving youth” persona had cracked slightly and let slip a little bit of the contempt and disdain he felt in his heart.

But, in Qin Yu’s eyes, that contempt and disdain were as if the other boy were intentionally showing off in front of him.  

It caused him to feel enraged and he crazily turned that feeling against Ruan Tian.

Qin Yu said in a hoarse voice, “I hadn’t thought about it.”

Looking back, he realized that it was true. He had always acted as if Ruan Tian would never have a day where she would cry or be sad.

But, in reality, she had only been a seventeen year old girl. How could she only be strong? How could she never cry or be sad?

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