Qin Yu slowly stripped off his suit coat and tossed his tie onto a nearby sofa as if he were completely serious. 

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Ruan Tian took a few steps backward and Qin Yu continued to approach step by step. With a slight push, he pushed her down onto the sofa.

The powerful aura that this man always emitted seemed to envelop her, and his exquisite features slowly enlarged before her eyes as he moved closer. He reached down with one hand and wrapped it around her waist before saying in a hoarse voice, “What do you think, Teacher Ruan?”

Ruan Tian was shocked by the strength of the arm around her waist. How could this sickly young master, who usually had to run to the hospital every two or three days, have so much strength?

Qin Yu was practically recreating the bed scene from that day. His fingers traced along her waist and his warm breath landed on her ears. His free hand reached down and touched her leg, and his other arm tightened and pulled their faces very close together. 

Ruan Tian suddenly lashed out powerfully with her leg and kicked him away. She growled: “Scram!” 

Qin Yu had been kicked squarely in the chest, but he wasn’t annoyed at all. In fact, the anger he had been feeling in his heart recently actually dissipated a great deal.

Ruan Tian stood up and walked over to the door. She pulled it open and, very impolitely, said, “Qin Yu, please get out.”

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But how could Qin Yu be so easy to get rid of? He sneered and said: “What are you so upset about? Shao Chengyue can do it, but I can’t?”

Ruan Tian’s eyes swept his body and sent a meaningful glance to a certain place before she said, “That’s right, you can’t.” 

She paused for a moment and then continued gingerly, “If you don’t have the ability, you really can’t.”

Could a man like this who was sickly and constantly hospitalized actually do that? Ruan Tian knew it was impossible without even having to think! 

Qin Yu couldn’t tell if she was deliberately provoking him or not, but his lips couldn’t help but twitch and say, “Have you tried it yourself?”

Ruan Tian had spoken without thinking, she hadn’t meant to humiliate him by touching on his sore spot like that. But when she heard his reply, her next words choked in her mouth and her face flushed red. She tried to pretend to be calm and scolded loudly, “You are really shameless!”

Of course, in front of Ruan Tian, it seemed Qin Yu could really say anything. He immediately shot back, “Would you like to try?” 

Ruan Tian couldn’t stand this any longer. “You! Get out of here!”

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She quickly went forward and began pushing and shoving until she managed to force Qin Yu out of the door. Meanwhile, one of the hotel workers who was delivering room service to another room with a food cart happened to see this scene and couldn’t help but stare at the two of them blankly.

After all this scuffling, Qin Yu’s clothes were a bit disheveled and crumpled. It was really enough to let a person’s imagination run wild. 

However, he just leaned lazily against the frame of Ruan Tian’s door shamelessly, allowing the worker to stare at the scene as much as they liked.

“Sorry to disturb you…”

The worker felt that she had stumbled across the scene of a woman chasing a man away after doing the deed, and she couldn’t help but blush with shame.

Ruan Tian: “…”


Thanks to the pressure of having Qin Yu around every day, the filming process on set ended up going much faster than expected and it looked like they would be wrapping everything up within the next couple of weeks.

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And, no matter how Ruan Tian tried to explain, the rest of the crew all agreed that this scary ancestor who came to spy on the set almost every day was definitely her boyfriend.

Meanwhile, the director was just counting the days until he could finally be done with this project. He was really tired of being forced to interact with Qin Yu, this scary young master whose thoughts were always unfathomable. 

On the final day of the shooting, had it not been for city regulations forbidding anyone from setting off fireworks, the director really would have bought a bunch of fireworks to launch in celebration.

Qin Yu actually didn’t come on the last day, but he did send Ruan Tian a bouquet of flowers via a florist’s shop. 

The bouquet was composed of roses with thorns.

Ruan Tian just left it on a random table and didn’t care about it anymore, the same as she had done to that pot of Pennywort Qin Yu had given her on her birthday all those years ago. Even now she had no idea which corner she had thrown it away to.

Shao Chengyue took the initiative to wrap an arm around her shoulder and bring her to take some final photos. The two of them held a bouquet of flowers sent by the fans, leaned against each other, faced the camera, and smiled. The camera clicked and flashed.  

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The fans were all very excited when the picture was released online.

Shao Chengyue’s fans and Ruan Tian’s family all seemed to get along harmoniously, and mutually agreed to turn a blind eye to the obnoxious CP fans who were still sometimes making a ruckus.

After all, they couldn’t let their displeasure with those annoying fans spill over onto their idols as well.

The comments were full of praise.

“Looking at these photos, I suddenly feel that this movie won’t be as bad as I thought.”

“TianTian looks very sweet when she smiles.” 

“I can understand why so many men revolve around her. With that kind of face, it would be harder for men not to like it.”

“I haven’t seen new photos from my TianBaby for almost a month. My gratitude to the crew for releasing these photos to satisfy our cravings!”

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