Meanwhile, Qin Yu obediently stayed in the kitchen to make dumplings. His skills were actually pretty good, and the dumplings were decently made and beautiful to look at.

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When the dumplings were finally done, it was nearly dinnertime.

The Qin family had a tradition of eating dumplings every new year’s eve. So once the dumplings were finished, Qin Yu would personally take them out and deliver them to the table.

However, before he took them out, he pondered for a moment. Finally, he selected the dumpling which had the “lucky” coin inside and put it into Ruan Tian’s bowl.

At the same time, Ruan Tian was looking at her phone and reading all the New Year’s greetings from her various friends. She replied to them all one by one, and then sat down beside Qin An.

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows but, in the end, he didn’t say anything prickly.

Father Qin also sat down at the head of the table, seemingly without the slightest curiosity about the fact that there was one more person at the table this year. 

“Let’s eat our dumplings first, I wonder who will be the lucky one this year.” Mother Qin said. 

Ruan Tian casually picked up the dumpling from her bowl, took a bite, and immediately felt something hard clink against her teeth. Her expression turned embarrassed and she silently spit out the coin.

Mother Qin smiled. “It seems that TianTian will have good luck next year.”

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Ruan Tian’s eyes brightened and she also felt that maybe her luck was turning for the better. 

Qin An watched this scene with suspicious eyes, but eventually, the calm expression on his brother’s face gradually dispelled his inner doubts.

Maybe Ruan Tian really did just have good luck? 

Halfway through dinner, everyone could suddenly hear the sound of fireworks.

They all looked out through the floor-to-ceiling windows and saw one batch of fireworks after another start to explode over the city.

Qin An also went to the family storehouse and began to move the fireworks and firecrackers the family had bought out into the yard.

The moment the fireworks the Qin family set off began to bloom overhead, another message appeared on Ruan Tian’s phone. 

Shen Shu: 【Happy New Year.】

Ruan Tian replied politely: 【You too.】

As she had said before, the past was already in the past. 

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There was nothing for her to avoid anymore. Even the hatred that she used to think that she would remember for the rest of her life had unknowingly disappeared.

Ruan Tian lowered her head to look at her phone and scan her friend’s Moments. She found they were all mostly posting images of New Year’s Eve dinners. Even Shao Chengyue, who had not posted a picture on Moments for nearly a year, posted a photo.

At the same time, things on Zhou Xiaoqiao’s side were abnormally silent.

Ruan Tian scrolled through these posts and silently liked them one by one.  

Jiang Lili had no idea Ruan Tian had been dragged over to the Qin estate to celebrate the New Year so, in the midst of her own celebration, she didn’t forget to send a consoling message: “TianBaby remember to eat something good tonight.”

There was even a big red packet of 6666 yuan attached. 

Ruan Tian generously sent an 8888 yuan red back back.

She also sent a message: “I’m at the Qin’s QAQ.”

“? !”

“The auntie who works for the Qin family is a good cook.”

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“Why did you go to the Qin family?”

Ruan Tian pondered how to reply and, after thinking for half a day, finally replied: “Eh, it must be because I’m just too popular.”

Jiang Lili also thought about it and felt it wasn’t a bad thing for her friend to spend New Year’s with the Qins. At least, it was better than spending it all by herself.

Around 7:00 p.m., Ruan Tian really couldn’t stay any longer and took the initiative to say goodbye: “Auntie, thank you for your hospitality tonight. I’ll go back first.”

Mother Qin didn’t want her to leave, so she quickly said, “It’s still early. If you want, why don’t you stay and play a round of mahjong with me?”

As soon as she spoke those words, Qin An had already asked someone to carry the mahjong table over.

Qin An pressed Ruan Tian on her chair, preventing her from standing up, and said, “What do you take our house for, some sort of den of wild beasts? Is it so scary? Won’t we lose all face as hosts if you leave in such a hurry?”

Ruan Tian snorted: “Psh, what face do you even have, Qin An?”

She silently added a last hit: “You have long been like a rat in the streets that everyone shouts and beats on sight.” 

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Qin An choked and felt speechless. Alas, there was nothing he could do to this person.

At the same time, Qin Yu went upstairs and took his medicine, then came back down a few minutes later. Soon, all four of them gathered around the mahjong table. 

Ruan Tian sat to Qin Yu’s left, and didn’t draw a single good tile for the entire first part of the same. Rather, it almost seemed like she was purposefully throwing the game as she unintentionally sent tiles Qin Yu needed to him one after another. 

Qin Yu smirked and said, “Ruan Tian, could it be that you have a crush on me?”

Ruan Tian rolled her eyes and said: “My ass I would have a crush on you.” 

Qin Yu’s fingers gently rubbed across the tiles in front of him and he said slowly: “It’s just you were in such a hurry to send all of this to me, it made me think you had a crush on me.”

Ruan Tian pretended to be calm and retorted, “Well, I already have so many good tiles, it’s not a problem to toss a few away to chase off a beggar.” 

Qin An finally couldn’t hold back and doubled over with laughter.

In the end, Ruan Tian lost so badly that she was completely losing her composure. They had been playing for an hour and she hadn’t gotten many good tiles at all, her mentality was about to collapse.

Meanwhile, Qin Yu had a huge pile of winnings in front of him. He chuckled happily, looking like a sunny and handsome man for a moment, and said, “Tsk tsk, Fairy Ruan, you’re really too generous. You’ve opened my eyes to what a wealthy person is, really let this beggar here pick up a bargain.”

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