Qin Yu didn’t immediately respond to Ruan Tian’s slightly venomous words. As she looked at him, Ruan Tian suddenly realized that he seemed very unwell. 

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In fact, Qin Yu’s doctor hadn’t agreed to discharge him from the hospital today at all, but Qin Yu had insisted and no one had been able to persuade him. 

His illness was chronic, one of the so-called “rich man’s diseases” that required long periods of rest and expensive foods and supplements in order to slowly nourish him back to health, so it wasn’t good for his health to willfully run around outside like this.

And he had been waiting for Ruan Tian out in the cold corridor despite his poor health all this while, so by now, he had already begun to run a low fever.

When she noticed how ill he looked, Ruan Tian took two steps forward and started to say something but, before she could speak, Qin Yu suddenly collapsed against her, his large body limp and heavy.

Ruan Tian patted his face and asked, “Qin Yu, are you all right?”

Fortunately, Qin Yu hadn’t completely fainted. He managed to raise his eyes and, between uneven and labored breaths, he said: “Fine.”

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Ruan Tian struggled to support his tall frame with one arm and clumsily opened her door with the other. After a great deal of struggle she managed to drag him over to the sofa and lay him down. The whole time his brows stayed tightly furrowed and he seemed only semi-concious, looking very ill at a glance. 

In fact, there weren’t many times that Ruan Tian had personally seen Qin Yu when he was ill like this. Back when they were in school together, she had mostly just heard from other people that “Qin Yu had asked for leave again” or “Qin Yu went to hospital again”.

She had often heard such things, but never really seen it herself. Moreover, usually whenever she was him he was always acting as his usual cold and arrogant self. Sometimes he would look a bit pale or sickly, but she had never seen him fall down like this.

Ruan Tian touched his forehead and murmured, “You seem to have a fever.”

Qin Yu gave a faint hum, then turned and immediately hugged her from behind, resting his chin lazily atop her shoulder.

The back of her neck exuded a faint yet fresh fragrance. Qin Yu seemed almost delirious and couldn’t help but rub his face against her neck before muttering vaguely, “Do you really not like roses?”

Ruan Tian was speechless. Her expression was completely helpless and resigned. 

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Qin Yu’s eyes drifted shut and he said slowly, “But back then I clearly saw it… you secretly bought roses for yourself.”

It happened a few years ago. As Qin Yu recalled, it was probably Valentine’s Day.

Qin Yu had been squatting outside the convenience store where Ruan Tian was working at the time. He had been there for hours, hiding in the dark and enduring the beating of the cold wind.

Finally, Ruan Tian had finished work and had come out of the store, so he had quietly followed behind her. Then he watched her go into a flower shop that was just about to close and buy herself a bouquet of roses.

In fact, Ruan Tian herself had almost forgotten about this incident.

She was stunned for a moment, then exclaimed, “How do you know so much!”

Qin Yu shifted and changed to a more comfortable posture that brought his lips closer to her ear. Then he seemed to hum with satisfaction.

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After a long moment, Ruan Tian sensed that the man holding her seemed to have fallen asleep and his grip on her had slackened enough that she could easily escape.

Ruan Tian quickly stood up, then went to fetch some antipyretic medicine from her medical kit and poured a glass of water. She went back to the couch, grabbed Qin Yu’s chin, then rudely stuffed the medicine into his mouth and gave him two mouthfuls of water. Then she took a quilt from the bedroom and covered him up with it.

It had been a long day, so once all that was done Ruan Tian just washed her face and directly went to sleep without even looking at her phone.

She quickly fell asleep and had no idea about anything going on online.


Meanwhile, the director had also managed to drunkenly stumble away from the farewell party. When he got home, he logged into Weibo and immediately saw the thousands of insulting comments and private messages about him or Ruan Tian that had accumulated since the last time he checked.

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And, with the stimulation of the alcohol in his system, the emotions the director had been suppressing for many days suddenly burst out! 

He was true to his word and became an internet warrior.

He found all those people who were scolding him and started to scold them back – actually, you guys are the ones who are stupid!

He even continuously made posts directed toward high-profile accounts of influencers and reviewers who had been mocking his film:

【Today you love to ignore and mock me, but tomorrow you won’t even be qualified to try to cling to my thighs! 】

【My new movie ‘The Eldest Young Miss is Here’ is awesome. I’ve left a link right here. The box office will be starting at 3 billion and it won’t be capped! 】

【Teacher Ruan is a box office myth, you know? She is the future Movie Queen. That is to say, she has vision! That is to say, she has market appeal! That is to say, she is beautiful and has good acting skills! If you don’t like it, too f**king bad! 】

Unfortunately, the director’s “retaliation” only managed to suddenly stir up a huge hornet’s nest…

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