Seeing all this happening, Ruan Tian was too lazy to even roll her eyes. She began to suspect that Shi’an might have developed some sort of mental illness after losing that role to her back then. Was it really necessary to hold on to a grudge for so long? !  

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But, more importantly, there was already a wall between Ruan Tian and Shi’an within the entertainment industry.

Shi’an’s behavior this time was clearly just trying to use Ruan Tian’s fame to leapfrog her own career upwards. 

Ruan Tian wasn’t used to this kind of dirty trick and didn’t want to bother with it. Thus, her fingers danced across the screen of her phone and she made a quick post to resolve things: 【@QinAn, you explain things! Tell them that this matter has nothing to do with me. 】

Meanwhile, Qin An, a somewhat popular star with a strong backing in the industry, was also not used to these kinds of dirty tricks, so he just casually made a post: 【I’m the one who got into a fight that night. I feel that certain people who don’t know how to speak human words should go and get some education. Why are you even commenting? The police uncles have already settled this matter, so why do you think it’s your turn to make a judgment? As for you marketing accounts, you had better be careful. If you annoy me enough I’ll just have my brother buy your companies and put all of you out of a job. 】

As it happened, some people really had gone to the police station and tried to inquire about the situation through various channels.

They discovered that the one who fought did seem to be Qin An. 

That being the case, the question became: Why did Ruan Tian appear?

【****, crazy news! It seems Ruan Tian and Qin An are actually newlyweds! The policeman uncle told me so in his own words! 】

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Qin An seemed to have a disease. His mouth would become restless as long as he wasn’t getting into trouble.

Moreover, everyone knew that the police wouldn’t lie for no reason.

Suddenly, it all seemed to make sense why Ruan Tian had been the one to go to the police station when Qin An was detained in the middle of the night.

For the netizens, this news was too shocking.

Ruan Tian had already f**king gotten remarried! ? Weren’t people saying she was entangled with the young master currently set to inherit the Qin family? How did it suddenly change to his younger brother, Qin An?

It was too surprising.

Before long, #QinAnAndRuanTian’sMarriage# had shot up the hot search.

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All sorts of people showed up and began to comment on the matter.

Until now people were still just “discussing”, but Qin An’s large group of “girlfriend-fans” still hadn’t responded yet.

But when they finally arrived on the scene, they weren’t happy at all. In these fans’ eyes, their idol Qin An had pretty much no scandals at all ever since his debut and he could be considered a person who paid attention to propriety. 

And hadn’t people been calling that Ruan Tian a violent maniac? What if she turned around and stabbed their idol one day?

“What the hell is going on? This is nonsense!”

“I’m dead. Goodbye to the world.”

“I knew for a long time that Ruan Tian was a scourge. However, I always thought that she was just my idol’s sister-in-law. I never thought she would suddenly become our sister-in-law. Go to hell!”

Some of Qin An’s fans cried and tried to find an explanation or evidence to clarify the situation. Meanwhile, other fans who pointed to the photos from outside the police station as all the evidence they needed were directly ridiculed and excluded. 

But as time went on, the passionate and generous abuse began to spread equally between Ruan Tian and Qin An.

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This was just a case of a dog man meeting a dog woman and the both of them getting along perfectly! Their idol was disqualified, they wouldn’t be fans of his anymore!

Meanwhile, Qin An himself was ignorant while all of this was happening. It wasn’t until his uncle, Cheng Sui’an, called to ask him what was going on that he stopped playing his video games and logged onto Weibo and saw the sea of garbage that had appeared there.

Over the phone, Cheng Sui’an’s tone was dignified and solemn, “Nephew, what’s going on? Don’t you know who your brother likes?”

Qin An wanted to reply: I f**king know better than anyone else, okay? F**k!

This was an unexpected disaster, nevertheless, it could be said to have stemmed from his own cheap mouth so he didn’t even have anyone to blame.

Qin An could only explain with a bitter face: “Uncle, I was just speaking casually that night. I didn’t know that we would be photographed and then targeted like this.”

On the other end of the line, he seemed to hear Cheng Sui’an breathing a sigh of relief before saying, “…as long as it’s fake.” After a pause, he continued, “Anyway, don’t provoke your brother. He has a bad temper.”

“I won’t, I really don’t have the guts.” Qin An replied miserably.

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Qin An was tempted to go online and start cursing but, after some reflection, he realized that it was his mouth that had dug this pit for him, so perhaps it would be better to stay quiet for now.  

He looked unhappily at the large number of people under his Weibo who were cursing and smearing his name. Meanwhile, there were only a small number of fans of this new CP who came to offer their blessings.

For instance, there were Wang Baiyuan and Zhao Meng’er, two people who he had once worked with him on “Star Acceleration”.

These former members of the “red team” were not actually very familiar with each other and didn’t have much contact after the show had ended. However, Wang Baiyuan and Zhao Meng’er were both typical small stars who knew how to step forward and involve themselves whenever a new big event was happening. 

@WangBaiyuan: I wish you a hundred years of good luck and the quick birth of a beautiful baby boy.

@ZhaoMenger: I hope that you two can hold two little ones within three years.

Qin An blanched. He didn’t need these kinds of “good wishes”. F**k! 

Qin An felt that he didn’t have any grievances with these two, why were they pushing him into the pit?

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