Many people felt it was impossible for Ruan Tian to study hard enough to really pass the college entrance exams, while others weren’t so sure, but they all began commenting:

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“Can she even hold on for a few days before quitting?”

“I really don’t know what she’s trying to do this time.”

“Is there anything wrong with studying? Is she spending your money? Haters will always find something to pick at. Why can’t people just be kind? Why does everyone want to fight and scold people? Ah, the stench of contemporary netizens is foul!”

“I’m purely a passer-by, but why scold Ruan Tian? Is it wrong for others to want to learn? On the contrary, I think it’s a good thing. I hope all stars can follow this example so they can get a job after leaving the industry.”

The people making sarcastic remarks were quickly drowned out by people who felt learning and studying were good things, so they all shut up.

Ruan Tian realized that the fact she was attending cram school had been exposed, so she made a rare appearance on Weibo and posted: 【Report: Currently studying hard. 】

“You can do it, TianBaby! Go, go, go!”

“The exam is only a few months away, but still, don’t tire yourself out studying.”

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“I’m sure you can do well both in acting and in exams.”

The fans were much more confident than Ruan Tian herself it seemed.

Ruan Tian looked at all the comments below her post and had mixed feelings in her heart. After all this encouragement, wouldn’t it be very humiliating if she didn’t do well in the exams?

She could only double down and work even harder! She studied and studied until she was even seeing mathematics, physics, and chemistry in her dreams.

All of a sudden, the Chinese New Year had arrived.

One day when Ruan Tian went to the supermarket, she noticed that it was very lively and the store had even hung up large red banners with “Fortune” characters on them. Looking around, the market was very full of people, and they all seemed to be buying goods for the new year.

Ruan Tian bought her groceries as usual and then headed home, only to find Qin An waiting in front of her building. It looked like he had been waiting for quite a while. 

“Ruan Tian, you’re finally back? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” Qin An spoke as soon as he saw her.

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“Huh, when did I ask you to wait for me?”

Qin An glanced at the bag of groceries in her arms and then said, “My mother asked me to invite you to my house for dinner.”

“Not going.” 

“Don’t go too far.”

Ruan Tian walked straight past him without another word. However, as she was walking up the stairs, she happened to meet Qin Yu coming down. He stood above her on the stairs with a condescending expression. His hands were lazily stuck into his trouser pockets as he swept his gaze between Qin An and the expressionless Ruan Tian.

He let out a low chuckle and said in a clear tone: “What did I tell you? When you see her, you just need to take her straight into the car. No need to ask first.”

After all, even if you asked, it would just be in vain.

He knew from the start that there was no way Ruan Tian would agree.

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Qin Yu really understood Ruan Tian’s character, so he didn’t even need to think to know that she would refuse any invitation from the Qin family.

Ruan Tian looked up and her dark eyes fixed on his. She said, “Can you not be so self-righteous if you’re going to be a bully to this extent?” 

Qin Yu made his way down the stairs step by step, finally stopping on the step just above the one Ruan Tian was standing on. He looked down and found that, from this angle, his eyes were able to catch a glimpse of the girl’s slender neck, as well as the way her hair lazily fell around her ears.

“You really don’t want to go?”

Ruan Tian snorted and said, “Get out of the way. I’m going upstairs.”

Qin Yu suddenly reached out and caught her by the arm, then asked in a gentle voice: “Are you sure you don’t want to think about it?”


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Qin Yu reached out with his free hand and took the bag of groceries from her hands. The grip of his hand on her arm also tightened slightly, and he asked: “Just come along, it’s not like my mother will eat you.”

Ruan Tian: Is the issue here your mother! ? I just don’t want to see your face, okay? 

Of course, Ruan Tian, a person who was always straightforward and blunt with her words, didn’t bother to keep that thought to herself: “This has nothing to do with your mother.” She paused, then continued, “Mainly it’s you.”

Qin Yu didn’t bother to reply, he just pulled her over to the car and stuffed her in. Then he boarded the car as well, pushed down the button for the locks, and spoke to the driver in a cold voice:


After being “abducted” by Qin Yu, Ruan Tian was speechless and needed to take two deep breaths to calm herself down. Then she reached into her bag of groceries and took out a can of cola. She popped the tab, then tilted her head back and took two big gulps. 

Qin Yu watched her soft lips sipping from the can. Then he sent her a cold glare and said faintly, “Calm down, don’t hurt your fingers.” 

Ruan Tian rolled her eyes. But her small lily-colored fingers, which had been tightly gripping the can, subconsciously loosened.

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