Shen Shu sneered and let out a cold chuckle, “Did you ever imagine that I would be the one you ended up scheming against?” 

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Zhou Xiaoqiao broke down and cried. Between sobs, she said: “I was just so jealous of her. Why was she the one born with a healthy body? And, even if you never said it, I could tell you didn’t actually hate her that much at that time.”

If she hadn’t done something, Ruan Tian would have taken away everything she had!

Shen Shu just watched on with a faint expression, there was no fluctuation in his mood. Even when she cried, he didn’t feel anything. Finally, he said, “Stop crying. Your tears have long been useless against me.” 

“Tell your mother that the cooperation between our companies is over.”

Zhou Xiaoqiao was really panicking by now. She staggered to her feet, her face still like a pear blossom blooming in the rain as the tears trickled down, “Brother Shen Shu, just forgive me this once, don’t you like me! ?”

Those words finally got Shen Shu to stop in his tracks. He turned back and said in his usual bland tone: “Xiaoqiao, I don’t want to make things too ugly. After all, you’re the one who will suffer.”

Zhou Xiaoqiao’s face had turned completely white and she felt like she was about to faint. But Shen Shu merely turned and strode out of the room.

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Mother Zhou hurriedly rushed in from the balcony wrapped in a shawl and asked, “What’s going on? Did you two have a fight?”

In fact, Mother Zhou had specially stayed out of the room in order to let the two children talk. 

However, it seemed that the conversation hadn’t gone well! 

Zhou Xiaoqiao wiped her tears and spoke with red and swollen eyes, “Mom, Brother Shen Shu doesn’t want me anymore.”

She continued to sob and sniffle, then managed to choke up: “He also said… that the cooperation between our companies would be stopped for now. “

Mother Zhou only heard the second half of the sentence and almost stopped breathing. Her family’s company had only been going from bad to worse recently and was in urgent need of financing.

How could the already established agreement for cooperation disappear just like that? !

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Mother Zhou stared into Zhou Xiaoqiao’s eyes and said seriously, “What did you do to upset him? Do you know how important this cooperation is?”

Zhou Xiaoqiao shook her head and replied, “I really didn’t do anything.”

“Then why did he come to find you like this?”

Zhou Xiaoqiao shut her mouth and stopped talking.

Mother Zhou was so angry that she felt her headache getting worse. Finally, she just waved her hand and said, “Go upstairs and get some rest for now.”

Zhou Xiaoqiao vaguely felt that she had caused a big disaster this time. She also sensed that Shen Shu probably wouldn’t forgive her.


Because Qin Yu continued to come to the set to “oversee” things from time to time, Ruan Tian was forced to move her chair from its old place right next to the director’s chair to a far away corner of the set.

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She would rather sit facing a wall than sit facing Qin Yu!

By observing Qin Yu, she felt that CEOs of entertainment companies were all probably very idle. If they weren’t, how could he have the time to come personally keep an eye on this film with barely any investment in it every day? 

Qin Yu usually kept a fairly regular schedule so, on a day when he normally wouldn’t come to the set until much later, the director wanted to have Ruan Tian and Shao Chengyue secretly film the bed scene in the script.

Before long, the set was properly decorated, the lights were set up, and the scene was ready to be filmed. 

But who could have guessed that Qin Yu, this big boss who couldn’t be refused, would suddenly arrive on set? He leisurely strolled over and directly sat down in the director’s chair. He glanced around and saw how the set had been prepared today and let out a low chuckle. 

The director reached up to wipe away some sweat that did not exist from his forehead, then smiled and said, “Boss Qin, you’re really early today.”

Qin Yu gave a faint smile, “I’m usually not afraid of being late, but if I were late today wouldn’t I have missed this exciting scene?”

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F**k, why were this man’s words always so prickly? The director silently lamented.

The director was in a dilemma. He didn’t know if he should continue, or if he should just directly stop filming the scene. He felt a headache coming on. 

Everyone stopped their work and looked at him in unison.

The director felt covered in cold sweat. Why did things have to be so f**king difficult? 

Qin Yu looked at Ruan Tian, who was wrapped in a bathrobe with a small tube top that exposed her exquisite collarbones inside. He smiled faintly and said, “Aren’t you supposed to be filming the bed scene today? Go ahead.”

Ruan Tian wasn’t someone who could take that kind of provocation lying down, so she directly pulled off the belt of the bathrobe and gave Shao Chengyue a look before shouting, “Hurry up! ! ! I can’t wait to film the bed scene! ! !”

Qin Yu’s face immediately turned green with anger.

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