The man was, of course, Qin Yu. After having a good sleep and eating Qin Yu looked much better than he had the night before. 

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Their eyes met. 

Ruan Tian was shocked and didn’t have time to block the camera with her hand.

Before she could react, Qin Yu had already walked to her side and, with a strong sense of tiredness in his voice, he asked: “Where is the bathroom?”

The chat immediately exploded.

Comments filled the chat, and the barrage comments scrolled wildly.

It was just row after row of incredulous ‘wtf’.

Ruan Tian herself also wanted to say ‘wtf’! 

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This Qin Yu had been completly dead to the world since last night and wouldn’t wake up no matter how she called him this morning! But now he decided to wake up at the worst possible moment?

Before Ruan Tian could blurt of the “Scram!” that immediately appeared in her mind, Qin Yu suddenly said, “Oh, there it is.” 

Then he turned and disappeared behind the bathroom door. The sound insulation of Ruan Tian’s bathroom wasn’t very good, so a moment after Qin Yu went inside the clear sound of water flowing came from inside. 

Ruan Tian’s old face had already turned completely red.

It seemed her first live broadcast had a rather major incident.

Finally, she braved turning her head back to the camera and said to her fans, “Ah, anyway, let’s continue.”

“Now that I’ve finished filming, I want to take a short break, and then I’m going to take part in the film festival. Whether I can win Movie Queen or not, I will accept either outcome.”

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However, after this incident, no matter what she talked about the comments that appeared in the chat were all related to Qin Yu.

“Isn’t that Qin Yu?”

“They’re living together wuwuwu.”

“I’m going to commit suicide.”

“What kind of harmful rubbish is Qin Yu? He doesn’t deserve our TianBaby.”

“Damn it, our TianBaby is already cohabitating.”

Ruan Tian finally wanted to just directly turn off the live broadcast.

It seemed this time was a failure.

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In the end, she clicked the button at the top and closed the software. Then she turned to Qin Yu, who had just finished washing up, and said, “Can’t you go back to your own apartment next door to brush your teeth?”

Qin Yu glanced at her and said faintly, “You have already taken off my clothes, how could I have the nerve to act like an outsider with you now?”

“When did I take off your clothes? It was just a coat. Don’t speak nonsense and accuse the innocent.”

Qin Yu fell silent for a long time, then said, “In fact, you could have also taken off my pants. If you really can’t control yourself, I won’t resist.”

Ruan Tian: “You! Just go to hell! Go quickly!”

In the end, Ruan Tian successfully drove Qin Yu out of her home. He had come down with a high fever last night and even fainted, and she had taken him in out of the kindness of her heart. But who would have guessed that he would immediately bite that hand that fed him by stabbing her in the back the moment he woke up in the morning? 

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Ruan Tian could practically already see the headlines. It was going to be almost impossible to wash herself of the rumors that put her together with Qin Yu after this incident. 

Meanwhile, Qin Yu’s fever actually hadn’t completely subsided yet and the color hadn’t completely returned to his face. Despite that, Ruan Tian still threw his suit coat over him and pushed him all the way out the door from the bedroom. But Qin Yu wasn’t angry or annoyed by this, he just said a few more hooligan-like words on his way out and felt much better when he saw her choked and red face.

Once he got back home, Qin Yu casually cooked himself a simple breakfast and, for the first time in a long while, obediently took his medicine. However, his fever did not go down immediately and he still looked tired and sickly overall. His head felt very heavy, so he dragged himself to his bed, rolled himself up in his quilt, and went back to sleep. 

In the aristocratic family circles, even a faint breeze of gossip could quickly explode into a hurricane, so it wasn’t long before pretty much every member of the circle heard the news about Qin Yu and Ruan Tian. 

Of course, certain members of this group didn’t believe that Qin Yu and Ruan Tian could end up together. They felt that it would be impossible for the Qin family to ever let someone like Ruan Tian marry in.

However, after observing the situation in recent days, it seemed that Ruan Tian and Qin Yu were really dating and in love? 

Moreover, the Qin family didn’t seem to be taking any action to deal with the situation. It was as if they had no plans to meddle in the marriage of their eldest son, and had no plans to split the lovebirds apart. It seemed that maybe they planned to just leave Qin Yu to decide his own marriage. When they saw that, the people who had doubted things at first all began to shut up. 

It looked like Ruan Tian had somehow managed to fall off the high branch only to immediately fly up another, higher, branch!

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