It turned out that it wasn’t hard at all to look into what had really happened back then. It was just that Shen Shu had never bothered to look. After all, at that time, he had already felt convinced that Ruan Tian would do whatever it took to marry him, so a plot involving aphrodisiacs seemed like something that she would do.

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But now that he sent his people to find out what had really happened, they found that hardly any effort had been made to even hide it.

Thus, Shen Shu barely spent any effort at all yet was still able to easily find the true culprit.

Once all this was done, Shen Shu picked a fine Saturday afternoon and drove out to the Zhou Estate.

He hadn’t set foot in the Zhou family courtyard for a long time, but this path that he had walked thousands of times still felt familiar.

When the Zhou family housekeeper saw him, he was surprised and said, “Mr. Shen, why are you so free as to come for a visit today?”

Shen Shu made an indifferent sound of acknowledgment.

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The housekeeper quickly opened the door and invited him inside, then said with a smile, “Today the madam and the young miss are both at home.”

In fact, the Zhou family’s companies hadn’t been doing very well these days and Mother Zhou had been working hard for several months to try to turn things around. This was her first day off in a long time, and it hadn’t been easy for her to have it. 

Zhou Xiaoqiao was sitting out on the balcony with her mother and basking in the sun, and she even found a book to read aloud to her. 

However, because of the recent troubles at the company, Mother Zhou wasn’t really in the mood to listen to her daughter read. She rubbed her brows with her fingers and said, “Don’t read right now, I have a headache.”

Zhou Xiaoqiao looked up with reddened eyes, “Mom, I just wanted to help you relax.”

Mother Zhou realized that her tone might have been a bit too harsh and caused her daughter to feel frightened, but somehow she didn’t really want to spend energy coaxing her so she just said nothing.

At that moment, Shen Shu stepped into the living room. Zhou Xiaoqiao heard the movement coming from behind her so she turned around and immediately spotted him. Her eyes quickly filled with pleasant surprise.

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She quickly set down the book and trotted over to Shen Shu. Her long hair fluttered in the breeze from the balcony, and she said with a smile, “Brother Shen, are you here to see me?”

Zhou Xiaoqiao still hadn’t noticed that there was something wrong with the way Shen Shu was looking at her today. His face was expressionless and his eyes were cold.


“Huh… is something the matter?”

Shen Shu suddenly smiled and said, “I suddenly learned something interesting recently.”

Zhou Xiaoqiao had a bad feeling in her heart, but she still asked, “What did you learn?”

Shen Shu smiled faintly and said, “Don’t you already know? I’ve found that it seems that although Ruan Tian and I were the ones who got married back then, we actually relied on your help.”

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Zhou Xiaoqiao’s face lost all its color and her fingers trembled slightly, but she tried her best to keep her composure and said, “What are you talking about?”

Shen Shu looked down at the girl in front of him with disappointment. This was his little sister, who he had grown up with since young, who he had always spoiled ever since the time she was five or six years old.

He had always gone to school with her and stayed by her side for fear that she might be bullied by their classmates if he left her alone.  

Since her health was poor, he had often indulged her and did whatever he could to accommodate her.

In Shen Shu’s eyes, Zhou Xiaoqiao was a little girl with a sensitive heart, but she wasn’t a bad girl. Therefore, this whole drugging incident had already gone far beyond his imagination. Moreover, when he learned that Zhou Xiaoqiao had also arranged for a perverted old man to find Ruan Tian, he was not only shocked, he was disgusted. 

Shen Shu stared at her face with icy eyes and, in a rare instance, called her full name: “Zhou Xiaoqiao.”

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“Why wasn’t I able to see that you could be so ruthless? Do you know what would have happened to Ruan Tian if it hadn’t been for me that night? “

This girl has been wantonly spoiled by others.

Maybe because of that, it seemed Zhou Xiaoqiao could really do anything.

Zhou Xiaoqiao opened her mouth, seemingly wanting to struggle and defend herself, but then Shen Shu continued in a frosty tone: “I’m really disgusted by you.”

Zhou Xiaoqiao’s tears started to flow and she completely panicked. She stumbled forward and clutched his arm, “No, Brother Shen, let me explain…”

Shen Shu coldly pushed her hand away, “Then explain.”

Zhou Xiaoqiao hesitated and stammered for a long time but, in the end, she couldn’t say anything. It seemed she really couldn’t explain at all.

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