The driver couldn’t help but silently take a few extra looks at the two people in the back seat through the rearview mirror.

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They were both sitting far apart from one another, with so much space inbetween them that a third person could easily be seated there. 

The Madam of the Qin family had personally asked him to drive over and pick this person up, so he knew she should be the future young madam of the household. But he was a bit surprised when he met the actual person. It seemed that the atmosphere between the two young people was not very harmonious. It could even be said that their relationship did not look very good.

Just when Ruan Tian thought Qin Yu was planning to stay silent for the entire rest of the ride, he suddenly spoke again: “My mother wants you to come eat the traditional buns with all of us this year.”

Qin Yu smiled as he spoke. It was a sincere and somehow joyful smile, unlike his usual contemptous smirk.

Ruan Tian only felt that it seemed Qin Yu’s temper had become a little better. His words and actions really weren’t as crazy as before.

He seemed almost like a normal person for the time being.

But she still didn’t want to speak with him, so she kept silent.

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Sitting up in the front seat, Qin An couldn’t help but take a peek back at both of them and saw this scene.

Before long, the car arrived at the Qin estate. Qin An slipped out ahead of the both of them. At the same time, a group of servants appeared to politely invite Ruan Tian inside.

Qin Yu’s mother had been busy preparing the New Year’s dumplings with the cooking auntie when she heard that they children had arrived. She washed the flour off of her hands, then went to the living room and greeted Ruan Tian and the group with a smile.

Seeing the different expressions on the three children in front of her, she immediately understood that the process of inviting Ruan Tian over might not have been so pleasant.

Mother Qin quickly went forward and took Ruan Tian by the hand. She said apologetically, “I was the one who asked Ah’Yu to invite you over for the Chinese New Year.”

Of course, she had also told him that if Ruan Tian did not want to come over, he should not force her.

But, obviously, neither of her two sons were such considerate people.

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In fact, Mother Qin had always been fond of Ruan Tian. Back during that year when the Zhao family brought her back, Mother Qin had found the young Ruan Tian adorable and couldn’t help but hug her. 

However, shortly after that, she had hurried off to go abroad, and she ended up never seeing the cute little girl again. 

Ruan Tian also felt that Mother Qin had a familiar sort of aura, and when the older woman took her hand, she felt warmth in her heart. 

Mother Qin added: “Don’t be so distant, you know auntie treats you like my own daughter.”

Qin Yu leaned against the door frame and his usual icy expression gradually melted. But when he heard his mother’s words, he chuckled and said unscrupulously, “Mom, I don’t have such a hobby like incest.”

Mother Qin glared at him and said, “Don’t talk nonsense! You go to the kitchen and help make dumplings.”

The Qin family had been very lively ever since Mother Qin had returned home from abroad.

They even went all out to celebrate the holidays and put up decorations all around the villa.

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Red lanterns had been hung up in the courtyards, and red paper was pasted up on every window.

Ruan Tian was a little reluctant to give up the warmth of Mother Qin’s hand, so she fell silent for a few seconds, but in the end, she still said, “Auntie…”

Before she could say anything, Mother Qin interrupted her, “Come on, let’s sit and talk first.”

Ruan Tian fell silent. She found she didn’t want to say something that would ruin the atmosphere.

She was too soft-hearted ah.

It was easy for her to act cold toward Qin Yu, but she really couldn’t act the same way toward his gentle and kind mother.

Mother Qin poured out a cup of hot tea for Ruan Tian, then asked, “I’ve heard a bit from Ah’Yu… are you planning to take the college entrance exams again?”

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Ruan Tian felt a bit too embarrassed to mention these things in front of her elders, so she only made a vague hum of acknowledgment. 

Mother Qin admired Ruan Tian’s spirit to say she was going to do something and then do her best to try to do it. She patted the younger woman’s head and said, “Auntie believes in you. I know you will be able to pass the exams.”

Then she smiled gently and continued, “Actually, it doesn’t matter if you don’t pass the exams this time. You can always try again next year. It’s fine as long as you put your heart into it.”

Ruan Tian’s little hand was held in Mother Qin’s hand this entire time. 

Her eyes wandered and she took a sip from the teacup. She really wasn’t good at chatting with elders like this.

Mother Qin kept speaking: “Although our Ah’Yu has a bad temper, his test scores have never been too bad. If there’s anything you have trouble with, you could ask him for advice.”

In fact, it was a bit more than “his test scores have never been too bad”. Qin Yu was a top student who had been invited to all of the top domestic colleges and universities immediately after he graduated. Despite how he had often been sickly and missed many days of school, it hadn’t impacted his scores on the college entrance exams at all.

Ruan Tian agreed with her mouth, but inside she had no intentions of ever going to Qin Yu for advice!

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