After she finished shooting her most recent film, Ruan Tian put studying back onto her agenda. This time she was more determined than ever, and even signed herself up at a cram school.

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She firmly believed that diligence could make up for clumsiness! See if she wasn’t completely fluent in English before long!

As long she was diligent enough, mathematics, physics, chemistry… it would all be a cinch!

Of course, every time Ruan Tian went to her cram school, she would wear a mask to hide her identity. She was definitely the most transparent student in the class. Every time she stepped inside she would immediately sit in the corner and bury herself in her books. 

However, after she had been going to the cram school for half a month, Jiang Lili finally couldn’t stand it anymore and said, “You don’t really want to become an academic achiever, do you?”

Ruan Tian thought for a moment and then replied seriously, “I only know I really want to go back to school.”

Jiang Lili briefly calculated, then said, “There are only six months to go before the college entrance exams begin. Will you be prepared enough to be an examinee in time?”

Ruan Tian replied truthfully, “I don’t know.”

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She scratched her head and said in an annoyed tone, “I’m actually not very confident.”

Jiang Lili chuckled and said, “Then isn’t it useless for you to spend so much money to attend a cram school?”

Ruan Tian tapped her little head with her pen and said, “It’s not useless.” She fiddled her fingers and said, “I’ve improved a bit, probably from a score of 60 to a score of 90.”

Jiang Lili hadn’t been in school for a long time and couldn’t recall how everything worked, so she asked, “Out of what total score?”


“Why don’t we just quit now?”

However, Ruan Tian was much more confident than her and said, “I can see it’s been too long since you last went to school. Do you know what kind of concept getting a score of 90 in math is?”

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She continued on, shamelessly blowing her own trumpet, “This is actually a very good result. If I work hard for another six months, it probably won’t be a problem for me to get 140 points in the exam.”

Jiang Lili really couldn’t listen to this nonsense, “Stop. Stop bragging.”

Recently the days had been getting colder and colder, and there was even a thin layer of frost which had formed outside Ruan Tian’s glass windows.

However, her apartment was heated properly, so by wearing a sweater it didn’t feel cold at all. 

Jiang Lili sat on the sofa and held a pillow in her arms, then suddenly asked, “TianBaby, do you want to come to my house for the Chinese New Year this year?”

After all, it was too lonely to let her friend celebrate the Chinese New Year alone.

And, even if she thought with her toes, Jiang Lili knew that Ruan Tian wouldn’t be able to go back to the Zhou family to celebrate. 

Ruan Tian paused for a moment before responding, “Eh, no thank you.”

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If she really went back with Jiang Lili to her family to celebrate the Cheinse New Year, it would only make the rest of Jiang Lili’s family uncomfortable.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come?”

“No.” Ruan Tian said solemnly, “I want to study.”

It wasn’t as if Jiang Lili could force her, so she only said, “All right then.” 

Ruan Tian continued to go to cram school every day. Of course, secretly, the reason she was so diligent in attending wasn’t because she was so in love with learning, it was actually simply because she felt that if she didn’t go, wouldn’t her tens of thousands of yuan in tuition fees have been lost in vain! ? 

However, the effects weren’t as good as she hoped. Although her performance did indeed improve, every math test was still stuck in the range of about 100 points.

At the same time, her grades in physics and chemistry were actually surprisingly good.

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But after attending the same cram school for so long, the inevitable finally happened and a fan recognized her. Unfortunately, a mask couldn’t cover her eyes or the upper part of her face after all! In the end, after meeting a certain girl’s eyes several times by chance, the girl actually recognized her. 

That girl was smart though, and she didn’t rashly approach Ruan Tian to ask for an autograph in front of everyone, instead, she secretly followed her and asked while they were alone.

@AWomanWhoJustWantsToStudyHard: This is really like a dream, but it seems that Ruan Tian and I are going to the same cram school!

Ruan Tian’s fans had heard about their idol’s ambitions, so they were psychologically prepared and weren’t too shocked when the girl made this post online. The fans were able to calmly accept the fact that their idol had semi-retreated from the circle in order to enter a cram school to study. In fact, many of them felt it wasn’t a bad thing to read more books.

However, there had been news that Ruan Tian had been expelled from her old school due to poor performance, so many people felt that she was just fooling around and wasting time. 

After all, passing the college entrance exams was not so easy! It wasn’t something you could do just because you wanted to.

And if she didn’t plan to take the art exam, that just meant it would be even more difficult.

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