In fact, Ruan Tian had actually told him this fact several times, but Shen Shu had never believed it until now. 

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Unexpectedly, Shen Shu found that he could accept it calmly, with barely a ripple in his heart. Perhaps he had always known. 

He endured the tightness in his chest and said, “I was blind back then. I misjudged you.”

Ruan Tian didn’t know what to say in response to that, so she just shut up.

Out of the corner of her eye, she happened to notice something shining on his finger. Looking closely, it was their wedding ring.

Ruan Tian thought for a moment, then said, “There’s no need to keep wearing that ring.”

Shen Shu’s face darkened a shade and he made a vague grunt of acknowledgment. However, he had no intention of taking it off.

The car was a high-end model, so the ride was smooth and fairly quick.

As they pulled in front of Ruan Tian’s apartment building, she suddenly spoke up again: “Shen Shu.”

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“All the misunderstandings between us have been solved.”

“I’ve already put it down, and I hope you can put it down as well.”

Shen Shu’s slender fingers curled up and clenched into fists. His heart ached as he listened to say those words in such a flat and unaffected tone. 

He already knew. He was the one in the wrong. He was like a madman who could only try to cling to a past that was already long gone.

Even in his own eyes, his hypocritical face, his ridiculous actions, they were almost too ugly to look at. 

But, even knowing all that, Shen Shu couldn’t help himself.

The memories that plagued his mind were out of his control. At night, he almost couldn’t sleep anymore. Sometimes he even thought that it would have been better if Ruan Tian had never returned to the Zhou family at all. 

If she had never been brought back, then there would never have been a timid girl looking at him from the staircase every time he went to the Zhou villa to pick up Zhou Xiaoqiao. There would never have been a bold girl following him around wherever he went and trying to chase him romantically. 

After she got out of the car, Ruan Tian really couldn’t help but feel that she was really the biggest idiot the author had written into this novel world. She was really too kind for her own good! 

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She could even say nice things to her ex-husband with a pleasant face and sincerity in her heart.

Shen Shu was silent for a few seconds and then got out of the car with his usual frosty expression. His long legs strode over to the small woman who had also gotten out of the car. He caught her by the arm, then tugged her around and pulled her person into his arms.

Ruan Tian blinked and had a blank expression, but she didn’t struggle. 

She just looked up at the distant sky and, without any particular fluctuations in her emotions, said very calmly: “Shen Shu, I used to dream of the day you would hug me sincerely like this.”

“In fact, to tell you the truth, I was quite happy with that one-night stand back then. I was really happy when we got married, and I even picked out names for the two children we would have. I used to fantasize about the wonderful life our little family of four would live after marriage. I used to have delusions you would one day direct your smile at me, that you would one day hug me like this.”

Her tone of voice didn’t fluctuate, and she spoke very flatly as if what she was talking about was just something unimportant, “But now there’s really no need.” 

After all, this hug… came too late.

Shen Shu felt a burst of sourness in his nose, and the hands that were wrapped around her waist could not help trembling.

Shen Shu slowly loosened his grip and released her. He suddenly became restrained and polite and, after struggling, managed to force two words from his throat, “I’m sorry.”

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Ruan Tian didn’t respond. She didn’t care much about Shen Shu’s sudden hug, except that she was a little afraid she might have been photographed by paparazzi again. That would mean she would end up in the news again. 

After all, she was very famous these days.

It couldn’t be helped. 

These were the struggles of famous people ah. 

The world of the stars on top was wonderful in this way.

Meanwhile, Qin Yu had waited in front of the door to Ruan Tian’s apartment for a long time. The temperature out in the corridor was low and his face seemed a bit flushed and unhealthy. 

As soon as Ruan Tian came out of the elevator, she saw him standing there.

Qin Yu coughed twice with a hoarse voice. When he heard the elevator he looked up. His face was pale and his lips were white, as if he were ill again, but his dark eyes still burned brightly as they stared at Ruan Tian. He asked slowly: “Don’t you still like roses?”

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Ruan Tian suddenly couldn’t help but think that Qin Yu’s eyes were very beautiful. The edges of his eyes curved ever so slightly upward, his eyelashes were long, but also dark and straight, and the black of his pupils was somehow deep and unfathomable.

However, speaking of the bouquet of roses, Ruan Tian had left them back on the set without much thought. Probably they had been swept away by a janitor by now. 

Of course, Qin Yu didn’t actually need to wait for her answer. He even felt that his question just now was complete nonsense. After all, her hands were empty and she wasn’t carrying anything. In addition, from what he understood of her temper, she had probably already thrown away the bouquet he sent long ago.

He smiled self-mockingly, but his tone was acidic as usual as he asked: “Where did you throw it away?”

Ruan Tian said, “I didn’t throw it away.”

Qin Yu raised an eyebrow and said, “Then where are the flowers?”

Ruan Tian replied confidently, “I don’t care.”

Qin Yu hummed coldly and wore an unhappy expression. However, his presumptuous attitude just made Ruan Tian angry. She tilted her head and asked, “Do you think your flowers are a big deal? Should I be treating them like a treasure?” 

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