Ruan Tian held the bottle of milk tea and said vigilantly, “Director, is there something you need me to do?” 

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“No, no, I don’t have anything. I just wanted to make sure that you’re feeling relaxed. If there are any problems or anything uncomfortable, you must speak out. If it’s something our crew can do, we will certainly do our best to satisfy you.” The director continued spouting pretty words. 

The director said a few more pleasantries and then finally got to the main point, “By the way, Ms. Ruan, there will be an investor coming to have a look at the set this afternoon. You can show your face and give some greetings at that time.”

Ruan Tian made an “OK” gesture with her fingers and said, “Alright.”

Around the end of the workday, at four or five o’clock, the investor that the director had mentioned really arrived on the scene. It was a large group of people dressed in suits and wearing shiny black shoes with a frosty-looking young man at the head of the group. The man swept a cold gaze around the set, and a member of the crew quickly brought a chair over and invited him to sit down.

Qin Yu wasn’t polite and immediately sat down with his legs crossed. The people behind him, who were basically all other senior executives from Qin Pictures, all remained standing.

Before this, these executives had all been wondering why the young master had time to leave the head office and come personally take a look at this tiny film that their company hadn’t invested much money in and were concerned that he may have turned muddled from all the stress. However, when they saw who the female lead of the film was they all felt relieved. It turned out the young master’s mind was still perfectly clear. Thus, they all just treated this trip as an ordinary part of their job.

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The director’s eyes lit up when he saw this capitalist big boss arrive on his set. 

However, this big boss was a bit too good-looking, wasn’t he?

His skin was pale, his facial features were exquisite, and he projected a meticulous and somehow noble aura.

For this sort of big boss, the director was happy to try to shamelessly cling to his thighs. He quickly sent people to bring over tea and snacks and did everything he could to make the big boss feel comfortable. After all, maybe if he was in a good mood he would invest a few extra tens of millions? 

After all, for a big boss like this, money was no longer money! They could throw it away freely!

The producer took the initiative to introduce, “This is CEO Qin.”

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At first, when the director heard this surname, he didn’t think much and assumed it was just a coincidence, but then the producer sent him a meaningful look and he understood everything.

I see~ So this is the jealous young master Qin!

The director, a flexible person, understood what was going on at once.

He didn’t take the initiative to try to shake hands, after all, the rich often had strange quirks and it was best not to provoke them. Instead, he just smiled and said, “Hello, CEO Qin.”

Qin Yu gave a slight nod of acknowledgment but his eyes wandered and looked behind the director at the young woman who was still being filmed on set behind him.


The director listened carefully and sensed that the big boss seemed to be in a good mood. He had dragged the word out and bit, but there was a slight lilt at the end that probably indicated a good mood. 

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Qin Yu indifferently said, “Bring me the script, let me take a look.”

For such a small request, the director was happy to immediately comply. He quickly handed over a complete version of the script to Qin Yu.

While Ruan Tian and Shao Chengyue continued to act out their scenes on set, Qin Yu quietly sat in his chair and began to read the script.

By the time they had reached the last scene and were about to be done for the day, Qin Yu had also almost finished reading the script. He set the script down on a nearby table and tapped his finger on it, then said in a careless tone, “There’s a bed scene?”

The director froze. If he was being honest, he would say, ‘Not only is there a bed scene, but it is going to be a super erotic bed scene!’ 

However, in front of the actress’s lover who was also their crew’s biggest investor, he certainly couldn’t say that.

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“Is there? Why don’t I remember that? Hmm, we’ll need to take another look at this script.” The director started to play dumb with no hesitation. He quickly called the screenwriter over to put on a show for Qin Yu. He looked at the screenwriter and said sternly: “Old Zhou, when did you write a bed scene? Don’t you know we are already in a new era? These days it’s necessary for us to cultivate a new style that will educate and enlighten the youth, we can’t have these sorts of pornographic or violent materials in our script.”

The screenwriter and director had been good friends for many years, so they understood each other and were able to cooperate well.

The young man called Old Zhou put on a muddled expression and said, “Huh? Did I write something like that? Maybe I did haha…”

Qin Yu watched the two of them perform with a faint smile as if he wasn’t angry at all. When they finished their little show, he just said two simple words: “Delete it.” 

However, the director had really wanted to rely on this bed scene to give full play to his erotic skills. Moreover, what was wrong with letting a handsome man and a beautiful woman shoot this kind of hazy yet beautiful scene? He was absolutely reluctant to just remove it entirely.

He bravely spoke up: “Well, CEO Qin, we still haven’t filmed it yet, so we can’t delete it even if we want to.” 

Qin Yu straightened his body and his faint smile gradually faded, “It’s best if you don’t film it.”  

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