Once people saw the director “striking back”, there was immediately a steady stream of sarcasm and abuse directed towards him from all sides.

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“How dare a tiny 18th-tier director say such things? It makes me speechless.”

“Why is he suddenly trying to promote Ruan Tian? It seems that Ruan Tian has now hugged a new thigh lmao”

“Do you not know of Ruan Tian’s ‘amazing skills’? Back before she was famous she would spend every day trying to cling to Xu Jing’s thighs, but he would always just ignore her and never reply to her comments or reciprocate when she liked his posts. Of course, later on when she became famous Ruan Tian immediately stopped recognizing the people she used to know and only went on to try to find new thighs to hug.”

“I can already see that Ruan Tian will be using Shao Chengyue and the director as her stepping stones this time.”

“Conclusion: Director, you should just die, and so should Ruan Tian.”

The director was very drunk so he became so enraged that, if it hadn’t been for the fact that Weibo was absolutely necessary for his job, he would have definitely uninstalled this junk software!

He had already been bottling things up for so many days, so when he saw these comments he just directly scolded the netizens back: 【 I think you are the one who should die. Was I born just for you to casually scold me? You idotic netizens who think you are so smart should just directly ascend and leave my happy planet behind. 】

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The next morning, Ruan Tian woke up and finally checked her phone. She was really surprised to see how the director and the netizens had ended up scolding each other all night long without any breaks at all. It wasn’t until nearly 8:00 a.m. that they finally seemed to have called a truce.

However, all this vigorous scolding and counter-scolding directly propelled Ruan Tian to the place where the wind and waves were strongest.

Ruan Tian briefly glanced through the comments to see the situation of the “war” and ended up feeling a little bit impressed. She really hadn’t expected that the director’s combat effectiveness was so amazing!

Of course, her own Weibo account was also blowing up.

There were many people who dropped in to scold her, and also many fans who dropped in to comfort her.

But Ruan Tian had already deactivated her private messages a long time ago, and she also had no interest in trying to purposefully ruin her mood by reading the comments, so after less then a minute of browsing she set the phone down again. 

Then she went into the bathroom to wash up. After she got dressed and came out, she noticed there was a new WeChat message on her phone, reminding her not to forget to do the live broadcast she had scheduled.

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Ruan Tian had almost forgotten this matter, so the reminder was actually very timely.

She had been filming the new movie for the last two months or so, which meant that she had gone “missing” in the eyes of the fans. After all, she had suddenly stopped doing the things that kept the fans aware of her like posting on Weibo or going on variety shows.

Thus, Jiang Lili had asked her to do some live broadcasts for the benefit of her fans.

Ruan Tian studied the live broadcast software for a while and, after more or less figuring out how it worked, she found the icon for a phone broadcast, debugged the camera, and then tied her messy hair back into a ponytail.

Then, at around 11:00 a.m., Ruan Tian began her first ever live broadcast.

In the first shot, she was upside down and looking down at the camera. There weren’t any filters or beautification apps used, but her skin still looked soft, white, and delicate, and her lips were a healthy rose color.

Ruan Tian was a little nearsighted, so she brought the phone close for a moment, causing her soul-stirring beauty to be magnified on the screen.

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Ninety percent of the people who came to watch the broadcast were her fans.

“I can’t believe this is finally happening. I thought I would have to wait the rest of my life before seeing our TianBaby do a live broadcast.”

“This bedroom is so cozy! The pink is so cute, and I think I can see a doll sent by a fan at the bedside?”

“Sister Ruan is so exquisite and beautiful even at home! Sure enough, no matter when or where, a fairy always looks good.”

Ruan Tian’s expression didn’t show any fluctuation. Over time she had developed the ability to accept all kinds of rainbow farts easily and with equanimity.

The popularity of Ruan Tian’s stream immediately began to shoot up in real time. Even many men ended up stumbling into the stream and, seeing that the streamer was so beautiful, they began sending gifts crazily.

“Is this streamer new here? F**k, she’s so beautiful.”

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“How many gifts can I send via Wechat?”

Ruan Tian wasn’t sure what to say in front of the camera. It was a bit before lunchtime,  so she had the dumplings and soup that she had just cooked at the side. She took a sip of the soup and said, “It seems that many fans don’t quite understand why I agreed to star in ‘The Eldest Young Miss is Here’. Well, actually, I felt that the script was really interesting when I first read it. I think everyone should like it.”

“By the way, the director is very nice. He doesn’t lose his temper on the set like in the rumors.”

“A boyfriend? Not really. Don’t believe the messy gossip you see online.”

“Especially that Qin Yu. It’s impossible between us. There’s no such thing.”

Ruan Tian continued to speak casually to the camera and ate two more dumplings before she felt a little full. She stretched and was about to continue chatting with her fans when all of a sudden…

The bedroom door behind her opened, and a pale and expressionless man fearlessly walked into the frame. 

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