Meanwhile, they finally finished shooting the last scene for the day on the other side. When he saw that, the director picked up his loudspeaker and shouted, “Everyone, work is done for today. You’ve all worked hard.”

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But before he set down the loudspeaker, Qin Yu’s assistant came forward and leaned over to say, “Mr. Qin has booked a box at the hotel and wants to invite everyone to have a meal.”

The director immediately nodded and agreed, “Since CEO Qin has already spent the money, we will be impolite.”

Then he used the loudspeaker to tell everyone that they were being treated to a meal.

Of course, Ruan Tian didn’t want to go at all. But, in the end, the director came and dragged her into the car and started persuading, “Teacher Ruan, you should know that meals at this hotel are no less than 3000 yuan a head. If you don’t go wouldn’t it be a big loss?” 

Ruan Tian felt speechless. Finally, she said, “I’ll give you 3000 yuan and you can let me off, okay?” 

After all, Qin Yu’s ability to haunt her like a sticky ghost…

Ruan Tian had already long been familiar with it.

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The director almost wanted to flick her little forehead with his finger when he heard that. He said, “This dinner tonight is very important, do you believe me?”

Ruan Tian gave him a suspicious look and said, “What do you plan to do?” 

“I’m going to get Mr. Qin drunk and trick him into investing more money into our movie.”

Ruan Tian mercilessly shot that thought down, “Get Qin Yu drunk? You’re dreaming.” 

Moreover, it was an impossible dream.

Qin Yu was an excellent drinker, and Ruan Tian had never heard of anyone drinking him under the table even once.

“Just wait and see if you don’t believe me.” The director said confidently.

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Ruan Tian looked away. She couldn’t bear to destroy his dreams. 

The director had actually deliberately let all the other young actors on the crew come along in order to help them out a bit. After all, this was a good opportunity for them to build connections that didn’t come along very often. 

Shao Chengyue had also heard about the rumors between Ruan Tian and Qin Yu, but he didn’t ask anything because he wasn’t sure whether they were true or not. He saw Ruan Tian enter the box and immediately lower her head and start playing with her phone. Then he swept a glance over at Qin Yu, and he more or less understood the situation. 

It seemed to be a typical situation of a man chasing while the woman had no interest. 

The third female lead of their crew, who was playing a schoolgirl in the movie, was an “enthusiastic” and “open” person who had big breasts. She was very good at stirring up trouble and, sure enough, as soon as she entered the room, she went and sat down right next to Qin Yu. 

Ruan Tian hadn’t expected she would get to see a good show of someone trying to seduce Qin Yu with her own eyes. She couldn’t help but set down her phone and look up at the two people across the table.

Female Lead No. 3 had been born with a pure face. Her eyes were big and her mouth was small and, when she pretended to be timid and delicate, she became a delicate flower that could easily stir protective feelings in the hearts of men. 

However, Ruan Tian felt that Female Lead No. 3 was probably destined to be disappointed tonight. 

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Qin Yu wasn’t the kind of person who was “tender to women”. No matter how beautiful you were and how pitiful you looked, if you made him unhappy, he wouldn’t hesitate to tear off your face and stomp on it for his own amusement. 

And, sure enough, when Female Lead No. 3 took the initiative to shyly make a toast, Qin Yu maintained his gentle smile, but his eyes were sarcastic and full of disdain.

Moreover, he didn’t even respond to the toast, and just left the little girl to hold up her wine glass in mid-air.

The words ‘This has nothing to do with me’ seemed to be written across his face. 

Female Lead No. 3’s arms quickly became sore and tears gathered the corners of her big eyes. She wanted to cry but also didn’t dare to cry.

Ruan Tian felt that this Female Lead No. 3 who dared to take the initiative to try to seduce Qin Yu really had commendable courage and also very good luck.

She had really thought that Qin Yu would ridicule her coldly with harsh words like, “Who are you?” or “Do you even deserve it?” or something like that. Since that hadn’t happened, didn’t that mean Female Lead No. 3’s luck was good?

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After this little event, no one else at the table tried to propose any toasts to Qin Yu.

Clearly, this honorably young master looked down on them and wouldn’t give them any face. 

Qin Yu didn’t eat much, but he also didn’t say a word throughout the entire meal. He just patiently listened to the director bragging at the side.

The director spent a long time talking and felt that he had laid sufficient groundwork, so he finally moved on to the main topic: “CEO Qin, the box office of our film is going to 3 billion yuan at least. We will certainly break all the records and become champions of the box office.”

Qin Yu gave a casual hum, obviously not paying much attention.

The director then said, “You, do you want to add more investment.” 

Qin Yu slowly looked up and replied lazily, “Yes.”

This coercion tactic was so obvious Ruan Tian almost wanted to give the director a big thumbs up and full marks. 

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