Qin Yu took another sip from his wine glass. In fact, his health wasn’t very good and he shouldn’t really drink alcohol, which was why he usually refrained. He chuckled, “Is 100 million enough?”

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The director smiled obscenely, “Ah, it doesn’t need to be so much. Another 50 million will be enough.”

Qin Yu nodded casually, completely not seeming to take this little bit of money to heart.

Ruan Tian really didn’t want to see Qin Yu acting so pretentious anymore so she used the excuse of going to the toilet to leave.

After she went out, Qin Yu also stood up from his chair and said, “Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom too.”

Of course, the discerning people could see that there was definitely something between those two at a glance.

Female Lead No. 3 secretly scolded Ruan Tian as a vixen in her heart.

When Ruan Tian came out of the bathroom she was immediately faced with Qin Yu standing there. 

Qin Yu crushed the cigarette that he had just lit and threw it into a nearby trash can. He walked over and stood in front of her, then looked down into her two shining black eyes and said, “I’ve just wasted 50 million, is it enough to buy a smile from you?” 

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Ruan Tian felt overpowered by his aura and had no choice but to look up and meet his gaze. She replied, “Did you give that money to me directly? Why would you want me to show you a smile?”

Qin Yu gently pinched her chin and whispered, “Because I don’t want to make you cry anymore.”

This sentence landed on Ruan Tian’s ears and made her feel goose bumps all over.

It was kind of funny but also kind of uncomfortable.

Qin Yu suddenly released his hand and let out a slight chuckle. He really wasn’t used to trying to say such things from his usually arrogant mouth.

Qin Yu added, “Eat more.” Then he turned and returned to the box.

Ruan Tian didn’t respond. She just sent a message to the director to briefly explain and left directly.

When Qin Yu returned and didn’t see Ruan Tian come back to the box, he immediately understood what was going on.

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Ruan Tian really didn’t like him and had left as soon as possible.

Everyone else in the box more or less noticed that something seemed to have happened to Mr. Qin after he had come back from the bathroom and he now seemed unhappy.

After a few minutes, Qin Yu didn’t want to bother staying any longer and said, “I’ll leave first. I’ve already paid for everything, you all should enjoy yourselves.” 

Everyone nodded and felt happy to send this scary ancestor away.

Once Qin Yu left, everyone immediately started eating more comfortably.

At the same time, the director bluntly spoke up to scold Female Lead No. 3: “Xiao Liu, don’t always just think about trying to cling to someone’s thigh all day long. Boss Qin and your Sister Ruan are already a couple. As you saw just now, the two of them are pretty much inseparable from each other.”

Female Lead No. 3 agreed obediently with her mouth, but in her heart she was unconvinced! 

Ruan Tian and Qin Yu weren’t even following each other on Weibo!

Lovers my ass!

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It was all fake!

Ruan Tian was walking back to her hotel and hadn’t gotten too far away when she noticed a problem. There was a manhole cover that had somehow come off of its manhole, so Ruan Tian decided to do a good deed and put it back where it belonged. 

She was very strong, so she was able to grip the manhole cover with her bare hands and, after putting in a bit of effort, shift it back into place.

However, as she was doing her good deed, a nearby reporter happened to see it. 

But, fortunately, Ruan Tian had long developed a habit of always wearing dark glasses and a mask when she went out, so the reporter didn’t recognize her. 

The reporter came over and asked: “Miss, hello there! I am a reporter from the City Public Channel. I noticed that you decided to push that heavy manhole cover back into place and it made me feel very curious, why did you do such a thing?”

First of all, Ruan Tian felt very speechless when she heard this question.

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In the end, she scratched her head and said, “I saw there was a problem, so I fixed it.”

Was this really something hard to understand?

The reporter replied: “Wow, these days there really aren’t many passersby who are so enthusiastic about cleaning up our city like you are. On behalf of the general public, I would like to thank you. Could I please ask for your name?”

“I am surnamed Ruan.”

“I see. But, Miss Ruan, when you decided to extend a hand to help, weren’t you worried you might be hurt while moving the manhole cover?”

“I wasn’t. I’m very strong.”

Ruan Tian felt that this reporter seemed to still have a lot she wanted to ask, so she could only interrupt and say, “Erm… is that enough then? I’m hungry. I want to back for dinner. “

The reporter smiled and replied, “Of course, I’m sorry to have taken up so much of your time. Good-bye Miss Ruan.”

“Remember to watch our show, ‘Voice of the People’s Livelihood’, on our channel later on tomorrow tonight!”

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