After working with them for so long on the film, the director’s impression of Shao Chengyue and Ruan Tian had completely changed. Ruan Tian didn’t have all sorts of messy things going on in her personal life like in the rumors and actually just worked hard and kept a low profile, and Shao Chengyue wasn’t frosty and aloof like in the rumors either. In fact, Shao Chengyue would be the first one to offer to treat people to a meal on usual days, and he got along very well with the crew without putting on any airs or showing much temper.

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The director stood between the two, put his arms around their shoulders, smiled, and said, “Come on, take another picture.”

Even after taking the final group photo, the director was still reluctant to part with these two. After all, he had been in the entertainment industry for a while and was more used to actors who were snobbish and stuck up. He knew that there really weren’t that many opportunities to meet actors like this who had such a good temper, so he was reluctant to see them go.

The director wiped away a few non-existent tears, patted Ruan Tian hard on the shoulder, and said, “Teacher Ruan, I really don’t want to see you leave.”

Ruan Tian replied and comforted him “Director, I’m also very reluctant to part.” After a pause, she continued, “After all, I’m going to raise my prices again soon. You may not be able to afford me in the future, so it will be hard for us to meet again.”

The director: “…”

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At the final farewell banquet for the crew, everyone ate until they were full and drank a lot of wine. Even Ruan Tian, who was very bad with alcohol, drank a few glasses when prompted by the shouts and encouragement of the rest of the crew. Before long, her face was glowing scarlet and her ears were tinged with red.

The director also had a few too many to drink and ended up speaking more openly than he usually would. He hugged Ruan Tian and burst into tears. “Those people online are all saying that our movie will definitely flop! They haven’t even seen the movie yet, why do they have so much to say about it? There are anti-fans tirelessly scolding me and calling me rubbish day and night. F**k! I really want to become an internet warrior and directly to scold those people to death! ! !”

Ruan Tian had also been vigorously scolded by netizens in the past, the kind that would curse her to immediately leave the entertainment industry and other such things. 

Thus, she could sympathize with the director’s feelings. She drunkenly sighed and said, “Anyway, as soon as the internet cable is unplugged those netizens will f**k off…” 

The director was very drunk and who knew whether he heard her or not. 

At around 10:00 p.m. Ruan Tian stumbled out of the hotel and stood by the side of the road to look for her assistant’s car. However, before she could find it another car pulled alongside her and invited her in. After pondering for a moment, Ruan Tian got inside. 

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It was Shen Shu’s car and, for him, this was a rare difficult moment in his life. He usually put a lot of effort into maintaining his image and protecting his face, so this move was uncharacteristic for him.  

After all, it was nothing glorious for he, the ex-husband, to insist on trying to entangle himself with his ex-wife like this.

Ruan Tian rolled her window down and let the cold wind blow inside for a while. She looked indifferently out the window and her face began to feel a bit cold and numb in the wind. Finally, she asked, “Shen Shu, is there a reason you came to find me this time?”

Shen Shu was silent for a while. His long, slender fingers tapped against his armrest and his handsome face was expressionless.  

Ruan Tian turned to look over at the man’s profile, but at the same moment, he happened to look over as well. Their eyes met.

Shen Shu couldn’t help but remember that night back then. That night Ruan Tian had been softly sobbing, her eyes had been filled with tears, and she had been grabbed uncertainly at the hem of his shirt, pulling him closer.

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At the time, he had been very angry, but when he had seen Ruan Tian’s out-of-control appearance, he still hadn’t been able to stop himself from embracing her.

However, it turned out that Ruan Tian wasn’t the one who had set up the situation. No wonder she had cried so helplessly at that time.

Shen Shu’s throat was felt dry and itchy. He asked, “Do you know who gave you that drug back then?”

Ruan Tian broke eye contact and looked down. She said slowly, “En, I know.” 

She figeted and kept her eyes on her feet, then said, “Even if I had explained things to you back then, you wouldn’t have believed it. If I told you it was Zhou Xiaoqiao, you would have only thought that I was maliciously trying to slander her.” 

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Shen Shu felt choked by that response and had no retort.

After all, he knew himself. If she really had tried to explain back then, he knew that things would have gone just as she said.  

Shen Shu couldn’t stop himself from looking at her soft white cheeks and deep black eyes. His eyes grew distant. She really didn’t look much different now compared to how she had back at 17.

That same stubbornness was still there.

He suddenly felt that he should have realized from the start that he was not qualified to try to get Ruan Tian back.

In the past, it had always been him who had abandoned Ruan Tian and pushed her away, so he knew that he shouldn’t be so ugly, trying to stalk after her while thinking and hoping that she might turn around.

And now he finally realized that she just… didn’t love him anymore.

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