Hearing Qin Yu’s gloating, Ruan Tian finally couldn’t stand it anymore and said: “I want to change seats!”

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Qin Yu straightened up and lazily rose from his seat while saying, “I’ll trade with you.”

After changing seats, Ruan Tian’s luck really seemed to have improved and she managed to draw good tiles one after another. 

As the saying went, time would fly when you were having fun. 

By the time Ruan Tian recovered from her excitement, she looked up and realized that it was already reaching the wee hours of the morning.

In less than five minutes, they would officially enter the New Year. 

Mother Qin’s energy had begun to flag by this point, so as soon as the current round was over she announced she was going to go upstairs and rest. Before she left, she didn’t forget to say to Ruan Tian, “Why don’t you stay in the guest room tonight? You can have Ah’Yu take you back tomorrow morning.”

Ruan Tian said, “Er, it’s okay. I can take a taxi back.”

Mother Qin smiled and said, “Where are you going to find a taxi at this hour?” 

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Then, with one minute left before the New Year, Qin An insisted on dragging her out into the yard to set off some more fireworks. Ruan Tian acted disinterested and mocked Qin An for being childish, but she still went out in the end.

As midnight arrived, the fireworks and firecrackers launched by the city crackled and exploded overhead.

The moment Ruan Tian tilted her head to look up at the starry sky that was being painted red by the fireworks above, Qin An snapped a quick photo and sent it to his brother.

Qin Yu silently saved the photo without a word. 

A few minutes after midnight, Qin Yu suddenly made a new post to his friend group: 【Lovely little girl, I wish you eternal happiness 【picture.jpg】】

The friend group he posted to happened to be one that Ruan Tian couldn’t see. 

Secretary: “Miss Ruan is really beautiful.”

General Assistant: “Beautiful +1.”

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A random other second-generation heir: “You two celebrated the Chinese New Year together? Are you getting married soon? !”

Shen Shu also happened to see Qin Yu’s post. He had drunk some wine tonight, and he went to stand in front of an open window to sober up a bit. His mother’s voice persuading him to go on some blind dates and meet someone new seemed to ring in his ears, but at the same time it was like that picture of Ruan Tian looking up at the fireworks had imprinted itself in his brain.

After a while, Shen Shu commented under Qin Yu’s post with only two words: “Show off.”

Most people in the aristocratic circle didn’t think too much and merely found it amusing to watch this kind of classic “old love and new love face-off” drama happening in real-time.

Of course, neither of the two men involved were pushovers, so there was definitely quite a show to watch. 

Meanwhile, Qin Yu also saw the message Shen Shu had posted, but he didn’t feel upset. Why would he care if that man decided to obliquely mock him online? Wasn’t Ruan Tian still here in his home? 

A quarter of an hour passed before the sound of fireworks over the capital gradually faded and came to an end.

Ruan Tian watched attentively the whole time. As the fireworks faded from the sky, she felt a bit melancholic. On the side, Qin An sneezed and rubbed his long-frozen hands together for warmth. When the two people turned and began to head back to the house, Qin An suddenly spoke up and asked, “Are you going to sleep in the guest room tonight?”

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Ruan Tian denied immediately, “I’m going home.”

Qin An sounded very surprised, “What? Why do you want to go home?”

“Is there something wrong with what I said? Don’t I have the right to go home?”

Qin An looked up at the grandfather clock in the living room and then looked outside the window and saw it was already pitch black outside. He said helplessly, “What time is it now? ! Can’t you just give my brother some face?”

Ruan Tian gave an indifferent, “Hmph.”, and then said, “I was already giving face to auntie by not falling out with your brother on the spot.”

Ruan Tian mused silently.

It seemed that this was indeed the liveliest year in Ruan Tian’s 20-odd years of life, really filled with strange twists and turns.

However, that still didn’t mean that she would be willing to get along with Qin Yu for a whole day!

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Perhaps he knew he was the unreasonable one, but Qin An lowered his voice a few octaves before continuing: “My brother… he knows that he was wrong now.”

Ruan Tian’s expression remained indifferent. She merely grunted, “Oh.”, and then there was no more.

At that moment, Qin Yu came down the stairs and interrupted their conversation. He was a man who usually always gave off a frosty aura, but right now, under the warm yellow lights, he features seemed a bit softer and more amiable. As he came down the stairs, his eyes were fixed on the profile of the young woman in the living room. 

Qin Yu felt very reluctant to send Ruan Tian back. He asked softly, “How will you get back?”

Ruan Tian took out her phone and shook it around in her hand, “I’ll call a cab.”

After all, this was the capital!

This wasn’t some small eighteenth-tier city!

Even if it was New Year’s Eve, she could still easily call a cab at any time of night!

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