In the other room, Ruan Tian suddenly awakened from her nightmare. After kicking out her legs a few times, she blearily returned to consciousness. 

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As she looked around, she found that she was in was a bedroom that she was not familiar with.

The room was simply decorated with plain black and white and felt very cold. 

Ruan Tian reached down and patted around to find that her clothes were still intact, causing her to breathe a long sigh of relief. She quickly stood up and stepped onto the floor with her bare feet, then headed towards the open doorway. When she entered the living room and saw the two men inside, one sitting on the couch and the other standing nearby, she immediately felt speechless.

She still remembered falling asleep in the car, so she more or less understood what was going on.

But… was this Qin Yu a dog in his last life? Couldn’t he just wake her up? !

Qin Yu didn’t look very good, like a sickly ghost, but he still noticed Ruan Tian first. He casually stubbed out his cigarette and said, “You’re awake?”

Ruan Tian wrapped her hands around herself defensively, put on a solemn and serious expression, and said, “Qin Yu, I didn’t expect you to be such a beast! You even want to take advantage of your own sister-in-law.”

Qin An turned pale. He really just wanted to beg this great auntie to shut up!

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Qin Yu also seemed to be in a bad mood, and his voice was rusty and hoarse as he said, “You’re still cuter when you don’t talk.”

Ruan Tian almost directly told him to scram away.

But then she remembered that this seemed to be Qin Yu’s apartment, so she was the one who should scram away.

Thus, she said, “All right, I’m going to scram away now.”

Qin Yu slowly straightened up and walked in front of her. He glanced down at her bare feet, sneered, and said, “Put on your shoes before you scram away, it will be faster.” 

Ruan Tian wanted to curse.

**** your mother!

Ruan Tian was so angry that she was speechless.

A small smile began to play about the corners of Qin Yu’s lips, and he couldn’t help but reach out to stroke her hair.

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Ruan Tian quickly knocked his hand away with a cold expression and said, “Don’t touch me. What if you dirty my clothes? You can’t afford the compensation.” 

She quickly went back to the bedroom to get her shoes and wanted to return home without another word.

However, Qin Yu seemed to be in the mood to play hooligan with her. He called out, “Why don’t you stay? We can sleep together.”

Our pure little Ruan Tian unexpectedly blushed, with both sides of her cheeks turning hot and red, when she heard this shameless remark.

Sleep together my ass!

Ruan Tian took a deep breath to calm down, then wheeled around and said, “I wonder, if I really married Qin An and became your sister-in-law, would you still dare to talk to me like this?”

The smile that had been playing about the corners of Qin Yu’s mouth slowly sank and his gaze turned gloomy. Finally, he said slowly, “Isn’t it just incest? It sounds exciting.”


Qin Yu was really shameless and didn’t want face at all!

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Truly a rascal with no bottom line!

Qin Yu sneered coldly, then said one word at a time: “Besides, do you really think Qin An is brave enough to marry you?”

Ruan Tian immediately threw in the towel. “Anyway, I’ll be leaving right away. Bye bye!”

She rushed out and slammed the door behind her. 

When Qin An saw that the walking landmine was finally gone he smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, Qin Yu just stared at the direction of the closed door silently for a long time, his brows furrowed, annoyance and irritation bubbling in his chest. 


This really wasn’t just Ruan Tian bragging but, as a second-tier starlet with a bit of popularity, her every move was truly being scrutinized by many people!

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She really wanted nothing more than to keep a low profile, but her “colleagues” from the entertainment industry just didn’t give her that opportunity. 

These days it seemed like there was some new piece of news about her coming out every other day, and all of her actions were watched and magnified.

Topics smearing her appeared on the hot search one after another.

There were all sorts of rumors, some calling her a crazy woman from a rich family who had come to play in the entertainment industry, while others called her the Imperial Concubine of Qin Pictures.

Moreover, her recent trip in and out of the police station with Qin An in the middle of the night also caused quite a stir. At first, no one revealed who they were, but as time went by and the paparazzi had more time to dig they were able to find that Qin An and Ruan Tian had been in the police station together that night due to a fight.

The marketing teams working against Ruan Tian all sensed opportunity and immediately began writing articles and posts about the matter, ready to fight to the death.

Before the matter spread on a large scale, Shi’an’s finger “accidentally slipped” and liked a certain post from a marketing account detailing news of Ruan Tian’s supposed detention. This “accidental slip” managed to directly send Ruan Tian’s name to the top of the hot search once more. 

Because Ruan Tian had a record of doing such things before, even the actual passers-by who didn’t really mix in the circle were wondering if Ruan Tian had done something bad enough to end up in jail? Was this woman really prone to violence! ?

Immediately the netizens started to rally together to condemn her behavior, to condemn her personality, and to stand up and scold her for setting a bad example for the contemporary youth.

They all began to demand that she be banned from the industry! 

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